Lesson Plan Template (Short Version)

Marquette University
Lesson Plan Template (REVISED 8/15/13)
Lesson Title
Unit Title
Subject/Grade Level/Lesson Duration
Section A. Lesson Preparation
Rationale – Why is it important for students to learn the content of the lesson?
Objectives/Learner Outcomes and Assessments (formal and informal)
List the measurable learning outcomes (knowledge, skills, dispositions) that students are expected to demonstrate as a
result of the lesson? (Code for use below)
For each of the above outcomes, what ASSESSMENTS will you use to evaluate each of your learning outcomes? (Give a
brief description). (Code for use below)
Standards Addressed – Which Common Core State Standards (English/Language Arts, Math, and Disciplinary Literacy) or
Wisconsin model academic standards (Science, Social Studies, Foreign Language) are specifically addressed in the lesson? Please
list the number and text of the standard. If only a portion of a standard is being addressed, then only list the relevant part(s).
Materials/Resources/Technology – List all materials/resources/technology needed to support instructional procedures in this
Section C. Content/Procedures/Sequence
Content outline
Instructional strategies/learning tasks/sequence of activities
Code outcomes and assessments to
relevant parts of the lesson
Specifically identify instructional practices intended to actively engage students in learning[AE]
Specifically identify parts of the lesson that will be differentiated to accommodate diverse learners [D]
How will you introduce the lesson
Body of Lesson
How will you close the Lesson
What will be assigned? How will
it be assessed?
Identify any special considerations you need to attend to for this lesson:
Section E: Self-Assessment and Reflection
Was the lesson successful? What DATA or EVIDENCE support your conclusions?
Based on your conclusion above about what your students know and are able to do (individually and collectively), what
next steps in instruction are you planning?