
Meeting Minutes
February 17, 2011
The regular meeting of the Gresham-Barlow Web Academy Board was called to order at 4:22 after an
executive session was adjourned.
The meeting was called to order by Cathy Sherick, Acting Board Chair.
Present: Cathy Sherick-Director (Acting Chair), Johnnie Driessner-Director, Bruce Schmidt-Director, Matt
Absent: Connie Rice-Chair
Staff Present: Tim Drilling-Principal, Mike Harris-Administrator
1. A motion was made to approve the minutes for the Oct. 21, 2010 meeting as presented, by
Bruce Schmidt and seconded by Matt O’Connell. Motion carried.
A motion was made to approve the Jan. 20, 2011 minutes as written except to change the date
from 01/20/1011 to 01/20/2011. Motion made by Matt O’Connell, second by Bruce Schmidt,
motion carried.
2. Administration 2011/12
Johnnie Dreissner asked for a revised job description and how the job duties will shift from Tim
to Mike? Tim indicated that Superintendent Schlachter has not approved his move from halftime Web Academy Principal to 1/3 Web Academy Principal. Mike pointed out the agreement
between the Gresham-Barlow district and the Web Academy for Tim’s services will need to be
revised should Tim’s hours be reduced at the Web Academy. Johnnie made a motion to retain
Tim and Mike as the principal team for the 2011/12 school year. Bruce Schmidt, seconded the
motion. Motion carried.
A second motion was made by Johnnie Dreissner and seconded by Matt O’Connell to move to
one full time administrator starting with the 2012/13 school year. The board will start looking
this time next year. Motion carried.
3. Legislation
Tim talked about the pending bills in the Oregon House and Senate impacting on-line charter
schools. He and Mike met with Rep. Greg Matthews. House bill #2301 would end on-line charter
school options. Charter schools would be absorbed by their districts as a district program. There
would be three on-line providers in the state. Tim and Mike don’t know who is sponsoring the
House bill. The Senate bill, not yet numbered, is sponsored by the Oregon ESD’s and Oregon
Virtual Academy and would make the ESD’s the only on-line providers in the state. There are 15
on-line charter schools in the state. Tim pointed out that if the bills pass, parents and students
would lose choice and local options. It was felt the size of Oregon Connections Academy and the
financial impact of the Tim King schools are working against on-line charter schools. Three
letters were recommended to be sent out by the GBWA board. One letter to be sent to the
other Oregon on-line charter schools as information of what our school is doing to work against
the pending House and Senate bills. Another letter sent to the State Education Committee
explaining the value of our program. The third, to be sent to parents notifying them the two
previously mentioned letters have been sent on their behalf. Tim shared with the board, there
was a parent meeting 2 nights earlier where 28 parents attended. All were willing to support the
WA by signing letters to be sent to the legislature. Johnnie made the motion to work with staff
to put together the letters to be sent out by the board. Matt O’Connell seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
4. Facilities
Mike presented the latest design and picture of the new building. Johnnie questioned the
timeline and the expense to-date. The steps so far have been to contact the realtor, have the
architect, Bill Whitney do preliminary drawings at a cost of $1100 and an estimate of the
permits and architecture fees, $25,000. Next stage of the process is preliminary negotiations
with the building owner. The hope is the owner will either help with the renovations or give
credit towards the rent for our renovation costs. Follow-up meetings with US Bank, Key Bank
and the school district about our ability to secure a small business loan for the renovations and
related expenses. The banks may loan up to 80% of the requested amount with a 5-7 year pay
back. Jerry Jones, the school district’s CFO is willing to help with the process. Mike will work on
the timeline and get it out to everyone. Tim pointed out the pending bills in the House and
Senate will be a factor in the timeline. Connie Scherick suggested the board hold a special
meeting dedicated to facilities and issues around moving forward. Mike will work towards
having more concrete figures and a timeline before spring break. The special facilities meeting
will be held at the Web Academy on Mar. 31st from 4:00-5:00 pm. The meeting may include a
trip to the new facility.
5. Enrollment
Tabled for next regular board meeting
6. Board Recruitment Policy
Tabled for next regular board meeting
7. Early College Program
Mike presented reasons and options for starting an Early/Middle College program at the Web
Academy. MHCC has two different ways the WA can offer college classes to our students.
a. The Middle College option has the GBWA screen the students and MHCC runs the
program with students taking up to 15 credits and books provided. MHCC enrolls juniors
and seniors into this program at a cost of $500+ tuition and fees. Reynolds School
District has 5-6 students enrolled in this program.
b. The Early College option is run by the WA with students taking up to 12 credits and
receiving a stipend of $100 for books. This program would be available to sophomores,
juniors and seniors.
The advantage for our students, parents and school would be the expansion of options for our
college ready students. They will stay with us rather then look at other programs offering the
same type of opportunities. Motion was made by Bruce Schmidt to move forward with the
Early/Middle College option. Johnnie Dreissner seconded the motion. Motion carried. Cathy
requested Mike and Tim report back to the board with an update on the program.
8. Board Priorities
Hand out was given on the results of the board survey. The #1 priority of the board is our brand
in the community and surrounding area.
Meeting adjourned at 5:40 pm