Orthopedic Conditions Stifle joint problems Tibial Plateau Leveling

Orthopedic Conditions
Stifle joint problems
Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (T.P.L.O.), Tightrope, Swivelock system and
Extracapsular suture techniques
Correction of Medial and Lateral Patella Luxations (trochleoplasty, tibial tuberosity
transposition, distal femoral osteotomy)
Hip Dysplasia
Triple Pelvic Osteotomy (T.P.O.)
Juvenile Pubic Symphysiodesis (J.P.S.)
Femoral Head and Neck Ostectomy (F.H.O.)
HELICA cementeless total hip replacement system
Elbow Dysplasia
Removal of an Ununited Anconeal Process
Subtotal coronoidectomy
Sliding Humeral Osteotomy (S.H.O.)
Fracture repair
Internal fixation techniques
SYNTHES locking plate and screws
Interlocking Nail system
Linear and Circular Ring external fixation
Shoulder: Osteochondrosis dessicans (O.C.D.), Biceps tendonitis
Elbow: Fragmented medial coronoid process (F.C.P.), Osteochondrosis dessicans
Stifle: Cruciate ligament and meniscal injuries
Hock: Osteochondrosis dessicans (O.C.D.)
Angular limb deformities
Our surgeons have extensive training in corrective osteotomy techniques
Distraction osteogenesis with Ilizarov system (circular fixator system)
Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy
General and Oncologic Surgery
Gastrointestinal surgery
Congenital hernia repair
Prophylactic gastropexy
Treatment of foreign body obstructions
Resection and anastomosis (ck spelling)
Intestinal biopsies
Hepatobiliary surgery
Portosystemic shunt (P.S.S.) correction
Liver lobe tumor removal
Splenectomy (previously misspelled --sorry)
Head and neck surgery
Total Ear Canal Ablation (T.E.C.A.) and Ventral Bulla Osteotomy (V.B.O.)
Laryngeal paralysis
Salivary gland mucoceles
Mandibular and maxillary tumors
Thyroid tumors
Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome (correction of stenotic nares, elongated soft palate
resection with CO2 laser (delete), excision of everted laryngeal saccules)
Cardiothoracic surgery
Lung lobectomy
Urinary bladder tumor removal
Urinary bladder surgery for stone removal
Ectopic ureters
Urethral hydraulic occluder placement for urinary incontinence
Perineal hernia
Anal sac tumors, anal sacculectomy
Limb sparing techniques
Placement of pleuroports for neoplastic effusions
Limb amputation
Minimally Invasive Procedures
Chest exploration for pneumothorax (diagnosis and treatment)
Lung lobectomy for small lung tumors and partial lung lobectomies
Biopsies of lung, lymph node and pleura
Exploratory chest examination and drainage for pyothorax
Pericardial window and subtotal pericardectomy
Laparoscopic spay
Laparoscopic assisted gastropexy
Laparoscopic cryptorchid neuter
Liver biopsies
Minimally Invasive Procedure with fluoroscopy
Tracheal stent for the treatment of tracheal collapse
Urethral stent for the management of urethral obstruction
Ureteral stent placement for urolithiasis
Percutaneous nephrostomy tube placement
Fluoroscopic guided naso-jejunal and esophageal- jejunal feeding tube placement