2015-2016 Studio Policies

2015 – 2016 Studio Policies
Welcome, Students and Families!
Teaching music to students of all ages, levels, and abilities is our passion, and we are looking forward to a great year. We thought
it might be helpful to house this set of Policies and the 2015-2016 Calendar in the studio in case parents, students, and new
families have questions as the year progresses. Our policies ensure our studio runs as safely and effectively as possible, and allow
us to give our students the best instructors, training, and lesson quality available. We’ve kept them as brief as possible for quick
reference, but never be afraid to come to any of our teachers directly with questions or concerns.
Thank you for reading…We look forward to working with you!
Studio Policies:
Please remember that our business is unique (proudly, we are the only multi-instrument, multi-teacher, non-retail
music studio in this area!). Our policies regarding tuition, missed lessons, or the calendar, may be very different from your
previous experience with another private teacher, music studio or music store.
When Lessons Begin in September:
Our first day of lessons in the 2015 – 2016 fiscal year is officially Sunday, September 13th, 2015 (the first full week of
public school – giving everyone time to settle into their new school schedule). September tuition, however, is due by
August 25th and reserves your September lesson slot. September tuition is not prorated.
Lessons and The Annual Calendar:
The Music Studio offers private music lessons year round (12 months, from September - August), and we prefer
that our students commit to their lessons for 12 months. A printable calendar is available on our website. All
holidays, breaks, Group Make Up Sessions, Sunday Practice Sessions, Recital, and other events will be noted on the
calendar (any events marked “TBA” will be announced and added to the calendar as soon as possible). All policies
apply throughout the entire fiscal year (policies remain the same during the summer).
Starting Lessons (new students):
Registration for lessons can be done through our Registration Page on our website: www.TheMusicStudio.net.
Stopping Lessons:
Whether planning to discontinue lessons permanently or temporarily, 30 days (one month’s) written notice to the
is required, the final day of lessons determined, and all accounts (including books, supplies, and tuition) must be
paid to date. Provided the required notice is given, your account will only be charged through the designated last
day of lessons. Your account will continue to be charged for a time slot if no notice is given. Students may not
extend lessons or continue to use a time slot beyond their designated last day (any due make up lessons must be
scheduled prior to that date). There are no refunds or credits given for past missed lessons.
Taking a break from lessons, but planning to return:
Even if planning to return to lessons, students who take a break (without continuing to pay tuition) are considered
“dropped” until they return. 30 days (one month’s) written notice to the teacher is required, the final day of
lessons determined, and your account must be paid through that date. Your account will continue to be charged
for a time slot if no notice is given. We cannot guarantee that a time slot will still be available when you return.
There are no refunds or credits given for past missed lessons.
Monthly tuition is due IN ADVANCE by the 25th of the previous month of lessons (Ex. Tuition for September is due
by August 25th). Tuition is the same amount each month, and is not prorated or adjusted due to the number of
weeks per month or missed lessons. Holidays, vacations, group make-ups, studio gatherings, and recital, have
already been factored into the monthly amount. New students who begin lessons mid-month will be prorated only
for their first month of lessons.
Monthly Statements:
We will provide you with a tuition reminder statement by email around the 15th of each month showing tuition,
books, and any past due amounts for the upcoming month. A working email address is required.
If a Student cancels or misses a lesson:
Regardless of advance notice or reason, there are no private lesson make ups if a student cancels or misses a lesson.
However, students may opt to attend a group make up session (see Group Make Up next).
Group Make Up Sessions:
Students (of any teacher, any instrument) who have missed a regularly scheduled lesson may opt to attend a group
make up session (dates will be posted on the website and at the studio).
Sunday Practice Sessions:
As an additional benefit to students, small group practice/performance sessions will be held at the studio on
various Sundays from 1:15 – 2:00pm. These are open to all students as an opportunity to polish and test new
pieces in front of a small audience. Sign up is on a first-come basis (dates will be posted on the website and at the
studio, and we will send out announcements of upcoming practice sessions via email). There is no additional
tuition or fee for attending.
If a Teacher cancels or misses a lesson:
Another Teacher will substitute for that lesson (at the regularly scheduled time), or the lesson will be rescheduled
at a mutually convenient time and as studio space is available.
Safety and Behavior:
An in-house set of studio policies concerning safety and behavior are posted at The Music Studio.
Arrival and Departure:
Please try not to arrive more than 5 minutes earlier than your scheduled lesson time, particularly if you are the first
lesson of the day or if there is an empty lesson time before yours.
To ensure consistent progress and effective lessons, students are expected to practice at home daily and prepare
assignments in advance of their lesson.
Music Books and Supplies:
Music books, sheet music, and supplies are not included in tuition. Students must bring all music and their
notebook to every lesson.
We will have one major recital this year, held in June 2016 (exact day and time TBA). All students are invited and
encouraged to participate. There will not be a formal rehearsal; however, performance etiquette will be covered at
all of the Sunday Practice Sessions throughout the year (see Sunday Practice Sessions above).
Snow and Studio Emergencies:
If necessary, lessons missed due to snow or emergency closure will be made up on a pre-determined day at the end
of the fiscal year (see calendar).
Summer Lessons:
All studio policies apply throughout the year, including the summer months. Our policy on missed lessons
continues to apply: Regardless of advance notice or reason, there are no private lesson make ups if a student
cancels or misses a lesson. However, students may opt to attend a group make up session.
Note: Students who will miss two or more consecutive lessons in either July or August due to vacation may opt to
reschedule those lessons with their instructor or a substitute teacher at a mutually convenient time, provided
advanced notice is given. “No Shows” will not be rescheduled. We do not prorate tuition during summer.