External Speakers Initial Risk Assessment Form

Initial Risk Assessment form for External Speakers (to be used in all cases),
Part 1: Event Organiser details:
Contact email :
Telephone No :
Part 2: Event details, including date and name and brief details of the external speaker:
Part 3. Please circle your answer:
Question 1: Has the speaker previously been known to express views that may be in breach of
the Freedom of Speech or External Speakers policy?
Question 2: Does the proposed title or theme of the event present a potential risk that
views/opinions expressed by the speaker may be in breach of the Freedom of Speech or External
Speakers Policy?
Question 3: Is the proposed speaker/theme likely to attract attendance from individuals/groups
that have previously been known to express views that may be in breach of the Freedom of
Speech or External Speakers policy?
Head of Department or Service (or nominee) Signature & Date:
If the answer to all three questions is NO then this is a ‘low risk’ event – please forward this form
to your Head of Department or Head of Service (or his/her nominee) for confirmation and signature.
If this judgement is confirmed please proceed with the event. Do note that it is still required that the
speaker be sent a copy of the Freedom of Speech and External Speakers policies.
If the answer to any question is YES, please complete the Full Speaker Booking Form and forward to
your Head of Department or Head of Service (or his/her nominee) for confirmation and signature,
this form should then be sent to the Conference Office for consideration.
In all cases the form should be passed to the Conference Office at conferenceoffice@uwe.ac.uk so
that a central record can kept for possible audit purposes.