The hyperspace theory.

The hyperspace theory
It exists parallel universes(4spaces) whit higher lightspeed than our own. In
these universes the standard lightspeed and 4velocity is c’= Nc where c is
the standard lightspeed (in our 4space) and N is an integer called the hyperfactor (which is 1 in our universe). 4velocity in our universe(4space): In
our 4space the following is true:
in corresponding way the following is true for the parallel universes:
hence it follows that if the 4velocity has the same direction in our universe
as in the parallel universe (which it becomes for an object that is transferred
to hyperspace) the following is true:
hence it follows that: v’x=Nvx v’y=Nvy v’z=Nvz v’t=Nvt where v’x is the xcomponent of the 4velocity in the parallel universe , v’y is the y-component
of the 4velocity in the parallel universe , v’z is the z-component of the
4velocity in the parallel universe and v’t is the 4velocity-component in the
time dimension in the parallel universe.
vx is the x-component of the 4velocity in our universe , vy is the ycomponent of the 4velocity in our universe , vz is the z-component of the
4velocity in our universe and vt is the 4velocity-component in the time
dimension in our universe.
dy’=dy dz’=dz dT’=dT/N
Where dx’=dx is the smallest possible length in x-direction in both our
universe and the parallel universes , where dy’=dy is the smallest possible
length in y-direction in both our universe and the parallel universes , where
dz’=dz is the smallest possible length in z-direction in both our universe and
the parallel universes , dT’ is the smallest possible own time interval in the
parallel universe , dT is the smallest possible own time interval in our
universe , dt’ is the smallest possible coordinate time interval in the parallel
universe and dt is the smallest possible coordinate time interval in our
The energy of an object that is transfered to hyperspace must be the same
after the transfer as before (but strangely enough not during the transfer).
W’=W where W is the energy of the object.
Because W’=W then 𝛒c2=𝛒’c’2=𝛒’N2c2 and
ρ0U=ρ’0U’=ρ’0NU ρ’0=ρ0/N
Where m is the mass of an object in our universe , 𝛒 is the mass-density , Q is
the charge of an object and ρ0 is the charge-density in our universe and
where m’ is the mass of an object in the parallel universe , 𝛒’ is the massdensity , Q’ is the charge of an object and ρ’0 is the charge-density in the
parallel universe.
E’=NE where E’ is the electric field in the parallel 4space and E is the
electric field in our 4space.
Where U is the electric potential in our 4space and U’ is the electric potential
in the parallel 4space.
µ0=µ’0 the magnetical constant is the same in hyperspace as in our 4space.
c’2=1/(Ο΅’0μ0) Ο΅0=1/(µ0c2)
Ο΅’0=1/(µ0c’2)=1/(µ0(Nc)2)=Ο΅0/N2 Ο΅’0=Ο΅0/N2
Where Ο΅0 is the electrical constant in our universe and Ο΅’0 is the electrical
constant in hyperspace.
I is the current in our 4space and I’ is the current in the parallel 4space.
I=dQ/dT I’=dQ’/dT’=(dQ/N)/(dT/N)=I
The equations also leads to j’=j and B’=B and Ο•’=Ο• and A’=A where j is the
current-density in our 4space , j’ is the current-density in the parallel
4space , B is the magnetic flux-density in our 4space , B’ is the magnetic
flux-density in the parallel 4space and Ο•’ is the magnetic flux in the parallel
4space and Ο• is the magnetic flux in our 4space and A’ is the magnetical
vector-potential in the parallel 4space and A is the magnetical vectorpotential in our 4space.
Where E’x is the x-component of the electric field in the parallel 4space , E’y is
the y-component of the electric field in the parallel 4space , E’z is the zcomponent of the electric field in the parallel 4space and E’ct is the electric
field component in the time dimension in the parallel 4space.
F’=F where F’ is the force in the parallel 4space and F is the force in our
Where T is te own time in our universe and T’ is the own time in the parallel
universe, this also means that ΔT’=ΔT/N where ΔT’ is a certain time interval
in hyperspace and ΔT is corresponding time interval in standard space this
also leads to the frequensy f*=1/ ΔT’=N/ ΔT=Nf where f* is the frequensy in
the parallel universe and f is the frequensy in our universe (that the
frequensy in the parallel universe becomes Nf thus an integer( the hyperfactor) times the frequensy in our universe means that many call the
hyperspaces for the higher harmonics of reality or the cosmic overtones.
Sometimes also the higher vibrations of reality.)
The 4space metric is localy euclidean where
(ds4)2=(cdT)2=(dx)2+(dy)2+(dz)2+(cdt)2 ds4=cdT=(dx;dy;dz;cdt)
and (ds’4)2=(c’dT’)2=(dx)2+(dy)2+(dz)2+(c’dt’)2 but c’dt’=cdt and
c’dT’=cdT so ds’4=ds4
(that the 4 velocity in hyperspace is higher depends on that time intervals
dt’ are shorter (dt’=dt/N) than in standard space)
λ'=λ the wawe-length in hyperspace is the same as in standard space.
F’g=Fg the gravitational force in hyperspace is the same as in standard space.
g’=N2g where g’ is the gravitational field in hyperspace and g is the
gravitational field in standard space.
gy=(dPyΔU)/(𝛒dyU0) gz=(dPzΔU)/(𝛒dzU0)
g’x=(dPxΔU)/(𝛒’dxU0)=N2gx g’y=(dPyΔU)/(𝛒’dyU0)=N2gy
g’z=(dPzΔU)/(𝛒’dzU0)=N2gz g’ct=(dPctΔU)/(𝛒’c’dt’U0)=N2gct
Where g’x is the x-component of the gravitational field in hyperspace , g’y is
y-component of the gravitational field in hyperspace , g’z is the z-component
of the gravitational field in hyperspace and g’ct is the gravitational field
component in the time dimension in hyperspace.
Travel in hyperspace
Where S3 is the distance that you travel if you only travel trough standard
space and S’3 is the distance you travel if you travel trough hyperspace (you
can see on the formula that you travel much faster trough hyperspace than
trough standard space and thus can get to another place much faster even
faster than light).
Where S4 is the 4distance you travel in standard space and S’4 is the
4distance you travel in hyperspace during the same time interval if you
chosed to enter hyperspace.
Where X is the x-component of the distance traveled for the one that
traveled in standard space , X’ is the x-component of the distance traveled
for the one that traveled in hyperspace , Y is the y-component of the distance
traveled for the one that traveled in standard space , Y’ is the y-component
of the distance traveled for the one that traveled in hyperspace , Z is the zcomponent of the distance traveled for the one that traveled in standard
space , Z’ is the z-component of the distance traveled for the one that
traveled in hyperspace , t is the coordinate-time-distance that the one that
traveled in standard space has traveled and t’ is the coordinate-timedistance that the one that traveled in hyperspace has traveled (of the
equation above you see that t=t’ thats why you woulden’t travel faster
forwards in time than usual if you would start the hyperdrive when the ship
stood still in these case the ship would just enter another dimension and
become invisible only to reappear on the same spot when the ship exit
hyperspace whitout any spatial travel att all, If you instead have a velocity
when you enter hyperspace you would travel N times faster in hyperspace
and have traveled N times longer compared whit if you haven’t enter
hyperspace. When you later exit hyperspace you have the same velocity as
you had when you entered if you haven’t did any accelerations.)
Potential and energy transfer between 4spaces
For transfer to hyperspace and between differen hyperspace levels the
following is true: ∑(U/N)=U0 (this formula is strictly true) apparently also
the formula ∑Wn=W0 seems to be true even if it is so that only the energy
that exists in the lower level is real and that the energy in the higher level
becomes real only when all energy has dissappeared in the lower level (it is
this that inertial dampeners are using when you sharply can reduce the
ships mass by being near the threshold to enter hyperspace, it is also
therefore that UFOs can do so sharp manouvers when they and the beings
onboard them are almost inertial-less it is also therefore they so easily
dissapears and enter hyperspace when it just is to transfer the last part of
the potential to get there)(a spaceship is almost inertial-less when it’s near
the threshold to next hyperspace level.)
U0 is the background potential of the Aether (the average inner potential of
the matter) and is calculated as follows: W0=∑(QU) ∑(Q(U-U0))=0
+0,65GV≤U0≤+1,1GV (exact value haven’t been measured can possibly be
different for different materials) W0 is the normal spacetime energy and Uind
is the induced potential.
Where m0 is the normal mass for an object in our universe , m’0 is the normal
mass for the same object in hyperspace , m is the mass for the object in
standard space , m’ is the mass for the object in hyperspace W1 is the energy
of the object in standard space and WN1 is the energy of the object in
hyperspace(at the transition between different levels WN1 is the energy that
exists in the lower level (the only real energy)) 𝛒0 is the normal massdensity in our 4space and 𝛒’0= 𝛒0/N2 is the normal mass-density in
Transition from standard space to hyperspace:
UN=-NUind where UN is the potential that have been transfered to
WN is the energy that have been transfered to hyperspace (observe that WN
becomes real only then W1=0 and if later W1>0 then the ship would exit
hyperspace and re-enter standard space)
Transition from lower hyperspace level to higher hyperspace level:
UN2=-N2Uind where UN2 is the potential that have been tranfered from lower
hyperspace level to higher hyperspace level N2>N1
WN2 is the energy that have been transfered to the higher hyperspace level
(observe that WN2 becomes real only then WN1=0 and if later WN1>0 then
the ship would go back to the lower hyperspace level)
Interconnected hyperspace systems
For interconnected hyperspace systems (stargates) the following applies
∑(U/N)=U0 and apparently also ∑Wn=W0(observe that no matter have been
tranfered until Utransmitter=0)
Utransmitter is the potential at the transmitter(entry gate) , Uhyperspace is the
potential in hyperspace
Ureciever is the induced potential at the reciever(exit gate)(the potential that
the exit gate have taken from the entry gate trough the hyperspace)
Wtransmitter is the energy at the entry gate and Whyperspace is the energy in the
hyperspace and Wreciever is the energy at the exit gate (that becomes real only
then Wtransmitter=0 that is when the whole potential have been transfered to
the exit gate trough hyperspace and have opened a wormhole between the
The wormhole is opening only then Wtransmitter=0 and Wreciever=W0 that is
when the background potential of the Aether have been fully cancelled at the
entry gate(transmitter) and been fully transfered to the exit gate(reciever),
If you enter the stargate you would instantly be transported to the other end
of the wormhole (exit gate, reciever, the other stargate) the wormholes are
unidirectional so it isn’t possible to go back unless you first close the
stargate and later let the reciever gate become transmitter and the
transmitter gate become reciever for a new wormhole directed the other
way. (observe that Wreciever becomes real only then Wtransmitter=0 and if later
Wtransmitter>0 the wormhole will be closed).
This article together whit euclidean 4dimensional electromagnetism and
electrogravitation and supplement to these shall make it possible to make
science fiction to a reality.