face recognition in unconstrained environments

Sreelakshmi K R
PG Schoalr, CSE Department
College of Engg. Kidangoor
Kottayam, Kerala, India
Email Id: srilakshmy.kr@gmail.com
Anitha R
HOD, Computer Science Department
College of Engg. Kidangoor
Kottayam, Kerala, India
Email Id: anitharshibu@gmail.com
Abstract—Face recognition is one of the challenging areas in
Image processing, especially in unconstrained environments.
The challenges arise due to the variations in face pose,
expressions, illuminations, occlusions etc. The same
problems are studied and faced in Forensic areas for
criminal identification. Law enforcement and intelligence
agencies are trying to find the suspect with the aid of
automatic FR systems using all sources of information
available, which may include images, videos or face sketches
etc... This survey lights out the possibilities suggested for
unconstrained face recognition in forensic area and
suggesting that multiple media based face recognition is the
solution to be adopted.
Keywords-Unconstrained face recognition, multiple media
based face recognition, media collection.
The growth of pattern recognition researches has
engrossed face recognition technology very much interest
over the past decades and so the performance of face
recognition algorithms has advanced significantly. The
application area includes Law enforcements and Forensic
agencies, PC logon, e-Voting system, Surveillance system
etc. As the application increases, need for new algorithms
that come across with better accuracy is demanding.
Particularly, face recognition in unconstrained
environments is increasingly challenging and in
application areas such as Forensic and law enforcement, it
is of great importance.
Face Recognition is nothing but identifying a human
face that is identified before. Humans perform this task
easily and we do the same several times every day, but the
machine recognition of faces is an interesting and
challenging crisis. And thus come the time of Automated
Face Recognition.
Apart from conventional face
recognition, in unconstrained face recognition systems the
images are captured under unreliable conditions and are
taken without subject’s corporation [1]. The varying
conditions include illumination variation, environmental
impact, pose deviation, occlusion due to several factors…
Fig.1. Automated Face Recognition
Whatever it is, the process of face matching is takes place
there and thus it requires two sets of images; one called
gallery image and other is called probe images. And in the
process, probe images are matched against gallery images
for a true match. Every FRT is aided with a large database
which contains identified images or videos of people.
There are several datasets available, publicly too, for the
face matching. In all database the faces are labeled after
some training algorithms applied. So the matching is
against a labeled gallery. A general diagram describing
the process of automated face recognition is shown below
in Fig-1. The first step involved in automated face
recognition is obviously, the face detection which is
nothing but detecting the faces in the given image in order
to find its identity. Then the matching is aided with
feature extraction; identifying the invariant key features
of both probe and gallery images which includes finding
the locations of the eyes, nose, and mouth, and measuring
the distances between these characteristic locations. Face
Recognition is benefitted with several algorithms
nowadays with vast set features, and algorithms such as
PCA, using Eigenfaces, ANN, algorithms using LBP
features etc. But still it is challenging because of
unreliable conditions on images. In unconstrained face
recognition problem, especially in forensic areas, some
kind of face preprocessing is necessary other than face
normalizations, including pose correction of faces in the
image. Pose correction generally refers to the process of
making the face frontal since matching is benefitted with
frontal face image databases. With the help of pose
correction algorithms a 3D face model is generated. And a
2D face image is rendered from the model which should
be of frontal face and can be matched against the gallery.
There is variety of algorithms for modeling and software
solutions are also there.
In this paper a survey of various unconstrained face
recognition methods are conducted and concentrating
mainly in forensic areas as face recognition has become
an unavoidable forensic tool used by criminal
investigators and law enforcement agencies.
Compared to automated face recognition, face
recognition in forensic area is more difficult because it
must be capable of handling facial images captured under
uncontrolled conditions. In [2] improvements in forensic
face recognition all the way through research with facial
aging, facial marks, forensic sketch recognition, face
recognition in video, etc are discussed. But still there are
limitations in forensic face recognition due to pose
variations, illumination, occlusion etc.
Unconstrained face recognition is studied well in
theory for several times. But most of them considered
single media as input to the system. Among them two
database oriented solutions are widely discussed and
studied. Face recognition has benefited greatly from
many databases that are used to study it. Most of them
databases are created under restricted conditions to
facilitate the study of particular parameters on the face
matching problem. These parameters include variations in
position, lighting, face expressions, image background,
quality of camera used to capture the image, face
occlusions, age, and gender and so on. Gary B. Huang et
al [2] proposed such a database called LFW: Labelled
Faces in the Wild. It is an initial attempt to supply a set of
labeled face photographs with the range of conditions that
is encountered by people day by day. In this database
there are 13,233 images of 5749 different persons each of
size 250 by 250 and are in JPEG format. Among them
1680 persons have 2 or more images and remaining 4069
persons have only single image in the database. Each
person is given a unique name which is centered in the
picture. Most of the images are color but some gray scale
images are also present. The authors defined two “Views”
for the database; one for algorithm development for
others and other view is for performance reporting.
Several discussions are conducted based on LFW dataset
including [7] – [12]. But still results show deviations
across different methods.
A next step towards database creation in unconstrained
environments is for recognition of faces from the videos.
This is demanding much more nowadays in forensic field,
since most of the evidence available for them is from
ubiquitous surveillance cameras all around the world.
When a crime is happened the proof available only are
videos captured by surveillance cameras, may be of low
quality. So recognition from videos is very important for
law enforcement agencies. Lior Wolf [4] and et al
proposed a complete database of labeled videos of faces
in uncontrolled conditions called the ’YouTube Faces’.
As we all know videos in nature provide more
information about the person of interest than single
images. Certainly, several existing methods have obtained
remarkable recognition performances by exploiting the
fact that a single face may become visible in a video in
several successive frames. They defined a new similarity
measure, called the Matched Background Similarity .This
similarity is based on information from multiple frames
while being resistant to pose, lighting conditions and
other ambiguous factors. The YouTube Faces (YTF)
database, which is out in 2011, is the video counterpart to
LFW for unconstrained face recognition in videos. That
means the database contains videos of persons which
have labeled images in LFW database. The database
contains 3,425 videos of 1, 595 persons. The
unconstrained face recognition using YTF is conducted in
[5], [7] and [10]. Also video to video matching is
performed several authors in [15]-[18]. However, the
video face recognition in unconstrained environments
demands much more attention due to the abundant
ubiquitous video sources of poor quality.
Due to varying and confusing factors such as pose,
lighting, expression, occlusion and low resolution, current
face recognition technology deployed in forensic
applications work in a semi-automatic manner; that is a
human operator reviews the top matches from the system
to manually determine the final match. So, it is essential
to investigate the accuracies achieved by both the
recognition by machines and by humans on unconstrained
face recognition tasks. A typical framework designed to
measure human precision on unconstrained faces in still
images and videos is crowd sourcing on Amazon
Mechanical Turk [4]. Amazon Mechanical Turk simply,
MTurk, is a website used for "crowd sourcing" from a
large number of human participants. By crowd sourcing
we mean retrieving valuable information by the combined
effort of more than one participant and they are called the
“workers”. Mturk helps the individuals known as
“Requesters” to find solutions to the tasks that currently
impossible to do with computers, by posting some
Human Intelligence Tasks (HITS) and collecting the
results from workers. The process is handled in an
economical way such that both workers and requesters
are benefitted from it. This seems nice that will help to
analyze the human versus machine performance and it is
of very useful in forensic and security field.
Face images in unconstrained environments usually are
of considerable pose variation, which should reduce the
performance of algorithms developed to recognize the
frontal faces. So some sort of pose correction is necessary
prior to matching of faces. There is lots of work which
helps in pose normalizing the faces and authors of [13]
propose a face recognition framework able to handle a
range of pose variations within ±90° of yaw. Rotation
about the vertical axis is called yaw angle. The first step
in this framework is transformation of original poseinvariant face recognition problem into a partial frontal
face recognition problem. And then render a 2D face
image of frontal nature from the 3D model generated.
This is used for matching which yields a better matching
rate. So it can be say that in forensic identification one
major task is to pose correct the image for better accuracy
before applying any matching algorithm. Several pose
correction algorithms are there which are studied on
different datasets [19] - [21]. The accuracies vary across
algorithms. So better face synthesis methods are expected
which are able to generate facial shape and textures under
varied poses, by using more features in the image or by
combining multiple synthesis strategies.
A detailed study on unconstrained face recognition is
conducted by Jordan Cheney and Ben Klein et al in [5].
They considered nine different face detection frameworks
which are acquired through government rules, open
source, or commercial licensing. The data set utilized
here for analysis is the IJB-A, a recently released
unconstrained face recognition dataset which enclosed
67,183 labeled faces of 5,712 images and 20,408 video
frames. The result of this study is that top performing
detectors are still not able to detect the faces with severe
pose, partial occlusion, or poor illumination. So, still the
FRT need to be advanced.
Now think on another direction of FRT which lets us to
classify existing face recognition system into two broad
categories; one is single media based UFR and multiple
media based UFR. Single media based UFR takes only
single input in the form of an image or a video etc. But,
multiple media based recognition considers the images,
videos, face sketches everything available for a person of
interest as a media to identify the person as an input.
Recently, NIST (National Institute of Science and
Technology) conducted a study on single media based
UFR and Multiple media based UFR [14]. The results
shows, for various face datasets discussed far, that the
recognition accuracy is increasing when combining
multiple media sources to recognize a person. FRGC
(Face Recognition Grand Challenge v.2) is an example
for UFR based on multiple media, which tests across
single image and single3D image vs. sing 3D image. And
it yields 79% accuracy at 0.1% FAR (False Acceptance
These comments put forward that in unconstrained
environments, a single face media probe, of poor quality,
may not be reliable to provide an adequate picture of a
face. This suggests the use of collection of face media
which can include any sources of information that is
accessible for a probe image. It is, thus, significant to
establish how the face recognition accuracy can improve
when input with a set of face media of different types,
even if of diverse qualities, as probe.
Thus the survey points towards the solutions associated
with multiple media based algorithms and one best
discussion that shows significant improvement in this
area is [7] proposed by Best Rowden and et al. In this
paper a media collection is proposed, that includes an
image, one or more video frames of the subject, a forensic
face sketch drawn by the expert artists, and some kind of
demographic information (age, gender, race etc,.). The
final aim is to recognize a person of attention, based on
poor quality face images and videos; it is indeed to utilize
anything available about the person. While traditional
face recognition methods generally consider a single
media (i.e., still face images, video tracks, 3D face
models, 2D face image rendered from 3D model or face
sketch) as input, this paper considers these all sources as
the input to get a true mate for the person of interest. Fig2 from [7] suggests the different sources of subject that
can be considered to identify the subject by combining
the media.
multiple media of a person it will give more accuracy.
A set of face media can be utilized to better identify a
subject in forensic face recognition. Some sort of pose
correction algorithms should improve the identification
accuracy. So with media fusion and a good 3D face
modeling technique a better FRT in unconstrained
environment can results in a good TAR with minimum
FAR. Again investigations in the direction of better face
media quality measures can improve the recognition rate
decrease the effort in the unconstrained environment. Our
ongoing work investigates for the fully algorithmic
approach of multiple media based face recognition in
unconstrained environments.
Fig.2: A sample collection of face media for a subject[7]
Also another fact is that Pose-corrected face images from
the LFW database, pose corrected video frames from the
YTF database used in this paper have been made
available publicly. By referring these URLs anyone can
easily utilize the datasets for the experiments: http://viswww.cs.umass.edu/lfw for LFW database and
http://www.cs.tau.ac.il/∼wolf/ytfaces/ for YTF datasets.
So this is of interesting and further study on this idea is
sound good.
A work in the direction of multiple media can be
suggested on the light of a case study as depicted in [22].
On April 15, 2013, 2 bombs are exploded near Boston
Marathon (US). And it was a missed opportunity for the
existing single media based Automated Face recognition
system. The existing technology couldn’t identify the 2
suspects; actually they were brothers, even if the images
of both exist in the face database. It was the motivation
behind the work in [7]. Two viable face recognition
systems used in this survey were NEC NeoFace 3.1 and
PittPatt 5.2.2. NeoFace [23] was the top matcher in the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Multiple Biometrics Evaluation (MBE) 2010 test. These
two but failed to identify the suspects in Boston Marathon
attack. So, concluding that, more advancement must be
made in overcoming challenges such as pose, resolution,
and occlusion in order to increase the recognition
accuracy of existing system. And if it is by utilizing
Sincerely thankful to Guide, other faculties and
friends for supporting and helping to complete this work.
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