Alternative Energy and Our World - Jessica`s e

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Alternative Energy and Our Nation
Jessica Stanley
Physics 1010
February 24, 2014
T, H 8:30
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Exhaust, smoke, sewage, littering, industrial waste and radio activity, are among some
of the biggest contributors to the pollution in the world today. The biggest pollutant of our
environment is exhaust from combustion engines, and not too far behind is the burning of fossil
fuels. Every year, human activity accounts for 37 billion metric tons of CO2 release. This number
is growing drastically each year, and needs to be stopped. But the question of how is the
question lingering in the back of everyone’s minds. Alternative energy resources are the world’s
best chance to change the future. There are numerous types of renewable energy, and anyone
can start getting involved. With every type of renewable energy, there are many benefits;
however, there are always issues with every plan. But is it worth it?
One of the most common sources of alternative energy is wind power. Wind power has
been used throughout the centuries to pump water as well as to power small machines.
Windmills or wind turbines have become increasing popular in the United States, due to their
ability to create energy without many issues. According to Alternative Energy, “By the year
2020, 10 million average American homes may be supplied by wind power, preventing 100
million metric tons of CO2 emissions every year” these numbers are calculated with just a mere
1% of the nation containing wind turbines. Although wind power is consistently increasing, the
importance of where you place your windmills/turbines is extremely important. The U.S.
National Atlas department explains that the best areas of the U.S. to build wind powered
devices are mostly in Alaska, the west coast and the Appalachian Mountains. These areas have
the fastest and most continuous flowing wind patterns. Although wind power creates little to
no pollution, it does have minor setbacks. The death of some animals, mainly birds and bats,
can be associated with wind turbines. The number of birds that die due to flying into these
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machines is slightly less of the number of birds who die running into man made buildings. Older
model turbines have been known to have minor noise issues. This isn’t as much of a problem
now, because of modern technologies. Wind power is one of the easiest forms of energy
gathering, and will continue to grow throughout time.
Solar technologies capture the sunlight, and heat given off by the sun to generate
power. This is mostly seen in solar panels; however there are several different types of solar
technology. The National Atlas department explains several other types; these include passive
solar building designs. Passive solar buildings are used to capture the sun’s heat and use it to
provide heating as well as light. Concentrating systems use mirrors to create heat to produce
steam for mechanical power. Lastly, “Flat-plate collectors absorb the sun’s heat directly into
water or other fluids to provide hot water or space heating” (National Atlas.) Solar energy
systems have started to be used in almost every city in the United States. This is mostly due to
the decrease in solar technology prices (U.S. Department of Energy.) Many Americans have
incorporated solar panels into their homes, helping them become increasingly more selfsufficient. The drawback to using this form of alternative energy includes the cost to make each
product. It isn’t cheap to create the storage devices for the suns energy, and it takes immense
energy and time. Another predicted complication includes the cloud cover of some areas of the
United States. Solar energy can only work when there is solar activity and in some cities, the
cloud cover is too great to encourage solar technologies. If you have the money and don’t mind
the look of solar panels, this may be the way to go, because it can be incorporated into
everyday life. However if you don’t you will want to explore other options.
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Both wind and sunlight are free resources, however, “converting them into large
quantities of electricity requires vast amounts of natural resources- mostly notably, land. Even a
cursory look at these costs exposes the deep contradictions in the renewable energy
movement” (Robert B.) With this being said, there may have to be greater developments in
alternative energy sources, before they become incorporated into daily life.
However hydropower (one of the most expensive forms of alternative energy) is already
accounting for 7% of the United States’ energy resources. Hydropower includes dams,
reservoirs, and small water turbine powered buildings. Hydroelectric power is created by
flowing water turning a turbine which then gives power to a generator. It is an extremely
effective way to create energy and is approximately one third the cost of burning fossil fuels
(Alternative Energy.) The down side to hydropower it the cost, it isn’t cheap to build gigantic
dams or to keep them maintained. Many dams across the U.S. are tourist attractions, helping
owners raise some of the funds required to operate their equipment. There down sides to
hydropower are much greater than other options for alternative energy. Many riverside cities
can’t function without the full current of the river, and have become ghost towns. Animal
activity is also affected by hydropower plants. Fish migration patterns have been altered and in
some cases completely demolished. Hydropower is the most effective way to create energy,
but the consequences are too great for it to become our lone source of energy.
The United States is too dependent on fossil fuels and nuclear power today. This is
causing us to slowly destroy our environment as well as damage our own health (Union of
Concerned Scientists.) If our nation would be willing to put some of our resources into exploring
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alternative energy sources such as wind, solar, bioenergy, geothermal, and hydropower we can
start decreasing the pollution emitted today. It may not seem like a serious issue now, but
within the next twenty to fifty years, if there isn’t a change health conditions will become more
apparent and our world will show signs of destruction. Alternative energy is a possibility and
everyone should start examining their options.
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Alternative Energy Solutions (n.d.). Alternative Energy - Wind, Solar, Hydro and other alt
energy sources for home power. Retrieved February 24, 2014, from
The National Atlas of the United States of America (2013, January 14). Renewable Energy
Sources in the United States. Retrieved February 24, 2014, from
Robert, B. (2011, June 7). The Gas is Greener. New York Times. Retrieved from
U.S. Department of Energy (n.d.). Energy Sources | Department of Energy.
Retrieved February 24, 2014, from
Union of Concerned Scientists (n.d.). Why Is Renewable Energy Important? | Renewable
Electricity Standards Toolkit | Union of Concerned Scientists. Retrieved February 24, 2014,