2015-2016 Board Orientation Evaluation

2015-2016 Board Orientation Evaluation
Survey Report and Analysis
Below is a summary of the key survey results from the 2015-2016 Board Orientation Evaluation survey.
Quantitative survey results are included in a separate document. All open ended questions were
optional, and no respondent provided open ended feedback.
Executive Summary and Recommendations
In general, survey results are very positive and indicate that the orientation session achieved its goals of
educating new Board Members and preparing them for participation at their first meetings.
Understanding of the issues covered in the four segments of the session ((i.e. governance, quality
improvement, Stonegate, TC LHIN Strategic Plan) was improved for all four segments and each were
seen as being worthy of retention in the orientation session for next year.
Results suggest that there is an opportunity to review the section on governance, to determine whether
the content can be refined/augmented to better improve new Board Members’ understanding of
governance in general.
Consideration will also have to be given to the value of including the TC LHIN Strategic Plan in a nonstrategic planning year and whether it is appropriate to include a review of Stonegate’s own Strategic
Plan at the orientation session next year.
Finally, organizers of the session for next year may want to search for ways to better improve new Board
Members’ understanding of their own role on the Board and the role of the Board in general, as these
are core objectives of the session and yet results for these metrics, while positive, were somewhat soft.
Summary of Findings
Most new Board Members did not join Stonegate with previous governance experience (Q1).
Despite this lack of experience, two-thirds report having a good understanding of governance prior to
joining the Board (Q2). Only one new Board member reported having a good understanding of
governance at Stonegate prior to joining the Board (Q2).
Two-thirds said that the orientation session improved their understanding of governance in general and
all said their understanding of governance at Stonegate was improved (Q3).
All new Board members said they would be somewhat or very likely to retain a segment on governance
if they were planning the session for next year.
Quality Improvement
Most new Board Members report not having had a good understanding of quality improvement in
relationship to governance or specifically with respect to CHCs prior to joining the Board (Q6).
Nearly all said that the orientation session improved their understanding of quality improvement (Q7).
All new Board Members said they would be somewhat or very likely to retain a segment on quality
improvement if they were planning the session for next year (Q8).
Stonegate Programs, Services and Client Population
Two-thirds of Board Members report having had a good understanding of the programs and services
offered and clients served by Stonegate prior to joining the Board (Q10).
Nearly all said the orientation session improved their understanding of Stonegate (Q11).
All new Board Members said they would be somewhat or very likely to retain a segment on Stonegate if
they were planning the session for next year (Q13).
TC LHIN Strategic Plan
Nearly all new Board Members report not having had a good understanding of the TC LHIN Strategic
Plan prior to joining the Board (Q14).
Nearly all said the orientation session improved their understanding of the TC LHIN’s Strategic Plan
Two-thirds said there would be value in introducing the TC LHIN Strategic Plan even in non-strategic
planning years (Q16).
While all New Board Members said they would be somewhat or very likely to include a section on
Stonegate’s Strategic Plan if they were planning the session for next year, results are a bit more mixed
regarding whether to include a section on the TC LHIN Strategic Plan (Q17).
Impact of Orientation Session
Nearly all new Board Members strongly agreed that they left the orientation session ready to actively
participate at the next Board meeting (Q19).
However, while all new Board Members agreed that the left the orientation session with a good
understanding of their role on the board and a good understanding of the board’s role in general,
agreement is much softer (i.e. split between strongly and somewhat agree) (Q19).