Association of Emory Alumni

Briefing Paper for Dean Love
Visit of Bishop John Doe
Event/Call Date & Time
Friday, July 27, 2012
(Please indicate beginning & end times)
Event/Call Location, Address,
and Phone Number
7 a.m. Pick Up Emory Hotel and Conference Center
7:30 a.m. Breakfast with students from Annual Conference
9:30 a.m. Coffee with Rex Mathews
10:30 a.m. Report to Cannon Chapel for Robing
11:05 a.m. Preach in Cannon Chapel
Noon Lunch with Faculty in 517
2 p.m. Conversation with Dean Love
3 p.m. Conversation with Alice Rogers
4:30 p.m. Drive to Airport
See Run of Show for Additional Information
Directions to event/call and
Dean Love, Mary Lou Boice, Anne Burkholder, Alice Rogers,
Rex Mathews, Barbara Day Miller
Program Format/Agenda
Multiple; see Run of Show
Mary Lou Boice, 404-777-7777 (cell)
Barbara Day Miller 404-666-6666 (office)
Anne Burkholder 404-555-5555 (office)
Rex Mathews 404-444-4444 (office)
Alice Rogers 404-333-3333 (office)
(Please list all speakers/times, Q&A, etc.)
Talking Points for Dean Love
(Please indicate if the Dean has recently
spoken to this person/group or if attendees
will have heard her speak elsewhere. This
will help her direct her remarks.)
Background Information
*Discuss latest news at Candler
*Give Swanson DVD and art guide
*Update on Campaign
*Explain Candler Advantage and Leadership Candler
Bishop John Doe is a 1982 graduate of Candler. He last visited
with Dean Love at a 2007 reunion. He preached in Cannon
Chapel two years ago and invited Dean Love to preach at his
church this year.
Bishop John Doe was invited by XX. He is interested in
learning more about Candler Advantage and the Leadership
Candler program.
Distribution: Jan Love, Michael Christopher-McGuire, Nikki Jackson
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