Electrical Fire Safety - Indiana Electric Cooperatives

Copy for 60 second PSA
Short summary
Property damage, injuries and death associated with home electrical fires can be prevented.
Learn the basic principles and improve the safety of your home.
Longer summary
Property damage, injuries and death associated with home electrical fires can be prevented.
You can improve the safety of your home by learning the basic principles and the dangers you
should avoid.
Word count
447, not including the sidebars
Electrical Fire Safety: Prepare and Prevent
Malfunction of electric appliances, equipment and wiring is a leading cause of home
fires annually. Many electrical fires, however, can be prevented simply by understanding basic
electrical principles and following safe practices.
“The statistics are staggering and disturbing,” explained __________ (name, title, coop), “with more than 50,000 home electrical fires each year causing nearly 500 deaths, more
than 1,400 injuries, and $1.3 billion in property damage.”
Electrical wiring consists of metal wires that “conduct” or move electricity from place to
place, and materials like rubber that “insulate” the conductors and keep electricity from
escaping its intended path. Electrical fires stem from circumstances that compromise the
separation between conductor and insulator. Among them:
Improperly installed or outdated wiring
Faulty outlets
Exposed wires on cords, including extension cords and device cords
Problems with light fixtures, lamps and light bulbs
Misuse of electrical cords, such as overloading circuits and outlets
An “arcing fault” results when a conductor’s insulation is compromised. This creates a
discharge of electricity between two or more conductors and results in heat, which can further
break down a wire’s insulation and trigger an electrical fire. Arc faults can occur when older
wires become frayed or cracked, when a nail or screw damages wiring in a wall, or when outlets
or circuits are overloaded.
To minimize the risk of arcing faults, consider the following tips:
Conduct regular assessments of your home’s electrical system, outlets, electrical cords,
extension cords and plugs.
Have your home inspected by a qualified electrician to ensure that all electrical work
meets National Electric Code requirements.
Ask a qualified electrician if your home would benefit from an Arc Fault Circuit
Interrupter (AFCI – see sidebar).
Avoid overloading outlets. If needed, consider having additional circuits or outlets
Use extension cords only temporarily and never with space heaters or air conditioners.
Use light bulbs that match the recommended wattage on a light fixture.
If you experience dimming or flickering lights, unusual buzzing or sizzling sounds, or
circuit breakers that trip repeatedly, contact a qualified electrician immediately.
“While it’s important to do all we can to prevent electrical fires,” cautioned ________
(name), “we must also prepare for the worst.” Smoke detectors should be installed in every
bedroom, outside each sleeping area, and on every level of a home. They should be tested
monthly and have their batteries replaced annually, or in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions. A fire escape plan should also be in place and practiced regularly.
With ample effort put toward preventing electrical fires and preparations put in place to
handle a fire should one occur, property damage, injury and death can be significantly reduced.
(Co-op boilerplate)
Electrical Safety Foundation International
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
U.S. Fire Administration
Sidebar #1 (113 words)
Technology that can save lives
 Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter (AFCI) – a new type of circuit breaker which recognizes
dangerous conditions not detected by standard circuit breakers and immediately shuts off
power to the circuit.
Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) – an outlet that interrupts the flow of electricity
when it detects that the current is flowing along an unintended path.
Tamper Resistant Receptacle (TRR) – an outlet equipped with spring-loaded shutter covers
on the outlet openings. Electricity is only allowed to flow when equal pressure is applied
simultaneously to both shutters, which occurs when a plug is inserted. Electricity will not
flow, for example, when a child inserts an object into only one side of the outlet.
Sidebar #2 (169 words)
Wiring through the decades
Knob & tube wiring (1800s–1930s) – designed as an open air system that suspended wires
in ceramic tubes and used ceramic knobs to separate wires from combustible framing.
Today, knob and tube wiring is considered a fire hazard because it is not a grounded system,
and is more susceptible to damage from aging and faulty renovations.
Aluminum wiring (1960s through 1970s) – commonplace for home electrical wiring when
the price of copper soared in the 1960s. Many receptacles and switches manufactured
during this time were not intended for use with aluminum wire. This inadequate
equipment, combined with poor installation practices, resulted in loose electrical
connections, and fire hazards.
Grounded electrical systems (1940s through present) – incorporates a third or “grounding”
wire with each circuit’s hot and neutral wires. The grounding wire is connected to all outlets
and metal boxes in the home, then connected directly to the earth through a metal
grounding rod or a cold water pipe. Should a short circuit or an overload occur, any extra
electricity will find its way along the grounding wire to the earth.