
Proposal for New IOCCG Working Group
Proposed by:
Steven Greb
Senior Scientist, Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Research, Wisconsin Department of
Natural Resources; Steven.Greb@wisconsin.gov
Arnold Dekker
Director, Earth Observation & Informatics Transformational Capability Platform, CSIRO
Land & Water; Arnold.Dekker@csiro.au
Paul DiGiacomo
Chief, Satellite Oceanography and Climatology Division (SOCD), NOAA/NESDIS
Center for Satellite Applications and Research; Paul.DiGiacomo@noaa.gov
Working Group Title:
Earth Observations in Support of Global Water Quality Monitoring
Scientific and programmatic background and rationale
Water quality is a measure of the chemical, physical and biological condition of water
relative to human and ecosystem requirements. Available freshwater resources are
emerging as a limiting factor not only in quantity but also in quality for human
development and ecological stability. Declining water quality has become a global issue
of significant concern as anthropogenic activities expand and climate change threatens to
cause major alterations to the hydrological cycle (UNEP, 2002; ICPP, 2008, GOOS,
Nutrient over enrichment of freshwater and coastal ecosystems—or eutrophication—is a
rapidly growing environmental crisis. In coastal areas, occurrences of dead zones, which
are caused by eutrophic conditions, have increased from 10 documented cases in 1960 to
405 documented cases in 2008. In addition, many of the world’s freshwater lakes,
streams, and reservoirs suffer from eutrophication; in the United States, eutrophication is
considered the primary cause of freshwater impairment. (Selman et al., 2008) In some
regions, more than 50% of native freshwater fish species are at risk of extinction, and
nearly one-third of the world’s amphibians are at risk of extinction. (Vié et al. 2009)
Every day, 2 million tons of sewage and industrial and agricultural waste are discharged
into the world’s water (UN WWAP 2003). On an annual basis, this waste is equivalent to
the weight of the entire human population of 6.8 billion people. These discharges
introduce significant concentrations of pollutants as well as pathogens that can be
deleterious to human health and negatively impact broader ecosystem health and
productivity and the ability for coastal and inland waters to deliver crucial goods and
services. Worldwide, 780 million people do not have access to an improved water source
(WHO and UNICEF, 2012). Each year 250 million cases of water-borne diseases are
documented and these poor water quality conditions have resulted in the death of an
estimated 800,000 children each year, mostly in developing countries (Liu et.al., 2012)
Globally, water quality monitoring is receiving inadequate attention particularly in
developing countries and in countries in transition where existing water quality
monitoring networks, expertise on water quality management and laboratories for water
quality assessments are all deficient. The United Nations Environment Programme
Global Environment Monitoring System (GEMS) Water Programme, with the largest
archived global water quality data base (UNEP GEMS, 2006), has documented many
gaps in global coverage. Only half the world’s countries submit data, with many
countries not participating simply because they do not have systematic water quality
monitoring programs.
The measurement of water quality variables via radiometric measurements of the water’s
optical properties has rapidly grown over recent years. Improvements in algorithms and
product development, sensor technology and maturity, and data accessibility and
provision have led to demonstrated confidence in remotely sensed data with potential
applications to water resources management. However, to date, management agencies
have been slow to embrace satellite derived measurements even though important
parameters such as chlorophyll, suspended solids, light attenuation, and colored dissolved
organic matter have been quantified with required accuracies.
A recent internal US Environmental Protection Agency survey (Schaeffer et al, 2013)
queried potential users’ perceptions and found concerns centered on cost, product
accuracy, data continuity and programmatic support. Their recommendation was
initiating open and effective discussions between scientists, stakeholders, policy makes
and environmental managers. This proposed working group seeks to build a stronger
linkage between the water resources management end users and data providers to fully
realize current and future Earth Observation (EO) products.
Goal and Vision
Provide a strategic plan for incorporation of current and future EO information into
national and international near-coastal and inland water quality monitoring efforts.
Promote best practices, coordination of efforts and partnerships, and propose specific
new linkages between data providers and data end users. Ultimately the intent is to work
toward implementation of a global water quality monitoring service under the auspices of
Terms of reference
Assess current knowledge regarding coastal and inland water quality and associated use
of remote sensing data
 Provide overview and assessment of global inland and coastal water quality,
societal and ecosystem benefits, and trends (current knowledge).
 Describe existing water quality monitoring frameworks (local, regional, and
global) and current gaps.
 Provide case studies of EO supported water quality activities including
baseline monitoring, historic trends and current operational efforts.
Identify user needs and requirements; future mission requirements
 Identify current and future end-user needs with respect to spatial, temporal
and accuracy requirements for monitoring and forecasting both long-term and
episodic water quality conditions.
 Recommend specific mission requirements needed to fulfill water quality
Assess existing and identify new space-based and in situ observing capabilities
 Describe current capabilities of earth observations in support of inland and
coastal water quality monitoring
 Describe of current in situ monitoring technologies employed and minimum
institutional requirements.
 Describe planned capabilities of earth observations in support of inland and
coastal water quality monitoring, and how these might address existing gaps.
Identify supporting research and development activities
 Describe current research and development activities in support of these
missions (e.g., algorithm development, validation) relative to water quality
 Identify emerging areas of investigation and development related to water
quality issues.
Identify best practices and new & improved data streams and products
 Provide best practices, specific guidance and road map on how management
agencies can utilize and implement currently generated products and software
in support of their needs, including derived, integrated water quality
information products.
 Recommend development of specific new and improved remote sensingderived products, indicators and services.
User engagement and outreach
 Develop strategy to strengthen linkages between data providers and end users.
Propose future collaborative efforts.
 Work in coordination with GEO and its Blue Planet Task to advance
development of a global coastal and inland water monitoring service.
Working group structure and functions
The working group membership will have diverse backgrounds and perspectives,
i.e., including both data providers and (potential) users, and include individuals
from space agencies, science community and national and local management
This working group will reference, complement and leverage existing IOCCG
reports particularly Report 3 (2000): Remote Sensing of Ocean Colour in Coastal,
and Other Optically-Complex, Waters, Report 5 (2006): Remote Sensing of
Inherent Optical Properties: Fundamentals, Tests of Algorithms, and
Applications, Report 7 (2008): Why Ocean Colour? The Societal Benefits of
Ocean- Colour Technology, Report 8 (2009): Remote Sensing in Fisheries and
Aquaculture, Report 10 (2010): Atmospheric Correction for Remotely-Sensed
Ocean-Colour Products, Report 13 (2012) Mission Requirements for Future
Ocean-Colour Sensors.
This working group will interact and work in conjunction with existing and
planned IOCCG working groups including Phytoplankton Functional Types,
Harmful Algal Blooms, Intercomparison of Retrieval Algorithms for Coastal
Waters, and Atmospheric Correction in Turbid Waters.
This working group will extend the efforts of previous IOCCG reports (i.e.,
Reports #7 and #8) to support broader “downstream”, end-user utilization of
ocean color data.
This working group will support the objectives of GEO with the goal of
contributing to the broader implementation of GEOSS.
o This includes liaising and contributing to the GEO Blue Planet Task,
specifically its proposed new “Services for the Coastal Zone” component,
to be led by the Coastal Zone Community of Practice, which has identified
the need for global coastal water quality monitoring service, potentially
support by a dedicated Water Quality Community of Practice.
o The GEOSS Water Strategy Report, which provides the framework for
this working group. The report’s recommendations are reflected in the
terms of reference stated above.
o Linkages to other GEO tasks including IN-01, Earth Observing Systems;
HE-01, Tools and Information for Health Decision-Making; SB-01,
Oceans and Society: Blue Planet; and other task components included in
WA-01 Integrated Water Information.
WG recommendations will provide input to future CEOS planning and
coordination activities, including supporting related activities and plans
articulated in the current version of the Ocean Colour Radiometry Virtual
Constellation (OCR-VC) Terms of Reference.
Other topics to be potentially addressed:
 Data integration, modeling and assimilation
 Decision support tools
 Standardization of methods
 Special considerations for developing countries
 Education and capacity building
 Potential supportive role of citizen-based monitoring and crowdsourcing
Role and responsibilities of CEOS agencies, World Bank, and other
international organizations (e.g., UNEP, IOC/GOOS)
Science and/or application traceability matrices
Water body size considerations
Proposed membership
Arnold Dekker
Stewart Bernard
Paul DiGiacomo
Mark Dowell
Steven Greb
Blake Schaeffer
Richard Stumpf
Carsten Brockman
Chris Mannaerts
Milton Kampel
Caren Binding
South Africa
Menghua Wang
CB Assoc.
Steve Groom
Andrew Tyler
Univ. Stirling
Yuji Sakuno
end user
EU, Asia
Proposed Timeline
 January 2014: Working Group Proposal briefed at IOCCG-19 Meeting
 March 2014: Team composition and terms of reference finalized for the WG
 September 2014: First meeting of the WG to finalize scope and structure of the
report and initiate writing assignments
 February 2015: Progress report provided at IOCCG-20 Meeting
 April 2015: Second meeting to review and refine report development. Potentially
held in conjunction with GEO Water Quality workshop in Geneva.
 November 2015: Submit complete draft of report for review at IOCCG-21
 February 2016: Committee briefing and review of report at IOCCG-21 Meeting
 May 2016: Final version of the report completed and submitted for publication
Resources are requested from the IOCCG to cover travel expenses for up to10-12
working group members for the two working group meetings proposed. Agency members
are asked to support their own travel and expenses if at all possible. NOAA (P.
DiGiacomo) has expressed a willingness to cover the expenses of the printing and
distribution of the report from this working group.
GOOS. 2012. Requirements for Global Implementation of the Strategic Plan for Coastal
GOOS. UNESCO/IOC: Paris, France. 200 pp.
IPCC. 2008. Climate Change and Water. Technical Paper of the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change, Bates, B.C., Kundzewicz, Z. W., Wu, S. & Palutikof, J. P.
(eds.). Secretariat, Geneva, 210.
Liu L., H. L. Johnson, S. Cousens, J. Perin, S. Scott, J. E. Lawn, I. Rudan, H. Campbell,
R. Cibulskis, M. Li, C. Mathers, R.E. Black. 2012. Child Health Epidemiology Reference
Group of WHO and UNICEF. Global, regional, and national causes of child mortality: an
updated systematic analysis for 2010 with time trends since 2000. Lancet. Jun
Schaeffer, B.A., K.G. Schaeffer, D.K. Ross, S. Lunetta, R. Conmy, and R.W. Gould.
2013. Barriers to adopting satellite remote sensing for water quality management.
International Journal of Remote Sensing Volume 34, Issue 21.
Selman, M., S. Greenhalgh, R. Diaz, and Z. Sugg. 2008. Eutrophication and Hypoxia in
Coastal Areas: A Global Assessment of the State of Knowledge. Water Quality:
Eutrophication and Hypoxia Policy Note Series No.1. Washington, DC: World Resources
UNEP. 2002. Fresh Water for the Future: A synopsis of UNEP activities in Water.
United Nations Environment Programme 2002.
UNEP GEMS/Water Programme. 2006. Water Quality For Ecosystem and Human
Health. UNEP GEMS/Water, Burlington, Ontario.
UN WWAP. 2003. United Nations World Water Assessment Programme. The World
Water Development Report 1: Water for People, Water for Life. UNESCO: Paris, France.
Vié, J.-C., Hilton-Taylor, C. and Stuart, S.N. (eds.) 2009. Wildlife in a Changing World –
An Analysis of the 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Gland, Switzerland:
IUCN. 180 pp. Available at http://data.iucn.org/dbtw-wpd/edocs/RL-2009-001.pdf
World Health Organization and UNICEF. 2012. Progress on Drinking Water and
Sanitation: 2012 Update. United States: WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for
Water Supply and Sanitation.