Motivation and Emotion Differentiated Project

Psychology: Motivation and Emotion Differentiated Project
Disclaimer: I have to report any suspected health problems, drug use or other abuses to the counselors.
Be aware of what you are including in your projects. There…. That’s out of the way.
Here are the ideas you and I came up with, pick one 
Due date: 2/28
1. Motivation survey
a. Make a five question survey
i. Example: Does a teacher have to be nice to motivate you?
b. Distribute to 10 people
c. Tally the results (get Mrs. Etter’s help if you need it)
d. Write a two page paper explaining what you think it means.
e. Bring in some of the following concepts: instincts, drives, arousal, extrinsic, intrinsic,
achievement, Maslow’s hierarchy, etc.
f. Give it to 3 of your teachers and ask them to share their reactions with you via email or
written (not a ton of writing, up to them really)
g. Turn all of this into Mrs. Etter
2. Motivation journal
a. 5 entries
b. 5-7 sentences each
c. Explain what specifically did or did not motivate you for this entry and why
d. Bring in some of the following concepts: instincts, drives, arousal, extrinsic, intrinsic,
achievement, Maslow’s hierarchy, etc.
e. At the end write a 8-10 sentence summary of what you feel best motivates you and how
you can overcome what does not. Include any adjustments you can make after this selfreflection.
f. Turn into Mrs. Etter
3. Emotion journal
a. 5 entries
b. 5-7 sentences each
c. Identify what emotion/s you felt and why.
d. Bring in some of the terminology from this unit: physiological arousal, expressive
behavior, conscious experience, any of the theories or theorists, nonverbal
communication, etc.
e. One 8-10 sentence summary of how you think your emotions impact your behavior and
thoughts in life. Include any adjustments you can make after this self-reflection?
f. Turn all into Mrs. Etter
4. Motivation/Emotion collage
a. Like a mullet – Motivation on the front, emotion in the back 
b. 8.5 x 11 size paper or a little larger (NOT POSTER BOARD)
c. Must have at least 15 different pictures, quotes, song lyrics on both the front and back
d. An 8-10 sentence explanation of why you included what you did on each side.
5. CD compilation
a. Must include at least 6, no more than 10, different songs
b. Must include a 3-5 sentence explanation for why each song motivates you.
i. Is it the artist? What are you motivated to do? Any particular lyrics stand out.
c. OR
i. You can pick songs that elicit certain emotions.
d. Must create your own CD cover.
e. Include all song lyrics.
f. Turn all in to Mrs. Etter and please warn of explicit lyrics.
6. Motivation OR emotion diorama
a. Build a scene that was very motivating (or not) and a scene that was very emotional.
b. Write 2 page paper (double spaced is fine) explaining how this was or was not
motivating to you (or how it was emotional).
i. Be sure to include how the incident is significant to you. Will it cause you to
change your behavior or way of thinking in anyway?
ii. Be sure to use vocabulary terms from this unit accurately.
7. Create a “How to video”
a. This can be either – how to deal with un-motivating teachers/factors/parents.
i. Or any of these other “How To….” titles
1. Motivate others
2. Motivate yourself
3. Deal with harmful emotions
4. Use emotions to change your behavior/thoughts
5. Other ideas? Run them by me
b. The film must be at least 3 minutes long and must be given to Mrs. Etter on a DVD.
c. Be sure to use vocabulary terms from this unit accurately.
d. You also need to create a cover for your film and a description for the back (4-6
sentence summary telling audiences about your film and of course trying to sell it!)