IDP Worksheet

UC Davis Individual Development Plan (IDP) Worksheet – Part One
Complete Part One and Two of the UC Davis IDP Worksheet and then summarize the information in the UC Davis IDP form.
Jae Davis
Purpose for the IDP
___ New to Role
_X_ Increase Competency in Current Role
___ Change Role
___ Other, please describe:
Date: November 1, 20XX
Number of years at UC: 5
Number of years in current role: 3
Number of years doing current type of work: 5
Career/Professional Goals
State your desired career or professional goal. It is not necessary to have a goal for each timeframe.
Immediate: Give a presentation to an audience of a different division.
Short-term (1-2 years) Give a presentation to an external audience.
Long-term (3-5 years): Deliver a training class on presentation skills.
How will these goals meet the business needs of your division or unit? Gain confidence to ultimately represent the division in front of
external audiences to help meet our goals of community involvement. Right now, get the word out about our unit and division
to other divisions.
If interested in a new role, list 2-3 potential next positions:
List why achieving these goals is important, or what you will gain once achieved: I will be able to present at meetings and in front of
audiences. I will present confidently and keep my nerves under control. I will be convincing and potentially gain new donors or
advocates for our work.
Development Goals
Based on your research of the required skills, knowledge, and competencies required for the career/professional goal indicated above, state
your development goal(s) in the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound) style .
Development Goal One:
Deliver a 30 minute presentation to another division by May 15, 20XX.
Development Goal Two:
UC Davis Individual Development Plan (IDP) Worksheet – Part Two
Research indicates that most learning in the workplace occurs on the job. An effective IDP includes development activities that include learning by
doing, learning from others, and classes, reading, and e-learning.
Use this sheet to brainstorm as many ideas as you can that might help you achieve your goal.
Classes, E-learning,
Education, Readings
Learning from Others
Learning by Doing:
Developmental Goal: Deliver a presentation to
Skill, Knowledge, Competency to be Developed: Presentation and communication
another division by May 15, 20XX.
Development Activity & Description
Resources Needed
1. Deliver a presentation on topic X to my current team.
1. Time at staff meeting
2. Deliver a presentation to a new audience. Join another team’s staff
2. Time at someone else’s staff meeting;
meeting and present to them.
Manager’s approval
3. Get feedback. Ask someone to observe and give me feedback on my
3. A trusted colleague
presentation skills.
1. Observe others who are effective presenters. At presentations
others give, write notes about how they present and what skills they
2. Audience observation: Watch an audience to see how they respond
to different speakers and what holds the audience’s attention.
3. Interview effective presenters: Meet with rock star presenters
and find out how they do it
1. Attend my regular meetings; notepad &
2. Attend my regular meetings; notepad &
3. Presenters; Manager’s idea on who to
interview; Time
1. Join a Toastmasters speaking club in my community.
2. Go to an on-site class on presentation skills.
3. Listen to a cd on presentations. I heard there’s a “Talk Like Ted” cd
that gives all the secrets of the pros!
4. Select a book on presentations from ULearn through UC Davis
Talent Management.
1. Toastmasters website; local meetings
2. Time and $ (if needed)
3. Local Library – CD; listen to it on
4. ULearn website:
UC Davis Individual Development Plan
Using the information you have provided in Part One and Two of the IDP Worksheet, complete the individual development plan. Remember to start
small by selecting one, or at the most, two areas to develop and no more than two to three development activities for each area.
Name: Jae Davis
1. State your development goal using the SMART style.
Current Position: One UC Davis Employee
Deliver a presentation to another division by May 15, 20XX.
(From IDP Worksheet Part One)
Presentation and communication
2. Select the skill, knowledge or competency to be developed.
(From IDP Worksheet Part Two)
Development Activities
Target Dates
List 2-3 learning activities
(From IDP Worksheet Part
State what the successful completion
of the development activities looks
Who/what will contribute your
development activities. Can be
time, funding, or organizational
List when each development activity or
major milestone will be completed.
Note completion, potential road
blocks and how to get those
blocks out of the way.
A. Join
A. Attend Toastmasters
meetings, at least
2x/month; make
presentations at
A. Local Toastmasters
in my neighborhood
A. Begin November 15
B. Get feedback
B. Visibly control my
anxiety and reduce my
use of “um”
C. Deliver a
presentation to a
new audience
C. Deliver a presentation
to a new audience; Kim
gives positive
feedback regarding my
anxiety and lack of
Date discussed with supervisor or mentor:
November 5
B. Meet with Kim to
ask for feedback at
my presentations.
Agree what Kim will
assess me on (um/
anxiety) and how I’ll
receive feedback.
My manager.
C. My manager
Manager of other
B. Meet with Kim
o For a kick off
meeting by
November 30, 20XX
o Meet with Kim every
month at least once
to receive feedback:
- December
- January
- February
- March
- April
C. Deliver presentation in
Date of follow-up meeting:
(at least once every three months)
February 5
May 5
August 5