Review Topics for Honors Earth Science Final 2012 To prepare for

Review Topics for Honors Earth Science Final 2012
To prepare for the Final, be able to define, describe, understand, and apply the following
General Science
1. Branches of Earth Science
2. Metric Unit Conversion
3. Standard Units (Mass, Volume, Temperature)
4. Calculating density (including using displacement of water)
5. Experimental Variables (IV, DV, constant)
6. Graphs (IV/DV axis, bar vs. line)
7. Contours on topographic maps
8. Determining river direction on topographic maps
9. Topographic map symbols
10. Topographic map scales
Rocks and Minerals
11. Mineral Definition
12. Mineral Groups (identification using elements)
13. Mineral properties – streak, luster, hardness, density, breakage
14. Rock Cycle
15. Igneous Rock Classification by composition (Mafic/Felsic/Intermediate)
16. Igneous Rock Classification by Cooling Rate (Intrusive/Extrusive)
17. Sedimentary Rocks (3 types)
18. Metamorphism (3 types)
19. Metamorphic Rock Textures (foliated/non foliated)
Plate Tectonics
20. Earth’s interior and layers
21. Volcano Types and their characteristics
22. Magma/Lava Classification (Silica, viscosity)
23. Plutons (definition, types)
24. Location of volcanoes
25. Location and cause of earthquakes
26. Fault types and related stress type
27. Types of seismic waves (characteristics and relative speeds)
28. Locating an earthquake using seismic waves
29. Continental Drift Theory (evidence for and missing evidence)
30. Cause of plate movement in Plate Tectonic theory
31. Types of plate boundaries and their characteristics
32. Seafloor spreading
33. Evidence for Plate Tectonic Theory
Geologic Time
34. Fossil types and formation
35. Relative Dating (Laws of superposition, cross-cutting, and inclusions)
36. Absolute Dating (Radioactive dating – parent/daughter isotope ratios)
37. Geologic Time Scale (Eras and major events)
Composition of the Atmosphere (2 main gases, ozone)
Layers of the Atmosphere
Forms of Energy Transfer (Conduction, Convection, Radiation)
Clouds (Formation, types)
Properties of the Atmosphere (Temperature, Air Pressure, Dew Point, Relative Humidity)
Air Masses - properties and source regions (mT, cT, mP, cP, A)
Wind Systems – (Polar Easterlies, Prevailing Westerlies, Trade Winds)
Coriolis effect
46. Ocean Water Density (based on salinity and temperature)
47. Tides
48. Ocean Currents (surface, density/deep ocean)
49. Formation of the moon (Impact Theory)
50. Formation of the solar system (Nebular Theory)
51. Formation and evolution of the universe (Big Bang Theory)
52. Solar system (order and major characteristics of planets, asteroid belt, oort belt, Kuiper Belt)
53. Moon Phases
54. Cause of seasons
55. Parallax (definition and use)
56. Star temperature and relationship to color
57. H-R Diagram
58. Star life cycles for low, medium(like our sun), and high mass stars
59. Evidence for an expanding universe (Doppler effect and red-shift)
60. Kepler’s laws for planetary motion
61. Models of the solar system (Kepler, Copernicus, and Ptolemy)
62. Eclipses (Solar and Lunar)
63. Galaxies (Types, the Milky Way)