Movie Assignment: Valley of the T

Movie Assignment: Valley of the T-Rex
Name ___________________
Since discoveries were made of the very first T-Rex dinosaur skeletons, it has
been widely accepted that this creature was a ferocious predator of the
Cretaceous Period when dinosaurs reigned. Paleontologist, Jack Horner
believes that there is not enough evidence to support the hypothesis of T-Rex
being a predator. In fact, Horner has evidence to support a hypothesis that TRex was instead a scavenger. Predator or scavenger, T-Rex is definitely one of
its kind. Let’s travel back and get to know this creature better.
What is the approximate height and length of T-Rex? ________________
According to Jack Horner, has anyone provided evidence to support that
T-Rex was a predator?
As Jack Horner presents the evidence to support a scavenger hypothesis
for the T-Rex, make note of the advantages or disadvantages for the
following dinosaur characteristics and how they reflect the habit or
predator/scavenger strategies.
Olfactory Lobe:
Optic Lobe:
Appearance and Vocal Chords:
What is the name assigned to the oldest T-Rex ever found? ___________
All T-Rex dinosaurs have been discovered in rocks dating back to 65
million years old. How old are the rocks that the one mentioned above
occur in? __________________
As T-Rex was evolving, it was losing its ability to __________ and began to
improve its ability for _____________.
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