Main Sources or References (DOC)

Rwanda Gender Statistics Workshop – Main Sources (June 2014)
United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) Manual on Integrating a Gender Perspective in Statistics
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and World Bank Institute, 2010. Developing Gender Statistics: A Practical Tool
UNSD Workshop on Improving the Integration of a Gender Perspective into Official Statistics, Chiba, Japan, April 2013
UNSD GLOBAL FORUM ON GENDER STATISTICS, 27-29 March 2012, Dead Sea, Jordan
UNSD Workshop on Integrating a Gender Perspective into Statistics, Kampala, Uganda, 4-7 December 2012
UNSD. 2005. Guide to Producing Statistics on Time use: Measuring Paid and Unpaid Work
UNECE Guidelines for Harmonising Time Use Surveys (2013)
UNSD. 2013. Guidelines for Producing Statistics on Violence against Women: Statistical Surveys
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Management of Statistical Metadata at the OECD, V/ 2.0, 6/9/2006
UNSD, Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Millennium Development Goals Indicators. Series Metadata
World Bank. World DataBank. World Development Indicators
World Bank. Gender Statistics electronic database
World Bank Gender Equality Data and Statistics: Guidelines and Training Materials
UNSD publication The World’s Women 2010, Trends and Statistics
UN Statistical Commission. 2013. Report on Gender Statistics by the United Nations Secretary General to the forty-fourth session of the
Statistical Commission in February-March 2013
United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) 2013, draft Guide on Gender Analysis of Census Data. Manuscript.
Australia Bureau of Statistics. Topics@ a Glance - Gender Page
Rwanda’s National Institute of Statistics (NISR) and Gender Monitoring Office (GMO) 2013. National Gender Statistics Report, 2013
NISR & Measure DHS, 2012, Rwanda Demographic and Health Survey 2010,Preliminary Report
NISR. 2012. The Third Integrated Household Living Conditions Survey (EICV3) Main Indicators report.
NISR. 2013. EICV3 THEMATIC REPORT on Gender, 2013
Rwanda Ministry of Education, MINEDUC. 2013. 2012 Education Statistics Yearbook
Akresh, Richard and de Walque, Damien. 2008. Armed Conflict and Schooling: Evidence from the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. World Bank Policy
Research Working Paper 4606.
Muhoza, Dieudonné Ndaruhuye, Pierre Claver Rutayisire, and Aline Umubyeyi. 2013. Measuring the Success of Family Planning Initiatives in
Rwanda: A Multivariate Decomposition Analysis. DHS Working Papers, 2013, No. 94. Washington, DC: USAID.