Professional Coaches - Robert & Patricia Switzer Foundation

Professional Coaches and training services
Robert and Patricia Switzer Foundation list, compiled from recommendations from Fellows and
Colleagues – January 2012
Individual coaches:
David Lesser,
5 The Alameda Knolls, San Anselmo, CA 94960
Stu Siegel: One very top notch entity is the Strozzi Institute in Petaluma, Very sophisticated program bringing people to quite high levels of
functionality. .
Steve Chase: I woman I know and respect who lives in Peterborough works as a
personal/professional/life coach. Her name is Sage Wheeler and her email is
You can contact her for more information.
From Claire R: CompassPoint may have a list. Also I think the Barr Foundation has a list. Let me know if
you want me to make connections to those two organizations.
Ann Wallace: TFN works with a wonderful consultant who does lots of strategic planning and also is an
executive coach. Her name is Meredith Emmett and she’s based in Durham, NC. She does a lot of work
with Institute for Conservation Leadership, which is how we first connected to her. Her information
pasted below.
Meredith Emmett, Third Space Studio
affiliated with the Institute for Conservation Leadership
phone: 919-416-1802
mail: 1301 Alabama Ave, Durham, NC 27705
office: 801 Gilbert St, Suite 214, Durham, NC 27701
From Holly Kauffman:
Sara Ellis Conant, Leadership Coach,
From Laura Meyerson:
Jamie Reaser
Professional coaching:
Personal growth:
Rates: 30 min ($50), 60 min ($95), 90 min ($125)
From Jason Morris, exec. VP at NaureBridge, via Nicole Ardoin:
Alexandria Hilton from Eurous. (
They have a program called "Executive Leadership Training" designed to last 4-6 months. Examplesof
areas of focus that are possible include:
1. building executive skills (working with our Board, broader leadership NatureBridge wide, etc.)
2. building my management skills (specifically in supervising my direct reports); and
3. building my skills as a convener and leader outside of my direct purview (i.e. the Collaborative,
NAAEE Board skills, etc.)
Chris Greacen: My brother-in-law, Clive Prout, is a professional coach who comes with high
recommendations. Here's his website, including an interview with "Outside" Magazine:
Nicole Gross-Camp: I was referred to a woman that came highly recommended. She seems quite good
and has a clear set of exercises that would be helpful. Her name is Johanna Beyer
( and her website: She likes to see
people for a minimum of six sessions and starts at $125 per 1 hour session. I say ‘starts’ at because she
was quite willing to negotiate with me which I very much appreciated.
Carina Romero:
Rachel Humphrey. or 415-298-9085
She specializes in working with people in the nonprofit sector, and supports executive directors,
managers, as well as emerging leaders. Rachel is an ICF certified coach at the PCC level, and also has a
Master’s in Nonprofit Administration. Rachel works on a sliding scale to keep her work accessible even
for small nonprofits. She is based in San Francisco, but has worked with clients all over the world using
Skype. You can learn a bit more about her, including testimonials and a list of past clients from both her
coaching and her nonprofit consulting work, at her website: If you’d like more
information about her work, feel free to contact her directly. She has worked with a number of close
friends of mine, all of whom have benefited greatly from Rachel’s coaching!
Dave Kramer:
Madeline McNeely
Principal Founder
Inbalance Coaching: Support for Growth and
Leadership Coach, Consultant, Facilitator,
Moving Leaders and Organizations
Into Condition to do Meaningful Work for
Founding Member
Global Sufficiency Network
From Sharon Smith:
Meredith Walters
Certified Personal Coach
Coaching to help people achieve their dreams with freedom, ease, and flow
As part of my new Personal Coaching practice, I’m offering a few resources that I want to share with the
people I know and care about (that’s you). Some of them are designed for people who are looking for
more freedom, ease, and flow as they take care of their responsibilities and pursue their goals. Others
are for folks trying to find the next right step in their careers. These resources are all free, and everything
except the workshop is available to anyone regardless of their location.
Here they are, in case you or somebody you know is interested (please feel free to pass this along):
Slowing Down While Keeping Up: A free workshop for people who feel like there’s never
enough time. Through discussion and hands-on group exercises, we’ll explore how to find time to
slow down so we can be more effective, energized, and rejuvenated. You will come away with a
customized plan for accomplishing your goals with less stress and more satisfaction. You’re also
dangerously likely to have fun. For more information or to register, go here:
Free coaching consultations. I’m looking for a few more clients and am offering a free
consultation to anybody who thinks that coaching may benefit them. We’ll discuss what you’re
wanting help with, how coaching would work, and what you could expect to gain. Those
interested can contact me at or (510) 499.9018.
My website,, has several free resources for those who want to
achieve great things while enjoying themselves along the way. There’s a resources page, a
blog, and a monthly newsletter with information on upcoming workshops, new resources, and
announcements (sign up here or reply to this email to let me know you’d like to be added).
Organizations that provide training and/or one-on-one coaching services:
Institute for Conservation Leadership (
Offers year-long Executive Director training, leadership training, strategic planning, fundraising coaching,
Glynnis Collins: “I had a great experience taking the Institute for Conservation Leadership's Executive
Director course two years ago (with help from a Switzer grant!). I hope to be working with them for
some personalized fundraising coaching later this year. I also participate in a network of Illinois land
conservation groups that they facilitate and have been very impressed with their work, so I would give
them a plug all around.”
Rockwood Leadership Program:
They focus on nonprofit leaders who are aligned with progressive causes
CompassPoint –
Michelle Gislason, head of Coaching services
415-541-9000 ext 370
Kristy Deiner: This is a good resource for folks who are in academia: