SPS2: Classifications of matter (SPS2classificatonofmatter)

SPS2: Classifications of matter (SPS2classificationofmatter)
1. What is the correct formula for the compound formed when lithium and oxygen combine?
2. The correct name for an aqueous solution of HCl is
A. chloric acid.
B. chlorous acid.
C. hydrochloric acid.
D. hydrogen chloride.
3. An unbalanced chemical equation is shown below.
What are the coefficients of the balanced equation?
A. 2:1:3
B. 2:2:3
C. 3:1:2
D. 3:2:2
4. Oxygen (O) atoms have six valence electrons and beryllium (Be) atoms have two valence electrons. Which of
the following is the correct formula for a compound made of oxygen and beryllium?
A. BeO
B. BeO2
C. BeO2
D. BeO26
5. The correct chemical formula for magnesium fluoride is
A. MgF.
B. Mg2F.
C. MgF2.
D. Mg7F2.
6. The correct chemical formula for aluminum (Al+3) plus chlorine (Cl-1) is
A. AlCl.
B. AlCl3.
C. Al3Cl1.
D. Al3Cl.
7. The correct name for the binary compound, Na2O, is
A. sodium oxide.
B. sodium oxygen.
C. disodium oxide.
D. disodium monoxide.
8. The correct name for the binary compound, MgCl2, is
A. magnesium(II) chloride(I).
B. magnesium dichloride. C. magnesium chlorine.
D. magnesium chloride.
9. What is the correct name for the covalent compound CCl4?
A. carbon chloride
B. carbon tetrachloride
C. monocarbon chloride
D. monocarbon tetrachloride
10. During science lab, Mr. Smith's students tested the reactivity of various metals in sulfuric acid. When zinc
was added to sulfuric acid, bubbles were produced, a sure sign that a chemical reaction had taken place. Based
on the law of conservation of matter, if 30 grams of zinc are added to 45 grams of sulfuric acid to produce just 1
gram of hydrogen gas, how much zinc sulfate would also be produced? The formula for the chemical reaction is
as follows:
Zn + H2SO4 ZnSO4 + H2
A. 15 grams
B. 30 grams
C. 45 grams
D. 74 grams
11. Which of these equations correctly represents a balanced synthesis reaction?
A. Na + Cl
B. 2Na + Cl2
C. NaOH + HCl
NaCl + HOH
D. 2Na + O
12. Hydrogen peroxide decomposes to form water and oxygen. This reaction is represented by which of these
balanced equations?
A. H2O2
H2O + 2O
B. H2O + O2
C. 2H2O2
2H2O + O2
D. 2H2O2
2H2O + 2O
13. In Antoine Lavoisier's classic experiment, mercuric (II) oxide is heated in a sealed container. The solid red
powder is changed into silver liquid mercury and oxygen gas. If Lavoisier heated 50 grams of powdered
mercuric oxide to produce 46.5 grams of liquid mercury, how much oxygen would be released?
A. 3.5 grams
B. 16 grams
C. 32 grams
D. 96.5 grams
14. Name the following compound:
A. nitrous oxide
B. nitrogen oxide
C. nitrogen pentoxide
D. dinitrogen pentoxide
15. Aluminum oxide decomposes to produce aluminum plus oxygen gas. Identify the balanced equation for this
decomposition reaction.
A. Al2O3
2Al + 3O
B. Al2O3
2Al + 3O2
C. 2Al2O3
4Al + 3O2
D. 4Al + 3O2
The coefficients of the correctly balanced equation for the reaction illustrated above are —
A. 1, 1, 1.
B. 1, 1, 2.
C. 2, 1, 2.
D. 2, 2, 1.
17. The formula for lithium nitride is —
19. When
is heated in a crucible, there is a loss of water. How should a student determine
the amount of water lost?
A. Subtract the mass of the
from the mass of
B. Subtract the mass of the
from the mass of
C. Add the masses of
D. Multiply the masses of
20. A balanced chemical equation has equal numbers of atoms of each type on both sides of the equation.
This illustrates the principle of —
A. conservation of energy
C. action and reaction
B. conservation of mass
D. natural selection
21. The appropriate model for a decomposition reaction is —
22. The formula for dinitrogen tetroxide is —
hydrochloric acid will be —
A. 2.
B. 3.
When the above equation is balanced, the coefficient of the
C. 4.
D. 6.
B. phosphorus oxide. C. phosphorus (II) oxide. D. diphosphorus pentoxide.
24. The correct name for
A. phosphorus (V) pentoxide.
Which type of reaction is represented here?
A. Single replacement
B. Double replacement
C. Synthesis
D. Decomposition
26. The correct formula for copper (I) bromide is —
Answer Key
16. D) 2, 2, 1.
1. B)
2. C) hydrochloric acid.
3. A) 2:1:3
17. B)
18. A) Decomposition
4. A) BeO
19. A) Subtract the mass of the
5. C) MgF2.
mass of
6. B) AlCl3.
20. B) conservation of mass
7. A) sodium oxide.
8. D) magnesium chloride.
9. B) carbon tetrachloride
21. A)
10. D) 74 grams
11. B) 2Na + Cl2
12. C) 2H2O2
2H2O + O2
23. D) 6.
24. D) diphosphorus pentoxide.
13. A) 3.5 grams
14. D) dinitrogen pentoxide
15. C) 2Al2O3
22. A)
4Al + 3O2
25. B) Double replacement
26. A)
from the