Example SMART goals - The St. Johnsbury School


Preliminary Approval__________


St. Johnsbury Local Professional Standards Board

Individual Professional Development Plan

Teacher’s Signature: __________________________

Date: _______________________________________

Final Approval: ______________________________

Date: _______________________________________

1. Name: 2. Date: 2/3/11

3. Home Address:

4. Teaching Address: 257 Western Avenue, St. Johnsbury, VT 05819

5. Teaching Position:

6. Endorsements:




Level of License

Level I

Level II

Level II





7. Describe your goal(s) for professional development for the next licensing period.

Goal #1: Due to the change in the Vermont Alternate Assessment Portfolio (VTAAP), students are required to show progress toward grade level academics instead of life skills goals.

S (specific): I will increase my knowledge of grade level curriculum in order to support students to access the curriculum from their general education classrooms.

M (measurable): I will increase the performance of students with intensive needs within grade level curriculum. Success will be measured by performance on the VTAAP (VT alternate assessment portfolio). Success will also be shown through specific examples of student work connected to the grade level curriculum.

A (attainable): If students are not able to take the NECAP, the VTAAP is the only alternate assessment available at this time. It is a requirement to assess all students and the alternate assessment allows this to happen.

R (relevant): It is a federal requirement that students have access to grade level curriculum.

T (timely): This goal will be ongoing for the next seven years and will depend upon the requirements of the alternate assessment.


Goal #2: Special education is constantly changing the requirements and regulations involved in finding students eligible for special education and how to provide appropriate specialized instructions to students.

S (specific): I will increase my knowledge in specialized instruction methods, regulations, and writing appropriate goals for students.

M (measurable): I will work with other special educators to develop models for writing appropriate IEP goals for students. Examples will be available in the SPEDDOC special education document writing program. I will continue to consult with teams around students’ programs and document accommodations and modifications recommended based upon observation. I will communicate with colleagues and parents about changes to regulations through team meetings.

A (attainable): This is a requirement of my job and I will be able to have access to resources through our monthly special education meetings and other special education team meetings.

R (relevant): My daily work will involve following regulations, developing specialized instruction, and appropriate IEP goals for students in alignment with the general education curriculum standards.

T (timely): This goal will be ongoing for the next seven years. Emphasis may change from year-to-year, but the ultimate goal will be the same.


Goal #3: Our school is working toward integrating technology into classrooms and all instruction school-wide.

S (specific): I will increase my knowledge in technology integration to make it part of my dayto-day instruction with students to increase their ability to use technology and access best practice learning.

M (measurable): I will increase the number of lessons that include different forms of technology and reflect on its impact on student performance at least annually.

A (attainable): Many of our classrooms use SMART boards and most special educators have access to touch screens. We also have access to other technologies such as MP3 players,

IPOD Touch, and low-tech communication devices. Many of my colleagues have started using technology and I will be able to work with them to implement technology in my instruction.

R (relevant): Increasing the use of appropriate technology in classrooms is a priority for our school and the school has designated a technology task force for this reason.

T (timely): I will work on this goal over the next seven years, increasing my technology use a little bit more each year.

8. Competencies for Endorsement(s) to be addressed by your goal(s).

12-82 A wide variety of developmentally-appropriate, research-based specialized curricula, instructional practices, and curriculum-based assessments to enable students with disabilities to progress in the general education curriculum

How to enable the participation of students with disabilities in all local and statewide assessments through accommodation and/or alternative assessment methods

Obtains multiple perspectives on the strengths and needs of students with disabilities, and defines authentic, observable, measurable, and sequenced short- and long-term objectives and benchmarks in IEPs


A wide variety of community-referenced, research-based specialized curricula, instructional practices, and curriculum-based assessments, adaptations, and accommodations and supports to enable students with severe and multiple disabilities to function in integrated community environments and to progress in the general education curriculum

Creates and/or modifies school or community learning environments and interactions in order to promote communication, self-directed learning, self-confidence, socialization, life skills, and academic achievement of students with severe and multiple disabilities

9. Write a statement addressing each of the five (5) Standards for Vermont Educators as they relate to each goal.

1. Learning: I will take courses, workshops, and/or participate in professional development opportunities through the St. Johnsbury School and other agencies.

Principle #1 The educator has knowledge and skills in the content of his or her endorsement(s) at a level that enables students to meet or exceed the standards represented in both the Fields of Knowledge and the Vital Results of Vermont’s

Framework of Standards and Learning Opportunities.

2. Professional Knowledge: I will implement my new learning techniques to provide for the individual needs of students on my caseload and those I am involved with through consultation.

Principle #8 The educator integrates students with disabilities into appropriate learning situations.

3. Colleagueship: I will work with colleagues in and out of school to develop programming for students with special education needs and share my new learning with my colleagues.

Principle #11 The educator works as a team member and establishes collaborative relationships with school colleagues, parents, agencies and others in the broader community to support students’ learning and well-being, and to implement the school’s goals and articulated curriculum.

4. Advocacy: I will advocate for students to be included in regular classroom instruction with accommodations and modifications and to receive appropriate specialized instruction. I will also provide support to colleagues, staff, and parents regarding alternate assessment opportunities for students.

Principle #12 The educator recognizes the multiple influences on students inside and outside the school and accesses appropriate systems of support for students.

5. Accountability: I will develop a professional portfolio to reflect upon my learning over the next 7 years.

Principle #14 The educator grows professionally, through a variety of approaches, to improve professional practice and student learning.
