Officer Report-2010207.pdf - Bolsover District Council

Ault Hucknall
Single Storey Side Extension
Autumn Cottage Out Lane Stainsby Common Chesterfield
Mr & Mrs Simpson
FILE NO. PP-03797463
Mrs Kay Crago (Thurs,Fri)
14th November 2014
Two storey detached house within the conservation area. Two storey flat roof extension to the
rear and single storey extension to south elevation. Separate detached building to the rear
garden (east of main dwelling) which is being used as living accommodation.
Single storey side extension to eastern elevation to create additional living accommodation.
Proposed materials stone and slate to match the existing.
Amended plan received showing removal of gable feature to southern elevation and reduction
in depth of the extension by 0.5m. The southern elevation of the extension is flush with the
southern elevation of the existing dwelling.
HISTORY (if relevant)
Conservation Officer - The proposed extension is situated to the side elevation and will be
visible from the public footpath which runs along the side of the building and garden plot. To
minimise the impact I would recommend front gable be removed and the extension be
reduced in width so as to sit back from the front edge of the main dwelling. Suggest
conditions: windows and doors to be timber painted not stained and submission of large scale
details of sections and profiles, stone to match existing and samples of stone and slate to be
approved. 22/01/15
Derbyshire County Council Highways - No objections 11/12/14
Site notice posted, advertised in the press and three neighbouring properties notified. No
representations received.
Bolsover District Local Plan (BDLP) GEN1 Minimum Requirements for Development, GEN2
Impact of Development on the Environment, CON1 Development in Conservation Areas,
ENV3 Development in the Countryside and HOU8 Replacement or Extension of Existing
Dwellings in the Countryside.
National Planning Policy Framework
Makes a presumption in favour of sustainable development. Encourages quality design and a
good standard of amenity for all existing and future occupants of land and buildings. Local
Authorities should approve development proposals that accord with the development plan
without delay.
NPPF Paragraph 131: In determining planning applications, local planning authorities should
take account of: The desirability of sustaining and enhancing the significance of heritage assets and
putting them into viable uses consistent with their conservation
 The positive contribution that conservation of heritage assets can make to sustainable
communities including their economic vitality; and
 The desirability of new development making a positive contribution to local character
and distinctiveness
Paragraph 137: Local Planning Authorities should look for opportunities for new development
within conservation areas and world heritage sites and within the setting of heritage assets to
enhance or better reveal their significance.
Other (specify)
Interim Design Guidance Successful Places. A Guide to Sustainable Housing Layout and
Design 2013
Historic Environment Supplementary Planning Document 2006
The site lies within Stainsby Conservation Area and outside any settlement framework.
Policy CON1 states that within a conservation area development including extensions to
existing buildings shall preserve or enhance the special character or appearance of the area.
Improvements to the design and scale of the proposed extension have been sought in order
to preserve the character and setting of the conservation area. Whilst the proposal could be
further improved by setting back the extension from the existing southern elevation, there
have been numerous additions to the existing building and as now amended the proposal is
considered to be acceptable in this location. Whilst glimpsed views of the proposal will be
possible it is not in a prominent location. The proposed materials are to match the existing
house and can be conditioned.
Policy HOU 8 permits the extension of existing houses in the countryside providing that the
scale and design is in keeping with the current scale and character of the dwelling and its
surroundings and will not result in the identity of the original dwelling being lost. The original
dwelling has been extended at least twice in the 1970’s and 1980’s. The proposed single
storey element is considered to be in keeping with the current scale and character of the
existing house and it is considered that the requirements of HOU8 are met.
There are no immediately affected neighbouring properties and no representations have been
The proposal has no impact on the availability of off street car parking and manoeuvring.
The proposed development is considered to meet the requirements of policy and guidance
contained within the supplementary design document and the Historic Environment
Supplementary Planning Document.
Other Matters
Listed Building: N/A
Conservation Area: Within Stainsby Conservation Area
Crime and Disorder: No specific issues identified.
Equalities: No specific issues identified.
Access for Disabled: N/A
Trees (Preservation and Planting): None affected.
SSSI Impacts: N/A
Biodiversity: No significant impact
Human Rights: N/A
RECOMMENDATION Approve subject to conditions
The development shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of
this permission.
Before construction commences on the erection of any building or wall representative
samples of the materials to be used in all external wall and roof areas shall first have
been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
The wall(s) shall be constructed of Coal Measures Sandstone which shall match the
existing stonework as closely as practicable and shall be laid in courses. Samples of
the stone shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning
Authority before construction commences on the building(s) or wall(s).
The window frames shall be constructed in timber with a painted not stained finish and
shall be retained.
Prior to the commencement of the works hereby permitted detailed drawings including
cross sections of the windows to a scale of 1:20 shall be first agreed in writing with the
Local Planning Authority.
Statement of Decision Process
In compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework the Council has negotiated
amendments in respect of an improved design for the extension.
Kay Crago
Endorsing Officer
Determining Officer
Peter Sawdon
referrals to 3rd officer)
Date 23/02/15