Animal experiments

Topic Sentence:
The fact that Scientists use animals as model to test the effectiveness of the
human medicines raises serious debate.
Thesis Sentence:
My theory is the scientists should use animals for their research; because there
are rules govern them as well as this approach has good outcomes.
Counter Argument 1 :
Using Animals for research is cruel and against animal right
Researchers must follow an ethical code while they do their
The majority of scientist are following these codes to avoid
Counter Argument 2 :
Animal experiment does not surely predict human outcomes
Animals used in research gave precious findings
Humans share 99% of their genes with mouse
Supporting thesis:
1)- There are no alternative way other than animal
2) - Rats, mice are the most animals used in the laboratory
In conclusion, Scientists should continue doing experiments on the animal. Rules
can eliminate the savage act toward the animals, also the Community is benefiting
from using animal for that purpose. If scientists use animal to test medicines, in the
future, they can heal several illnesses or maybe they will discover a medication for
the incurable diseases.
Animal Experiments
The fact that Scientists use animals as model to test the effectiveness of the human
medicines raises serious debate. There are two sides taken by most people, some believe
using animals for research is cruel and abusive treatment toward these species thus, they
start making organizations to protect the animals. In the other hand, some People do not
agree with this viewpoint, and they think it is needful behavior for the sake of curing
humans. My theory is the scientists should use animals for their research; because there
are rules govern them as well as this approach has good outcomes.
Using Animals for research is cruel and against animal right. Since the life of animal is
less valuable than the life of human, some scientist would not hesitate to kill an animal or
keep it suffer until he/she gets the result of his/her research. However, there are codes of
ethic that must be followed by researchers while they do their researches. These codes are
one effective way to protect animals from been misused and to avoid cruelty upon them.
In addition, the majority of scientists are following these codes in order to avoid
punishment as well as to get clear result that eventually will change or save lives of many
It has been claimed that there are huge differences between humans and animals in terms
of their physiology, biology, and metabolism that make animal experiment does not
surely predict human outcomes. If the medicines work perfectly in the mammal, it does
not mean this will apply to the human also. However, animal used in research gave
precious findings, which result in discovering many treatments for a number of diseases
such as addiction, anxiety, depression, and phobias (Smith, 2011). Joan states, “Animal
research and testing has played a part in almost every medical breakthrough of the last
century. It has saved hundreds of millions of lives worldwide...” . Moreover, Eric Lander
states, "About 99 percent of genes in humans have counterparts in the mouse,” humans
share 99% of their genes with mice, hence this similarity makes the mouse the perfect
model for the human body.
Since scientists cannot experiment their medications directly on humans, there are no best
alternative way other than experimenting them on animal. Although some people claim
that scientists can use simulated computer programs, animals can give clear expectations
on how the drug will react when human use it. In addition, Rats and mice are the most
animals used in the laboratory. People usually kill them because they are afraid of them.
In fact, “Household cats kill approximately 5 million animals every week – more than the
total number of animals used in medical research every year” therefore medical
research is more worthy death.
In conclusion, Scientists should continue doing experiments on the animal. Rules can
eliminate the savage act toward the animals, also the Community is benefiting from using
animal for that purpose. If scientists use animal to test medicines, in the future, they can
heal several illnesses or maybe they will discover a medication for the incurable diseases.
Smith, N. (2011). Argument in Favor of Animal Research: Using Animals Ethically as
Research Subjects Yields Valuable Benefits. Retrieved 3 July
2014, from
Understanding Animal Research,. (2013). Forty reasons why we need animals in
research. Retrieved 3 July 2014, from