CCAFL Heritage Languages * Annotated unit of work proforma

Heritage Korean unit of work
Note: Those elements marked with an asterisk are suggestions only.
Language: Heritage Korean
Target group: Preliminary
Indicative time: 30 hours
Issue: Young people and their relationships
Perspective(s): Personal; Community;
Context(s): Social and Community Settings; Contemporary
Literature and the Arts
Issue description: Students will consider their relationships with family, their connections with friends and the influence of international popular youth culture
on young people.
Focus area:
 The role of family and friends
 Popular youth culture
Students will explore:
traditional and modern families in both Australia and Korea
changes in modern family in relation to its size and relationships among family members
similarities and differences between Korean and Australian families
the generation gap and how to minimise it
the significance of friendship and the influence of friends across languages and cultures
pop culture in Korea and Australia and how it influences the attitudes and behaviours of young people today
a range of vocabulary and language structures that can be used to express ideas and information related to young people and their relationships
the nature of language, culture and identity
Objectives and Outcomes
Knowledge, understanding and skills
Students will:
1. interact with others to exchange meaning in spoken Korean,
applying knowledge and understanding of the relationships
between language, culture and identity
1.1 use strategies to maintain communication
1.2 exchange information and justify opinions and ideas
1.3 express personal opinions, emotions and feelings
1.4 present information and ideas appropriate to context, purpose and
At the completion of this course students will be able to:
 use vocabulary and expressions accurately and appropriately
 manipulate Korean to communicate effectively in a range of contexts, such as
conversations, speeches, reports, discussions, presentations and interviews
 express personal opinions, give reasons for actions or emotions, and justify or elaborate
on a point of view
 understand and apply knowledge of linguistic structures to expand and/or qualify a
© State of New South Wales through the NSW Department of Education and Training, 2010
1.5 recognise and use language appropriate to different cultural
1.6 develop bilingual and bicultural identity through interacting with
2. create texts to express meaning in written Korean, demonstrating
knowledge and understanding of the relationships between
language, culture and identity
2.1 sequence and structure information and ideas
2.2 use appropriate linguistic features and structures to convey
information, ideas, emotions and opinions
2.3 create texts in a variety of forms appropriate to a range of
contexts, purposes and audiences
2.4 apply knowledge of cultural concepts and perspectives to the
creation of texts
2.5 express ideas and opinions from a bilingual and bicultural
3. analyse spoken and written texts in Korean to interpret meaning,
examining and reflecting on relationships between language,
culture and identity
3.1 summarise information and ideas from texts
3.2 synthesise information and ideas from texts
3.3 infer points of view, opinions and attitudes expressed in texts
message or imply meaning
apply knowledge of intonation and register when interacting, with reference to context,
purpose and audience
apply knowledge of sociolinguistic conventions to select language appropriate to a
variety of social situations
understand the nature of culture and identity in interpersonal interactions
apply knowledge of honorifics and speech levels when interacting in different social
use resources to build vocabulary and check spelling and grammar
understand the principles of text organisation and structure to develop ideas coherently
and logically when constructing texts
sequence thoughts and structure ideas in a logical manner using complex language
manipulate Korean to communicate effectively in a range of contexts such as informal
and formal letters, articles, reports, applications, emails, blogs, essays, short stories and
multimedia presentations
apply a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures across a variety of contexts to
develop ideas and share information and opinions
extend knowledge of grammatical structures by accessing resources such as dictionaries
vary the structure and format of texts appropriate to context, purpose and audience
use culturally appropriate language when creating and presenting texts
express insights from a personal point of view and in comparison with those of others
apply knowledge of spacing to create written texts
apply word-processing skills in the use of input methods for Korean to create texts
understand a range of complex representations of ideas, information and opinions in
texts through listening, reading and viewing
compare and contrast aspects of texts on a similar topic and integrate ideas and
information to make a response
understand the relationships between ideas in texts to, for example, discriminate
between fact and fiction and between cause and consequence
use textual cues and their understanding of text structure to interpret meaning
apply knowledge of linguistic and stylistic features to infer meaning in texts
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3.4 respond to texts personally and critically
3.5 analyse the way in which culture and identity are expressed
through language
3.6 reflect on own and others’ values, beliefs, practices and ideas
expressed in texts.
Language structures:
3) Adjectives, e.g. 아름답다, 훌륭하다
4) Particles, e.g. …의, …으로, …처럼
express a point of view when responding to textsadapt linguistic features to persuade,
convince or discuss when responding to texts
analyse ways in which language and texts reflect and influence values and behaviours
reflect on and discuss diverse ideas, viewpoints and practices to deepen understanding of
self and others.
Key vocabulary:
1) Formal and informal polite form, e.g. …합니다, …해요, …해
2) Honorific form, e.g. 잡수시다
우정, 청소년, 십대, 사춘기, 가치 , 가문, 전통사회, 현대사회, 선배, 자유, 만족,
후배, 노력, 목표, 방황, 성숙, 소극적, 무시, 열정, 질투, 왕따, 한류, 사랑,
대중문화, K-pop, 실수, 인정, 개인적인, 학력, 대우, 명예, 출세, 성공, 책임,
범죄, 폭력, 약물남용, 자살, 대책, 연구,교육제도, 희생, 애정, 존중, 비판, 영향
© State of New South Wales through the NSW Department of Education and Training, 2010
Integrated teaching, learning and assessment activities:
Evidence of learning and feedback:
Part 1: Family
Introducing the issue: The teacher gives a survey question sheet for
students to answer individually, and then leads a discussion about
the role of family based on the students’ responses on survey.
Worksheet 1
The teacher introduces vocabulary for different types of families
such as extended, nuclear, blended and multicultural families. Each
student writes four or five words on the board in English describing
the relationship between young people and their families. The class
then makes a list in Korean and creates an English version of the
Students study the poems ‘아버지의 등’ and ‘어머니의 눈물’
Resource 1 and reflect on them by relating to the class positive
memories of their relationships with their parents. Students then
compare and contrast the two poems and later create a story based
on one of the poems.
Observe students’ oral presentation paying
attention to their use of language to express
Students study the short story 한석봉 어머니 Mother of Han Seok
Bong followed by a class discussion to identify the feelings
expressed in the story. Students then complete Worksheet 2 to
consolidate the vocabulary and structures used in the story and
respond to questions which require them to reflect on their
understanding of the story and the language features used in the
portrayal of the characters and the development of the story.
Checked competed Worksheet 2 and give
feedback on their understanding of the text.
Each student will have a vocabulary list in
Korean on the topic.
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Worksheet 1
English & Korean Dictionary
Resources 1: 아버지의 등
irect=Log&logNo=10096017685 ,
어머니의 눈물 (박목월)
639 , 아버지(싸이)
xJXCkV2JUQw 어머니 (G.O.D.)
가족 (이승환)
Worksheet 2
Students study the article ‘자녀들에게 물고기를 주지 말고
 Observer students ‘contribution in the course
of discussion
물고기 잡는 법을 가르쳐라.’ Worksheet 3 and consider the
expectations of their parents and the reasons behind them. They
 Diary entry, giving feedback on format and
then relate these ideas to their individual situations and write a diary
entry expressing their views on their parents’ expectations and their
effect on them.
Students view the dramas (or selected scenes from the films)
‘가문의 영광’ Honour of Family Resource 2 and ‘공부의 신’
God of Study Resource 3 to compare and contrast the two dramas
in the way family and relationships between family members are
presented in the dramas. Students reflect on their own family and
family relationships and share them with the class. Students choose
a character from one of the films and write that person’s diary entry
about an incident that occurred in the drama, describing their
relationships with the other characters, and their feelings at the
Students use the films to discuss traditional Korean families and
modern Korean families in groups. Stimulus questions includes as
follows: What are the differences? How and why have they
changed? How does this compare to Australian families? How are
roles, e.g. mother and father role in the family, similar or different
to Australian families? On completion of group discussion, students
summarise the findings from the discussion in Korean.
Students listen to a text about parental pressure on their children
and respond to questions in English. Worksheet 4
Students views the first 15 minutes and the last 10 minutes of the
Observe students’ participation in discussion.
Written annotations on diary entry.
Observe students’ participation in discussion.
Written feedback on student written
Check completed Worksheet 4 and give
feedback on their understanding of the text.
© State of New South Wales through the NSW Department of Education and Training, 2010
Worksheet 3
Resources 2: 드라마 ‘가문의
영광’ episode 37 ,
 Resources 3: 드라마 ‘공부의
신’ episode 16
Worksheet 4
drama, ‘공부의 신’ God of Study Resource 4, focusing on the
relationship between 홍찬두Hong Chan Do and his parents. They
then discuss the issues raised in the drama: How does this
relationship compare to the previous discussion (i.e. the traditional
and modern families and the role of parents etc)? The whole class
discusses the relationship. Students write an article for a Korean
student newspaper about the relationship between 홍찬두 Hong
Chan Do and his parents.
Group discussion: Each group of students is given a list of phrases
describing ways parents interact with their children. Students are to
number the phrases in order of their preferences and give reasons
for the order Worksheet 5. They then write a letter to a newspaper
expressing their view on how to minimise the generation gap and to
minimise it.
Observe students’ participation in discussion.
Written feedback on content and language of
Check completed Worksheet 5 and give
feedback on their understanding of the text.
Check completed Worksheet 6.
Resources 4: 드라마 ‘공부의
신’ episode 16 excerpt
Worksheet 5
Worksheet 6
Resources 5: 그림자 (신형건)
Part 2: Friendships and relationships
Brainstorming: Students do the quiz on the Worksheet 6 about
friendship and talk about what type / kind of friend I am in groups.
The whole class talks about why friendship is important for young
people and how much friendship and relationships with friends
influence their life.
Students listen to the poem, ‘그림자’ Shadow Resources 5 and
explore the friendship. What is the poem about? What message is
being conveyed? Students then write a poem expressing their own
relationship with a family member or friend. Worksheet 7
Check responses to listening text
 Written annotations on the poem
Students view a drama, ‘Dream High’ Resources 6 and write an
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Worksheet 7
email message to one of the characters: In the drama ‘드림하이’
Dream High, 삼동 Samdong develops a special bond with 진국
Jinguk because they face similar challenges. What things do they
have in common, and why do you think this strengthens their
relationship? Imagine 삼동 Samdong and 진국Jinguk have
become email friends. Write messages they might write to each
other after 삼동Samdong punched 진국Jinguk.
Written annotations on an email message.
Resources 6:
드림하이 episode 4
Students in groups of three, compile a booklet on the issue of
friendship among young people. The booklet should include a range
of topics such as why young people need friends, what constitutes a  Written feedback on language, structure and
good relationship, what activities they usually do together, whether
content of booklet students created.
high school students should have boy/girl friends, who they talk to
when they have problems – parents or good friends, what kind of
relationship they would like to have with their parents as a
minimum requirement. Students may present their content in a
 Observation and feedback on oral
range of text types and they may include poems, essays, mottos and
so forth. After completing the booklet, they will present their work
using multimedia or digital tools such as PowerPoint or SMART
Students write a short story entitled ‘Why [name of a friend] is my
best friend’.
Written feedback on short story including
language, style and development of story
Part 3: Popular youth culture
Brainstorm: The teacher leads discussion with students to find out
what students like to do in their spare/leisure time. The possible
responses are listening to music, watching movies, chatting with
their friends, eating out, sporting and travelling. The whole class
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discuss (compare and list) what would be the main stream
(examples) of youth culture in Korea and in Australia. Worksheet
Students listen to / view a song, 여행을 떠나요 Let’s trip!
Resources 7 and talk about why young people like to travel around
and what travel means to them. The ‘Saying’ competitions –
students are asked to find out their favourite sayings, quotes or
phrases related to ‘travelling’ and explain why they chose the
particular saying for their favourites. The one who gives the most
logical answer would be the winner.
Checked completed Worksheet 8.
Observe students research skills in Korean.
Worksheet 8
Resources 7: 여행을 떠나요
The teacher poses the question to the students ‘What is popular
 Observe students’ participation in discussion.
culture?’ The whole class has a discussion to come up with a
definition of popular culture. Students consider what influences
popular culture, including international influenced and the spread of
Korean popular culture throughout the world.
Students listen to or view some k-pops Resources 8, and discuss
why they are popular overseas. They then choose one to write a
review in 200ja in Korean.
Students listen to a song ‘160’ and watch a movie trailer ‘미녀는
괴로워’ 200 pounds beauty Resources 9. They then discuss the
issue, ‘the external appearances’ do matter for young people, and
then report back to the class.
Observe students’ participation in discussion.
Students listen to a text ‘Teens love texting?’ Resources 10 and
role-play in pairs as teenagers talking about constant texting,
pretending they have been to the birthday party that the two
mothers talked about in the dialogue.
Observe students’ participation in role-plays.
Resources 8: 노바디
x 쏘리쏘리 (수퍼주니어)
Written annotations on a 200ja review.
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Resource 9: 160 (은지원)
200 pounds beauty 미녀는 괴로워
Resources 10: Track 4 ‘Teens
love texting’ on the Stage 6
Heritage Korean ‘Listening &
discussion’ audio CD
Students interview their Korean (or non-Korean) parent/s about pop
culture when they were young. Students write a transcript of their
Students study a text about the popular youth culture. In groups,
they discuss their own experience with the popular culture. They
then rewrite the text into the form of an interview between a
journalist from a youth magazine and a group of students. On
completion, they design a survey form to conduct a survey among
friends and classmates to find out how the popular culture effects
and impacts on young people and what their ideal way to enjoy the
popular culture. Each group presents their finding orally to the
class. Worksheet 9
Students listen to a text about ‘한류’ the Korean Wave Resources
11 and discuss what/who are the Korean wave? They then
undertake a mini-research project to explore ONE aspect of popular
culture in Korea and ONE in Australia. Each student presents
his/her findings to the class in Korean using PowerPoint or other
technology. Korean examples could include TV drama and K-pop.
Students write an article for a Korean youth magazine entitled
‘How popular culture influences me and my lifestyle’.
Written annotations on an interview
Observe students’ participation in discussion.
 Written annotations on paraphrased texts and
survey form students created.
 Observer students’ participation in surveying
and presentation
 Teacher and peer evaluation and feedback on
Worksheet 9
Resources 11: Track 6 ‘What is
Check completed mini-research project
content using digital tools.
 Observe student presentation of their miniresearch project.
Written annotations on an article.
Evaluation and variation
Date completed:
© State of New South Wales through the NSW Department of Education and Training, 2010
the Korean wave?’ on the Stage 6
Heritage Korean ‘Listening &
discussion’ audio CD