Lesson 6

Lesson 6
In the name of Allah the most gracious and the most merciful
All praises are due to Allah, peace and salutations are upon the messenger of Allah and to his family,
companions and who followed them to proceed.
Read the following introduction to get an idea of what you will learn in this lesson and what you will be
able to do by the end of the lesson.
Uthman suffered from headache, so he went to the hospital. Do you want to know what took place
between him and the doctor? Then, listen to this dialogue and the dialogue after it.
At the end of this lesson you will be able to know :
How to express yourself when you are sick.
Some word about sickness and its treatment.
‫الجزء األول‬
Read the lesson title then click on it and listen carefully to know its pronunciation.
Read the translation to know the topic of the lesson.
Then, read what each person says.
To comprehend the text, click on the name of each person to listen and understand they say.
Repeat what each person says.
Click on each word to know how it is pronounced and to get its meaning.
Have this dialogue with your neighbor.
Contact your friend via the available communication system and have this dialogue with him.
‫الجزء الثاني‬
Click on each phrase to know how it is pronounced and to get its meaning.
Write the suitable word in the box.
Click on the icon for the model word to appear.
Click on the word to know the pronunciation of the whole sentence and to get its meaning.
‫الجزء الثالث‬
Write the suitable preposition between the parentheses in the blank spaces provided
Click on the prepositions in the option list to know how it is pronounced and to get its meaning.
Click on each phrase to know how it is pronounced and to get its meaning.
Choose the right answer.
To know the answer click on the icon.
Click directly on the chosen preposition so as to form with it a meaningful sentence.
‫الجزء الرابع‬
Click on the words to know how they are pronounced and to get their meanings.
Write the suitable sentence.
Click on the icon for the suitable model sentence to appear.
Click on the suitable model sentence to know its pronunciation and meaning.
‫الجزء الخامس‬
Read silently and try to understand the meaning.
Click on each sentence to know how it is pronounced and to get its meaning.
Click on the icon to display the vowel.
Write all the sentences.
‫الجزء السادس‬
Put each word beside its suitable phrase as in the given example:
Example: The hospital: a place of treatment
Click on the word and phrase to know how they it is pronounced and to get their meanings.
Click on the icon to know how to answer the question.
Choose the right answer by placing the word together with its appropriate phrase.
To know the correct answer click on the icon lamp.
‫الجزء السابع‬
Click on the word and phrase to know how they are pronounced and to get their meanings.
Click on the icon to know how to answer the question.
Choose the right answer by placing each phrase to another that suits it.
To know the correct answer click on the icon lamp.
Write the answer in your exercise book.
‫الجزء الثامن‬
Read silently and try to understand the meaning.
Click on each sentence to know how it is pronounced and to get its meaning.
Repeat each sentence three times.
‫الجزء التاسع‬
‫يِف قي‬
‫اض األُذُ ين واألَنْ ي‬
‫ف َوا ْْلَْن َج َرية‬
َْ ْ ْ
In the department of ear, nose and throat diseases
Read the lesson title, then click on it and listen carefully to its pronunciation.
Read the translation to know the topic of the lesson.
Read what each person says.
To comprehend the text, click on the name of each person , to listen and understand they say
Repeat what each person says.
Click on each word to know how it is pronounced and to get its meaning.
Have this dialogue with your neighbor.
Contact your friend via the available communication system and have this dialogue with him.
‫الجزء العاشر‬
Click on the phrase to know how it is pronounced and to get its meaning.
Click on the two words from which you will choose the suitable word.
Think which one do you choose?
Write the suitable word in the box.
Click on the icon for the answer to appear.
Click on the answer to know pronunciation of the whole sentence and to get its meaning.
‫الجزء الحادي عشر‬
Click on the words to know how they are pronounced and to get their meanings.
Select your suitable sentence order.
Click on for the suitable sentence order to appear.
Click on the answer to know its pronunciation and to understand its meaning.
‫الجزء الثاني عشر‬
Click on the words to know how they are pronounced and to get their meanings.
Write the suitable sentence.
Click on the icon for the suitable model sentence to appear.
Click on the suitable model sentence to know its pronunciation and meaning.
‫الجزء الثالث عشر‬
Click on each word in the option list to know how it is pronounced and to get its meaning.
Click on each phrase to know how it is pronounced and to get its meaning.
Choose the right answer.
To know the answer click on the icon.
Then, click directly on the chosen word so as to form with the phrase a meaningful sentence.
‫الجزء الرابع عشر‬
Click on each sentence to know how it is pronounced and to get its meaning.
Think about the suitable sentence for the context of this sentence.
Write the sentence that suits the context of the above sentence.
Click on the icon to know the suitable sentence.
Click on the answer to know how it is pronounced and to get its meaning.
Have this dialogue with your neighbor.
Contact your friend via the available communication system and have this dialogue with him.
‫الجزء الخامس عشر‬
Vocabularies and phrases
Click on each word to hear how it is pronounced and to find out its meaning.
Pronounce each word three times.