2015-2016 - Parkside Middle School

Parkside Middle
Cambridge International School
World Language Program
Parent and Student Handbook
8602 Mathis Avenue
Manassas, VA 20110
Administrative Team, Support Staff, and Guidance ............................................................................................................... 3
Vision & Mission (Philosophy)................................................................................................................................................. 4
“Our Pledge to Our Students”................................................................................................................................................. 5
Important Dates and Report Card Schedule ........................................................................................................................... 6
Bell Schedule ........................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Parkside Testing Schedule 2014-2015 .................................................................................................................................... 8
Grading Policy ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Parent Steps to Student Success ........................................................................................................................................... 13
Homework Policy .................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Retake Form .......................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support of Virginia (PBISV) ...................................................................................... 16
Hear Parkside R.O.A.R Towards Success!!! ........................................................................................................................... 17
Parkside Middle School’s Dress Code for Students .............................................................................................................. 19
Parkside Middle School’s Procedures ................................................................................................................................... 21
Bus Expectations ................................................................................................................................................................... 22
World Language Specialty Program ...................................................................................................................................... 24
Cambridge International Program ........................................................................................................................................ 25
Parkside Middle School Clubs ............................................................................................................................................... 26
Parkside Middle School Athletics .......................................................................................................................................... 27
Athletic Programs Offered at Parkside ................................................................................................................................. 28
Attendance............................................................................................................................................................................ 29
Attendance Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................................................................................. 30
Medication Disbursement and Vaccination Policy ............................................................................................................... 31
School Counseling Services ................................................................................................................................................... 32
Administrative Team, Support Staff, and Guidance
Administrative Team
Dr. Mary Jane Boynton, Principal
Ms. Erin Merica, Assistant Principal (7th/8th Grade)
Ms. Lisa Vega, Assistant Principal (6th Grade)
Ms. Abbey Jones, Specialty Program Coordinator
Mrs. Ashley Harigan and Mr. James Bricker, Activities Directors
Support Staff
Mr. Daniel Evers, School Safety and Security
Officer Rob Berkibile, School Resource Officer
Mrs. Lisa Martin, School Nurse
Mrs. Elena Walker, Secretary
Mrs. Sheila Naylor, Attendance Secretary
Ms. Lourdes Vega, Parent Liason
Mrs. Tammy Lauper, Help Desk
Guidance Department
Ms. Willette Trevis, Guidance Director
Ms. Caroline Young
Mr. Clifton Gorham
Ms. Shannon DiMisa
Ms. Desirae Bruce, Secretary
Vision & Mission (Philosophy)
Mission Statements:
The mission of Parkside Middle Cambridge International School, a culturally and technologically rich learning community, is
to inspire and empower all students in a student-focused environment to excel both academically and socially and prepare
them to be productive citizens and future leaders.
Vision Statements:
The vision of Parkside Middle Cambridge International School, a culturally and technologically rich learning community, is for
all stakeholders to be committed to encouraging and challenging the whole child by providing a safe and respectful studentfocused environment that fosters a rigorous academic and technological curriculum that will prepare students to become
productive citizens and future leaders.
• A nurturing, safe, and orderly student-centered school environment promotes optimum achievement.
• Students' learning is the shared responsibility of all stakeholders: the administration, the teachers, the parents, the student,
and the community.
• Students learn best when they are actively engaged in the learning process within the classroom and in extra-curricular
• Instruction that is student centered, taking into account students’ diverse social, emotional and physical needs, increases
student success.
• Our stakeholders’ commitment to continuous improvement and recognition of achievement is imperative to ensure that our
students become confident, self-directed, lifelong learners.
• A caring relationship between staff and students fosters mutual respect and an appreciation of the differences in one
• A variety of assessment tools is essential to accurately evaluate student performance and create effective and meaningful
The Cambridge approach supports schools to develop learners who are:
Confident in working with information and ideas – their own and those of others
Responsible for themselves, responsible to and respectful of others
Reflective as learners, developing their ability to learn
Innovative and equipped for new and future challenges
Engaged intellectually and socially, ready to make a difference.
“Our Pledge to Our Students”
At Parkside, we are vested in the success of each and every student in our care. Therefore, our faculty and staff understand
and agree that the following expectations, duties and procedures are an integral and sacrosanct commitment to who we are as
a community of learners.
As an important member of the Parkside staff, I pledge to:
Taking attendance (it is a legal requirement);
Classroom webpages set up and maintained once a week by all teachers (it is a county requirement);
Min. of two grades every six full classes posted in the grade book for parent to view in parent portal;
Hallway coverage provided by all faculty and staff during all class changes;
10/10 rule;
Hallway passes (passes have been printed for each grade level and encore, plus administration);
Technology – everyone must follow the county policies for overall acceptable usage and the BYOD
Opening activity for every class (bell ringer);
Closing activity/exit ticket for every class;
Clear agenda, to include date, standard, language objective, and activities posted and visible for all students
to follow for the duration of the class period;
Student-centered lessons (the expectation is that we should not be seeing teachers sitting at their computers
for any length of time during the instructional day);
Teacher data collections (this will be done through our own data collection tool);
Student data folders (to be updated by students weekly);
Tardy policies will be followed by all teachers;
Dress code for all students, faculty, & staff will be monitored and followed;
Communication to parents will be regular and consistent. No student will receive an interim or report card
grade below a C without having documented parent notification.
Important Dates and Report Card Schedule
August 31st
September 7th
October 12th
October 30th
November 2nd
November 11th
November 27th - 27th
December 21st ‐ 31st
School Begins
County Professional Development Day-No School for all students
End of Middle/High School 1st Grading Period (45 Days)
Teacher Professional Development ‐ No school for all students
Veterans Day Holiday
Thanksgiving Break5
Winter Break
January 1st
January 3rd
January 18th
January 29th
January 29th
February 1st
February 15th
March 21st – 28th
April 15th
April 18th
May 30th
June 17th
June 17th
Winter Break
School Reopens
Martin Luther King Holiday
End of Second Grading Period
End of First Semester
Teacher Professional Development - No school for All students
Presidents' Day Holiday
Spring Break
End of Third Grading Period
Teacher Professional Development ‐ No school for all students
Memorial Day Holiday
End of Fourth Grading Period
Last Day of School for Students
Report Card Schedule
Grading Period
1 9 weeks
2nd 9 Weeks
3rd 9 Weeks
4th 9 Weeks
October 9
December 18th
March 15th
May 27th
Report Cards
November 10th
February 9th
April 26th
Mailed by June 27th
Bell Schedule
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
8:00-8:09 a.m. Final Tardy Bell
8:10-8:15 a.m.
8:00-8:09 a.m. Final Tardy Bell
8:10-8:15 a.m.
8:00-8:09 a.m. Final Tardy Bell
8:10-8:15 a.m.
Block 1
8:15 – 9:11 a.m.
56 minutes
Block 1
8:15-9:11 a.m.
56 minutes
Block 1
8:15-9:11 a.m.
56 minutes
Block 2
9:11 – 10:07 a.m.
56 minutes
Block 2 (ENCORE)
9:11 – 10:41 a.m.
90 minutes
Block 2
9:011– 10:07 a.m.
56 minutes
Block 3
10:07-11:03 a.m.
56 minutes
Block 3C
10:41 – 11:06
10:41 – 11:37
25 minutes
56 minutes
Block 3A
11:06 – 12:02
11:37 – 12:02
56 minutes
25 minutes
Block 4
12:02 – 12:58 p.m.
56 minutes
Block 3
10:07-11:03 a.m.
56 minutes
25 minutes
56 minutes
Block 4B
56 minutes
25 minutes
Block 5
12:24-1:20 p.m.
56 minutes
Block 5
12:58 – 1:54 p.m.
56 minutes
Block 6 (ENCORE)
1:20 – 2:50 p.m.
90 minutes
Block 6
1:54 – 2:50 p.m.
56 minutes
Block 4 (ENCORE)
11:03 – 12:33 p.m.
90 minutes
Block 5F
12:33 – 12:58
12:33 – 1:29
25 minutes
56 minutes
Block 5E
12:58 – 1:54
1:29 – 1:54
56 minutes
25 minutes
Block 6
1:54 – 2:50 p.m.
56 minutes
Parkside Middle School office hours are from 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Please check our school website for important information and upcoming school events!
WEBSITE: http://parksidems.schools.pwcs.edu/
Parkside Testing Schedule 2014-2015
Testing Window
September 8-18, 2015
Online or Paper/Pencil
Benchmark 1
November 2-24, 2015
Math & LA ALL GRADES online
8th Grade Social Studies, writing & Science
6th-7th Grade Social Studies & Science
(online optional)
ALL World Language, ENCORE & P.E.
(online optional)
Math & LA ALL GRADES online
8th Grade Social Studies, writing & Science
6th-7th Grade Social Studies & Science
(online optional)
ALL World Language, ENCORE & P.E.
(online optional)
January 11 – March 17, 2016
DUE March 31, 2016
Benchmark II
February 29 – March 18, 2016
DUE April 27, 2016
Math & LA ALL GRADES online
8th Grade Social Studies, & Science online
6th-7th Grade Social Studies & Science
(online optional)
ALL World Language, ENCORE & P.E.
(online optional)
SOL Testing
March 1-16, 2016
8th Grade Writing (MC & Short Paper)
SOL Testing
May 2 - May 27, 2016
SOL Expedited Retakes
June 1 - June 16, 2016
6th-8th Grade LA
6th-8th Grade Math
8th Grade Science
8th Grade Civics & Economics
Algebra & Geometry
All SOL Areas
End-Of-Year Exams
June 1-10, 2016
Spanish 1A, 1B, I & II
French 1A, 1B, I & II
Algebra & Geometry (if necessary)
Post Assessment
May 31- June 10, 2016
6th -7th Grade Social Studies & Science
Grading Policy
“Failure is not an option”
In accordance with Prince William County Public Schools policy 661-2, the grade a Parkside Middle School student receives
in grades 6-8 should be based upon the same criteria. The following are the criteria for determining achievement grades.
Achievement is based on school academic performance on assignments directly related to the curriculum.
The middle school grading scale is as follows:
90 – 100
87 – 89
80 – 86
77 – 79
70 – 76
67 – 69
60 – 66
59 and Below
In grades 6 – 7, teachers may record either letter grades in the grade book, but regardless of the method of recording
grades in the grade book, each grade must be converted into its letter equivalent before averaging except in Carnegie unit
classes. For grade 8, the high school numerical grading scale will be used for all students.
Parkside Middle School has initiated a program to support our students who have not mastered required standards. The
A-B-C-PIP, (Panther in Progress), is a program that allows a student time to receive remediation and an opportunity to
retake assessments. The intention of this program is to eliminate the opportunity for students to accept any grade lower
for 70% for middle level classes and 80% for high school level classes. We have high expectations for all of our students
and our goal is to prepare and encourage students to strive for mastery in middle school, high school and beyond.
Any student who does not earn the minimum score of 70% for middle level classes and 80% for high school level classes
on all assessments will be required to retake, (PIP). Students will receive additional help and instruction on the content
not mastered and will be given the opportunity to retake the un-mastered content. Additional opportunities for reteaching may be provided by the teacher during the school day or outside the school day by the teacher or through
additional education programs at Parkside. Students who do not complete the PIP process after the third opportunity will
be placed on an academic contract.
PWCS Regulation 724-1 states students receiving excused absences shall be responsible for contacting their teachers to
make arrangements for make-up work within a time specified by the teacher.
Grades are assigned for individual summative assessments, which are directly designed around state and county
standards. The follow 16 principals shall be applied to the Parkside Grading Policy:
Students will only be graded on achievement; no behavioral grades may be awarded.
Students will not be graded down for turning in late work. Please see late policy for specifics.
Extra credit will be awarded where higher student achievement is exemplified.
Students who cheat/plagiarize will receive an alternative assignment, plus an assignment on ethics and an
administrative referral.
Student absences will not be recorded as a grade.
Students will be graded on individual ability; group scores/grades will not be used.
Grades will be organized and attached to a specific learning standard and learning target.
Student grades will be assigned solely on learning standards and learning targets that the student is able to
A student’s grade will be assessed based on individuality; students will not be compared to other students.
Student grades will be based on quality assessments.
Student grades will be weighted per Parkside policy.
Students will not receive a grade of zero as a punishment.
Student grades will be awarded based on summative assessments only.
Students will have the opportunity to redo summative assessments.
Students will be involved in the grading process through the use of their data folders, and, (where appropriate),
contributing to assessment design.
Any grade that is recorded below 70% for middle classes, and 80% for high school classes, must be retaken for
appropriate mastery.
Weighting of grades:
All Parkside grades will be weighted at 1.
What are learning targets?
Learning targets are four categories that break down the standards/curriculum into areas that we want our students
to be successful in. When we assess with these categories in mind it is easier to discern where a student most needs
support. The 4 categories are: 1. Knowledge 2. Reasoning 3. Skill 4. Product. As an example we might see student A
has the knowledge for multiplication, but cannot produce the correct answers when asked to produce a multiplication
chart. By breaking down student ability into categories, one can more clearly see where a student might need support.
What is a summative assessment?
A summative assessment is traditionally thought to be the “big test” at the end of a unit. In fact, a summative
assessment is any assessment that aims to assess what a student has learned, following a period of instruction.
Summative assessments may be a quiz, test or project, (projects that are to be graded can only be completed during
the class time).
What is a Panther in Progress – PIP?
A Panther in Progress is a student who has not yet achieved the 70%, middle classes/80% high school classes mastery
level that Parkside has set for its student body. The original grade will be recorded in the grade book and then when
a student achieves mastery the grade will be changed to reflect their growth. There will be an after school study group
available to help facilitate the process of retaking and study help. Retakes will only be based on the learning target
that was not mastered.
Late Policy:
Students are required to submit work on the due date, the policy below outlines both student and teacher
expectations for due dates and grades at Parkside Middle School.
1. Due dates are negotiated for major summative tasks/tests with the class.
2. Due dates are allowed within a range of dates.
3. Extensions for submission of assignments are based on individual circumstances, which are communicated
before the due date.
4. Firm due dates for major summative assessments are communicated in advance, based on reporting schedules
and when work is handed back.
5. Students who miss a firm due date for a summative task will be required to complete the work under the
supervision of their grade level administrator. This can entail missing classes to complete the work, working
after school or at lunch, or completing work during a supervised session at Saturday school.
6. For reporting purposes there will be firm, school-wide cut off dates for teachers to evaluate student work. If
work is not submitted by these due dates the report card may indicate “unable to assess” to reflect the fact that
insufficient assessment data exist to make a fair evaluation of student performance of major expectations. In
this case, no credit may be granted until wok is submitted. Students may receive an NHI based on insufficient
assessment evidence.
7. If a student fails to submit summative work on time, there will be escalating consequences:
First time:
a. The teacher must call the parents.
Second occasion:
a. The teacher must call the parents.
b. A Missed Summative form is completed, establishing a contract between the teacher and the student,
and a copy is provided to the Guidance Counselor.
c. The student must meet with the guidance counselor to determine the source of the problem and
develop a plan to address the situation; this plan may involve required make-up work, which the student
must negotiate with the teacher.
If a contract is broken:
a. The student must meet with grade level administrator and/or principal.
b. Student may be withdrawn from co-curricular commitments until their work is completed.
c. A student may be required to attend compulsory work session at a time and place determined by the grade
level administrator/principal.
d. Report card comments may include “unable to assess, work not submitted”.
Parent Steps to Student Success
• Access your child’s grades using parent portal found under the parent portal tab on Parkside’s website
www.parkside/pwcs.edu. Call the school at 703-361-3106 for more specific directions on how to access this program.
• Set aside a specific place and time for your child to work on schoolwork. Even if he or she does not have homework
assignments for that evening, your child can read, study, review previous work/class notes, or take the time to
research and explore topics of interest that will support inquiry based learning while also enriching/enhancing their
overall education.
• Look into signing up your child for our “Panthers on the Prowl” after-school program that provides academic and
social support to students.
• Look on school fusion at your child’s teacher’s individual web pages or check their individual agenda each day. Ask
specific questions such as, “What country or time period are you studying in your Social Studies class?” Ask your child
what was learned that can be applied to everyday life.
• Ask your child what went well that day, or what did not go well.
• Read to your child, or have your child read to you or to siblings.
• Limit the amount of time that children watch TV or play video games alone, especially during weekdays. Whenever
possible make both of these activities family based in order to build conversations around possible learning
• Always encourage your child to do his or her best; that is what we are doing here at school!
• Call or email your child’s teachers for clarification on issues, or with any questions/concerns that you may have.
• Set up a parent conference through guidance if you continue to have questions. 703-361-3106
• Any questions, feedback, or concerns are welcomed by the Parkside Administrative Team. Please feel free to
schedule a time to meet with the grade level administrator, or the principal, or simply send us an e-mail or call.
Dr. Mary Jane Boynton – Principal/
Ms. Erin Merica – Assistant Principal/ 7th & 8th Grade Administrator
Ms. Lisa Vega – Assistant Principal/ 6th Grade Administrator
• Additionally, provide support to our endeavors at Parkside, and allow us access to your child before and after school,
as well as on Saturdays, if necessary, to provide them with opportunities to complete their incomplete work, or
receive the assistance or instruction to be successful.
Homework Policy
The Parkside Homework Policy is a direct reflection of the PWC Homework Policy (663) and PWC Regulation on Homework (663-1).
The Parkside administration team supports the appropriate use of homework to enrich, enhance, and extend the instructional
program. When assigning homework, teachers should follow all guidelines listed below.
 Pre-learning opportunity to organize, or be exposed to, new information
 To build interest in an upcoming topic, or unit of study
 Practice for applying new knowledge and skill
 Revisit knowledge and concept for review
 Prepare for upcoming assignments
 Homework assignments should be understood by the student and should involve only work for which the student is
 All assigned homework will be reviewed by the teacher and returned to the student with growth producing feedback.
Types of feedback may be in the form of verbal or written comments in direct relationship to the assignment
outcome. Feedback should not simply be the verification of completed assignments or a praise phrase like “Good
job!” or “Well done!” as neither are examples of growth producing feedback. Homework may be graded and must be
based on a standard or strand.
 Teachers are strongly encouraged to avoid assigning homework over weekends, holidays, and religious observances.
Therefore, it is advised that homework should only be given Monday through Thursday.
 The total daily amount of homework should not exceed 60 – 80 minutes. This total time should be divided out
amongst all students’ classes. Students have five (5) core classes and three (3) encore classes. Therefore, homework, if
issued daily by each teacher, can total no more than 10 minutes per subject.
 Major homework assignments, such as projects and preparation for Unit and Benchmark tests, should be coordinated
between teachers and departments to avoid undue time requirements on students. Major projects, Unit tests, and
Benchmark tests will be posted on each grade level and encore Fusion calendars.
Retake Form
This is a sample form. This form can also be located on the shared OneDrive.
Parkside PIP Assessment Retake Request
Original Grade:
Goal Grade:
Reflection: What are the reasons for your original score?
To improve my score, I will:
 Stay after school for help
 Attend Breakfast Club
 Independently Study (with teacher approval and initials
Student Signature:
Date: __________________
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support of Virginia (PBISV)
What are Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)?
PBISV, formally known as Effective School-wide Discipline, is a Commonwealth of Virginia initiative to
support positive academic and behavioral outcomes for all students.
The program is based on extensive research and utilizes a preventative and proactive approach to discipline
that reduces the amount of time spent dealing with office referrals, thereby increasing time spent teaching
and learning. PBISV ultimately impacts the very culture of the school to shift attention to positive behavior
and successful learning systems for children, teachers, and administrators.
As part of PBISV Parkside Middle School has set procedures and expectations for all students to adhere to.
Our Expectations for our Students at Parkside:
Success is the ONLY option at Parkside;
All students will be successful academically at Parkside;
All students will be respectful to self and others;
All students will strive to be the best that they can be!
Students at Parkside…
1. will choose to COMMIT to their own personal success;
2. will choose to FOCUS their efforts on school and their own personal academic achievement;
3. will choose to WORK HARD and be the best that they can be.
4. will choose to BELIEVE in their own abilities and not let others or mistakes prevent them from trying
Hear Parkside R.O.A.R Towards Success!!!
The ROAR program recognizes students who:
 Are RESPECTFUL and treat adults, peers and property with courtesy and consideration.
 Take OWNERSHIP of their learning and behavior through good choices.
 Keep a positive ATTITUDE and serve as a role model for others.
 Take RESPONSIBILITY and follow rules and expectations.
Parkside Middle School’s faculty and staff are committed to the success of all students. Students
demonstrating appropriate behaviors will be recognized in a variety of ways.
In class, students will demonstrate
RESPECT by raising their hand before speaking and using kind and helpful words towards others.
OWNERSHIP by participating in class discussions and doing their best work.
ATTITUDE by believing in themselves and by keeping a positive outlook.
RESPONSIBILITY by following classroom procedures and always being prepared.
In the hallway, students will demonstrate
RESPECT by keeping hands and feet to ones self and by keeping the hallways clean.
OWNERSHIP by working together to keep hallways moving forward and to the right and arriving at your
destination on time.
ATTITUDE by helping others when they need help and using kind words with others.
RESPONSIBILITY by going to your destination quickly and quietly and keeping your locker organized and
adhering to locker times.
In the cafeteria, students will demonstrate
RESPECT by paying attention to adults and by not touching other students property.
OWNERSHIP by cleaning up their space and staying seated.
ATTITUDE by using manners with adults and peers and accepting and welcoming all students.
RESPONSIBILITY by waiting in a single file line patiently and keeping an appropriate volume.
Using Electronic devices students will demonstrate
RESPECT by using the device for instructional purposes only
OWNERSHIP by keeping the device off and out of sight when not in use.
ATTITUDE by graciously complying with requests.
RESPONSIBILITY by only using the device at your teacher’s direction.
On the bus, students will demonstrate
RESPECT by using the appropriate volume and keeping hands and feet to oneself.
OWNERSHIP by quickly choosing a seat and following procedures and Driver’s directions.
ATTITUDE by kindly greeting the bus driver, using kind words with peers and being a positive role model.
RESPONSIBILITY by immediately and accurately reporting problems and being mindful of your bus stop.
During assemblies & events, students will demonstrate
RESPECT by providing the speaker with undivided attention and keeping hands and feet to ones self.
OWNERSHIP by appropriately participating in all activities and following instructions.
ATTITUDE by entering in a calm manner and being a gracious audience member.
RESPONSIBILITY by staying seated and following dismissal directions.
Students are able to earn ROAR cards when they meet or exceed ROAR expectations. Students
submit these cards to a grade level bucket in the main office. ROAR card drawings are weekly and
quarterly; winners are recognized on the school web site and school wide announcements. In
addition, weekly and quarterly winners will receive their choice of incentive.
Parkside Middle School’s Dress Code for Students
It must be understood that the dress code guidelines exist to ensure that there are not disruptions to the
learning environment and to ensure that all students are safe. The wearing of a garment or accessory by
any Parkside student or staff member that distracts from the good order, safety and discipline in the
school and or classroom is prohibited.
The following guidelines for apparel/appearance are to be adhered to:
No shirts with oversized armholes may be worn.
Boxer shorts may not be worn as outerwear.
The wearing of hats, scarves, bandannas or other headgear is prohibited unless relating to one’s religion.
Spandex clothing/stretch leggings or other tight fitting garments, both long and short, may not be worn
alone as an outside garment.
Any clothing or accessory that may be interpreted as gang attire may not be worn.
Students are prohibited from wearing sunglasses inside the building.
Students are prohibited from wearing inappropriate or gang related graphic displays on visible parts of the
body or clothing.
Bare feet, stocking feet, socks, or bedroom slippers with soft bottoms are not allowed.
No flip flops or sports slides are permitted.
Beachwear clothing is not permitted.
No clothing or jewelry with profanity, suggestive symbols, or language is permitted.
No clothing or jewelry promoting drugs, alcohol, sexual relations, death or violence is permitted.
No sleeping apparel may be worn.
Sheer, see-through garments may not be worn unless an appropriate shirt is worn underneath the sheer.
No gloves may be worn inside the building.
No cleats may be worn inside the building.
Students are prohibited from wearing or having chains attached to their clothing.
The following guidelines for apparel fit are to be adhered to:
Garments for both boys and girls will fit in a manner to allow appropriate ease of movement and comfort
of wear.
Shorts, skirts and dress lengths should be appropriate in length, non-revealing, and longer than the
fingertips when arms are extended downward or touch the ground when kneeling.
Pants, skirts and shorts must be worn with the waistband at the student’s waist and will not show
No exposure of undergarments is permitted.
Undergarments may not be worn as outerwear.
No baggy, saggy or extremely oversized shorts, pants, or slacks will be permitted.
Tank tops, one-shoulder strap shirts, halter-tops, tube tops or spaghetti straps are not permitted.
All shirts must have a strap as wide as a standard “Post-it” style note
(approximately 3”).
Low-cut tops are prohibited. Shirts may not be lower than the armpits extend.
*If a student is not in compliance with the dress code, the Parent/Guardian will be called to bring appropriate attire
for the student. Otherwise the student will be asked to wear a loner clothes.
*If a member of the staff is not in compliance with the dress code, the staff member may be asked to change into
appropriate clothing.
The dress code is to be adhered to for all school functions. Uniforms for participation in afterschool activities are
exempt from this rule except during regular school day and will be selected based on professional judgment of the
school sponsor.
Repeated violations of the Dress Code may result in further disciplinary action.
Parkside Middle School’s Procedures
School procedures are set in place to make schools safer and to have a course of action to take in the event of
unsafe situations.
Fire Drill Procedure
Line up in a straight and quiet line.
Exit the building through your designated emergency exit.
Stay in a single file line and continue to walk quietly to your class staging area.
Remain quiet and calm.
Listen for directions.
When returning into the building, stay in a quiet straight line.
Enter the building in a calm respectful manner.
Quietly return to your classroom.
Bus Expectations
The Code of Virginia, Section 22.1-176, permits school boards to provide transportation for pupils, but does not
require them to do so. For Prince William County Public Schools, daily bus service will be provided for all inboundary students living in excess of one mile from school. Students eligible for transportation may be required to
walk up to one mile to reach their regular bus stop. Except for mid-day kindergarten students, students living within
a school's established walking boundary will walk to school. Express bus service will be provided for students
enrolled in all Specialty Programs. This service will be to and from express bus stops only.
A School Bus Video Observation System records activities aboard some buses. (See Regulation 433-3)
Please feel free to contact the school principal or Transportation Department for help with problems related to the
transportation of your child.
*Riding the school bus is a privilege, except as required by law for students with disabilities.
Students must:
• Remain seated until bus comes to a full stop.
• Leave the bus in an orderly manner, students in the front seats first.
• Leave the bus stop area when safety permits as soon as discharged from the bus.
• Not loiter around the bus.
• Cross the street, if necessary to do so, at the front of the bus and at a distance of at least ten feet in front of the
• Not cross until the driver has signaled that it is safe to do so. Crossing four or more traffic lanes or a divided
roadway is prohibited.
Students Riding the Bus should:
• Obey instructions of bus driver and/or bus attendant.
• Be seated immediately.
• Remain seated, facing forward.
• Share seats equally.
• Be courteous.
• Respect property.
• Keep all body parts inside bus.
• Keep aisles clear.
• Maintain good conduct.
The following infractions are not permitted:
• Creating loud noises
• Drug and Substance Abuse
• Eating/Drinking
• Endangering Others
• Fighting
• Fire
• Having glass objects
• Horseplay
• Littering
• Obscene gestures
• Other Violations of the Code of Behavior
• Profanity
• Smoking
• Spitting
• Tampering with equipment
• Threats
• Throwing objects from the bus
• Transporting large objects
• Use of wireless communication devices
• Vandalism
• Weapons
***If a disciplinary problem should occur in the afternoon, and the problem is such that, in the judgment of the
driver, it is unsafe to proceed, the driver may return to the school to seek immediate disciplinary action and/or
assistance. Bus drivers are instructed to report any infractions to the school principal/designee.
World Language Specialty Program
As a student in the World Language Specialty Program at Parkside Middle school students have the option of taking
Spanish or French. In the 6th and 7th grades they will complete Level I of their chosen course.
It is not essential that a student have had any previous language or cultural experiences in
order to be successful as a student in this program. Work/study habits, an interest in the
language chosen, whether French or Spanish, and previous academic achievement in
Language Arts are the most important predictors of success. Successful program participants
continue to French or Spanish II in 8th grade and earn two high school credits in foreign
language during their middle school years.
Cambridge International Program
Cambridge Mission: to deliver world-class international education through the provision of curricula, assessment
and services. We are committed to extending access to the benefits of high-quality education around the globe. Our
programmes and qualifications develop successful learners and support the economic performance of countries
where we work at national level.
Parkside is now fully approved as a Cambridge International School!
What does this mean… Cambridge International Examinations is the world’s largest provider of international
education programmes and qualifications for 5 to
19 year olds. Our qualifications are taken in over 160 countries and recognized by universities, education providers
and employers across the world.
 Part of the University of Cambridge and a not-for-profit organization
Benefits of the Cambridge International Program for Students:
Internationally recognized program
Student centered approach to learning
Progressive and flexible
Builds skills in creative thinking, inquiry and problem solving
To learn more about Cambridge International Program, please visit the PKMS Webpage!
Cambridge Pledge
The Cambridge Pledge is said every morning before the morning announcements. It is also posted in every room.
I will work with information and ideas.
I will be responsive to and respectful of others.
I am equipped for new and future challenges.
I am responsible for my own learning.
I am respons-able to the success of the class.
I will make a difference.
Parkside Middle School Clubs
Parkside Middle School offers many clubs that provide all students the ability to become engaged in activities that
are important to them. The number and focus of student clubs change from year to year as students with
different interests take leadership.
How to start a club or activity??? This is easy, get a group of friends together that share the same interests and then
find a teacher who can sponsor your club and you can have a club or activity at Parkside!
Some of the clubs and activities offered at Parkside are:
Ecology and Science Club
Battle of the Books
National Junior Honor Society
Drama Club
And many more!
We also offer Activity Buses to take students home after their activities at 4:40 Tuesday, and Thursday or 5:30
Parkside Middle School Athletics
Parkside Middle School offers a variety of Athletic programs. We encourage all students who would like to
participate in an athletic program to try out.
The values of good sportsmanship and the dynamics of teamwork shall be stressed constantly!
NEW STATE LAW: Everyone participating in school sports must have concussion training in order to be eligible
for trying out for a school sport team.
In order to try-out for a sport, the PARENT and STUDENT must attend one of the concussion trainings.
All students trying out for an athletic team must have both an athletic physical and concussion training certification
on file with Mrs. Harigan before they will be allowed to try out. The physical must be on the most recent PWCS
form. Please turn all forms directly into Mrs. Harigan.
Face-to-face training: Middle School Parents and Students who are trying out for a sport for their
FIRST TIME in middle school must attend a middle school face-to-face training.
Online training: Parents and students who have participated in a middle school face-to-face training
previously are eligible to complete the online training to meet the middle school participation requirements.
At the conclusion of the online training, you will print out a certificate that verifies that the student and
his/her parent and/or guardian have taken the training. This certificate must be turned in to Mrs. Harigan
prior to trying out for a sport. Online training will be available in English and Spanish. The online
presentations are available by clicking on the link below:
Face to face concussion training dates for the 2015-2016 School year are located on the “Athletics Page” of
the PKMS website.
PLEASE NOTE: All training sessions will begin on time. We cannot admit anyone after the official start time.
The doors will be shut and locked. This is a state guideline regarding concussion training.
Athletic Programs Offered at Parkside
FALL Sports:
Boys Football
Boys Soccer
Girls Track
Girls Volleyball
WINTER Sports:
Boys Junior Varsity and Varsity Basketball
Girls Junior Varsity and Varsity Basketball
SPRING Sports:
Boys Baseball
Boys Track
Girls Soccer
Girls Softball
Step Team
Parents: Please refer to the chart on the following page regarding your role in a student absence.
Tardy to Class: Promptness to class is extremely important. Students are expected to be in their classrooms, ready
to work, at the bell. Students who miss over one-half of a period will be entered as absent rather than tardy
for that period. Students who accumulate tardies will serve detention. Excessive tardiness may result in an office
Attendance at School: Parkside Middle School is committed to the philosophy that every student should attend
every class, every day. Attendance is one of the most important contributing factors for success while in school.
Regular attendance and promptness are expected in all classes and are essential for success in school. Learning that
is lost due to absence or tardiness can never be adequately replaced. Absences from classes should be for reasons of
health, for curriculum or extra-curricular related activities, or for unavoidable emergencies.
Virginia Code § 22.1-279.3. Parental responsibility and involvement requirements: Each parent of a student
enrolled in a public school has a duty to assist the school in enforcing the standards of student conduct and
compulsory school attendance in order that education may be conducted in an atmosphere free of disruption and
threat to persons or property, and supportive of individual rights.
Attendance Roles and Responsibilities
Policy and/or
PWCS Policy 720
Be on time to
Make sure your
student gets to
school on time
Take attendance
within the first 15
minutes of each
Accountable to
PWCS system to
keep daily accurate
attendance records
for the school
Come prepared
to Learn – with
Call the main
office to report
your child
before 8:30 am
Provide make-up
work when student
Responsible for
PWCS Regulation
making any
changes to a PKMS
attendance record
Come with
Email or Send a
written note to
Mrs. Lauper or
Advisory Teacher
with your student
upon their return
to school
Issue and record
tardy passes for
students late to
Turn in absent
notes to the
main office
Follow-up with
secretary if you
receive an
attendance notice
Request approval
for extended
absences at least
two weeks in
Mark student UNV
if student is not
physically in the
classroom or ACT
when involved in a
school approved
activity during their
Forward any notes
to the attendance
Complete make
up work within
two days of
returning to
Notify parents
when a student fails
to report to class or
school via autodialer, email and/or
in writing
Submit attendance
referral to the
PWCS Truancy
Officer when a
student has had 5
Virginia Code
§ 22.1-279.3.
Medication Disbursement and Vaccination Policy
Medical/medication forms must be redone every school year and submitted to the school nurse. All forms
can be downloaded from the Health Clinic and Nurse website by clicking on the following image:
Students are not allowed to carry over the counter (OTC) or prescription medication. (Exceptions to this rule are
asthma inhalers and epi pens with proper documentation.)
Any OTC medication must be new and in an unopened container and brought to the clinic by the parent.
Prescription medication must be brought to the clinic by the parent in the original container with the
prescription on it and proper documentation signed by the doctor.
Vaccinations: All middle school students (including rising 6th – 8th graders) must have the required immunizations.
Please consult your physician or the PWC Health Department to verify that your student’s immunizations are up to
date and meet all Virginia requirements for school enrollment. Any student not in compliance will be excluded from
***Please provide documentation to the middle school by August 25, 2015 to ensure no delay for your child
at the start of the year!***
Parents/Guardians can help ensure the well being of all our students by:
Following PWCS medication regulations when requesting medication be given to your child at school
Notifying the school nurse of any health concerns or chronic health conditions that may affect your child’s
school day
Following state guidelines by keeping all immunizations up to date
Encouraging good hygiene/hand washing practices at home and school
Keeping emergency cards up to date
Keeping an ill child home and letting the school know if the illness is contagious
School Counseling Services
All students and parents are urged to get to know their grade level counselor. Our counselors welcome the
opportunity to meet with students and parents, and are available for appointments during the school day.
The main focus of our counseling program is to help students be successful in school. This may involve talking
about both personal and academic issues that have affected the student's academic achievement. Students can
submit a request to see their counselor before the school day begins and a pass will be issued to see the counselor at
a specific time. To respect the confidentiality and privacy of other students, students may not visit the counseling
office without a counseling pass. If a student is in crisis, the teacher will call the main office and an adult will come
and escort the student to an appropriate location.
Parents may contact their child’s counselor at 703.361.3106 to schedule a parent/teacher conference or to get an
update on student progress.
6th Grade:
7th Grade:
8th Grade:
Ms. Willette Trevis
Ms. Caroline Young
Mr. Clifton Gorham
Ms. Shannon Dimisa