Chapter Two

Zephaniah – Chapter 2
This is one last chance before the judging of the nations.
v. 2 “O undesirable nation” – a nation which is not desiring God. The prophet calls out for earnest
repentance among God’s people because of the vastness and surety of the destruction which is
It is God’s mercy that we are being warned to turn our hearts toward God and away from our own
selfish desires.
The Jewish people were to gather together and determine what they are going to do as a people. God
was desiring they would gather and call a solemn assembly and a time of worship. (cf Joel 1:14)
v. 31 Warned to be submissive by the prophet Isaiah in 65:1. Because the tense of the Hebrew verbs
used in this chapter, we know we are to continue to seek God, humility, etc.
Some commentators believe Chapter 2 is post-World War III.
The five main cities of the Philistines are listed here: (all are Palestinian occupied at this writing)
The City of Gaza still remains today although it had been destroyed by Alexander the Great.
Ashkelon was totally destroyed in 1270 and another city of the same name was rebuilt over the
top of the ancient city.
Gath – although it was one of the largest Philistine cities, it is not mentioned in this chapter.
This is probably because it was destroyed in the 9th century BC and was never rebuilt.2
v. 4 – “noonday” – the time of day when people are not at work. A time of rest. They will be off-guard.
Note the use of the word “Woe” in this verse. Woe is often used just prior to the judgments of God.
Land of the Cherethites – (west Crete) another name for Philistines.
Canaan – the ancient name for the land of the people of Israel, derived from its prior inhabitants.
v. 5 – “destroy” literally “exterminate”
Seacoast will be pastures3 – the hubbub of the sea ports will no longer be needed. It will be given to
Judah. The Jewish people will be given the property of the Philistines/Palestinians.
Seek meekness – found in Amos 5:14-15
The home of Goliath the giant.
Revelation 21:1 “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth had passed
away, and there was no longer any sea…”
As we read chapter two we see the listing of all of the cities which will be destroyed. God lists them to
show the surety of their destruction.
Moab and Ammon are modern day Jordan.4 Moab is cursed to end up like Sodom, and the people of
Ammon will end up like Gomorrah. (Genesis 19)
v. 11 – Reduce to nothing the gods of the earth – every false god will be shown for what it truly is.
People shall begin worshiping the true God along with the remnant of Israel. The use of the word
“remnant” is frequent in the Bible. It is found 92 times in 91 verse in the King James Version of the
Bible. It is noting that although there are few Israelites, God is on their side. With God, you always
have the advantage.
The following is a list of places which have greatly wronged God’s people:
Ethiopians – the south
Assyrians – the north. They had boasted no other countries being as good (none besides me
NKJV5). The magnitude and suddenness of her destruction make her an object of scorn. This
could also be referring to Babylon which is south east of Assyria.
Nineveh had been a place of joyous carelessness. The city was warned to repent and change
her ways by the prophet Jonah
v. 14 – the use of the names of birds shows the vastness of their despair. The cities are now mere
Commentators sometimes use the term “monotony of destruction” referencing this portion of
Zephaniah. This term means “unable to escape.” Their fate has been sealed.
Moab and Ammon are the sons of Lot by his two daughters. The sons settled in what is now Jordan and their
countries share their names. Moab is the country of origin for Ruth, who later is listed as an ancestor of Jesus
Compare to Isaiah 47:8 which is speaking of Babylon declaring this is “none besides me.”