Canine First Aid Monday 20 th April 2015 9.00am to 4.00pm Cost

Canine First Aid
Monday 20th April 2015 9.00am to 4.00pm
Cost: £55
Haemorrhage and wound management, emergency situations from
unconsciousness to bee stings.
Teaching methods
Lectures, demonstrations, practicals and discussion.
A maximum of 16 attendees will produce an intimate teaching environment
with opportunities for one to one attention.
The on-site restaurant is available to purchase snacks and meals. Tea and
coffee will be provided.
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Canine First Aid Monday 20th April 2015 9.00am to 4.00pm
Cost: £55
Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________
Daytime Contact Telephone Number: _______________________________________________
Email address for booking confirmation: _____________________________________________
Emergency contact number in the event of short notice cancellation………………………………
Please send this form and payment (cheques made payable to Bicton College) to:
Janet Litten BA (Hons) RVN, Bicton College, East Budleigh, Budleigh Salterton, Devon
EX9 7BY. 01395 562343
I wish to pay by *CHEQUE/VISA/MASTERCARD (*Delete as appropriate)(no cash payments please)
Card Number:
Expiry Date: _____/_____
Valid From or Issue Date: _____/_____
Issue No: _____
Security Code (from back of card): _________ (3 digits)
Cardholders Name: __________________________ Signature: ___________________________________
*Please note: fees are non-refundable in the event of non-attendance