APES chapter 4 Evolution and Biodiversity Vocabulary Evolution

APES chapter 4 Evolution and Biodiversity Vocabulary
Reproductive isolation
Biological evolution / smallest unit to evolve
Extinction / endemic species
natural selection/ mutations/ adaptive traits
Current anthropometric extinction
Tectonic plates, volcanoes, earthquakes in bioevolution
Mass depletion vs mass extinction
Artificial Selection/ husbandry
Ecological Niche
Genetic engineering/ recombinant DNA
generalist/ specialist
transgenic organism
Niche separation/ evolutionary divergence
Cloning/ gene therapy
Geographic isolation/ founder effect
Bioinformatics/ Genomics
APES Unit 2 Ecology and Sustainability: Final Review
Chapter 2
Pg. 28: Easter Island
Pg. 34-38: Atoms, Ion, pH, carbon, cells, macromolecules, states of matter, quality of matter
Pg. 40-41: Types of Pollutants, Nuclear changes
Pg. 44-45: First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics
Chapter 3
Pg. 51-53: Basic Ecology and levels of organization
Pg. 54: Biosphere
Pg. 56-60: Parts of an ecosystem
Pg. 61-62: Biodiversity, HIPPO, ecosystem vs. species approach
Pg. 63-66: Food chain/ web, Trophic Levels, Gross Primary Productivity (GPP), Net Primary Productivity (NPP)
Pg. 67-78: Cycles: Soil, Water, Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulfur
Chapter 4
Pg. 85-86: Natural Selection, Evolution
Pg. 86-87: Coevolution, Hybridization, Gene Swapping, Limitations to Natural Selection
Pg. 89: Ecological Niches, generalist species, specialist species
Pg. 94-97: Genetic Engineering, Genetic Revolution, Synthetic Biology
Practice Essay Question:
Scientists designed an experiment to learn about the functioning of the hydrological cycle and the phosphorus
cycle in a forest. Using two areas of the same size and geological features, they cut all the trees down from one plot and
did not disturb the other plot. They were able to accurately measure the amount of water that flowed out of the two
plots as well as measure the amounts of phosphorus found in the runoff.
Describe what the differences would be in the volume of water running off the two plots and give one
reason why. Assume that the two areas received the same amounts of precipitation.
b. Describe the differences in the levels of phosphorus found in the runoff of the two plots. Assume that both
the plots started off with the same amount of phosphorus in the soil.
c. Describe one negative effect that might occur in a stream that receives the runoff water and sediment.
d. When a tropical rain forest is cut down and used as farmland, the fertility of the soil only lasts a few years.
Give an explanation as to why there is little organic matter in rain forest soil and what would happen to that
material after deforestation.