CHAMP_cycling strategy_template

Cycling strategy
[City name]
The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies
with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of
the European Union. Neither the EACI nor the European
Commission are responsible for any use that may be made
of the information contained therein
Deliverable No.
Cycling strategy
Work Package
WP3: Implementation
Status (D: draft; F: final)
Revision History
Instructions ............................................................................................... 4
Introduction ............................................................................................. 5
Vision and targets and local context ................................................ 6
Focus areas ............................................................................................. 7
User Needs .......................................................................................... 7
Coordination/organization .............................................................. 7
Cycling Plans ...................................................................................... 7
Financing............................................................................................. 7
Evaluation ........................................................................................... 7
Infrastructure & Safety ...................................................................... 7
Availability of the bicycle ................................................................ 7
Promotion & Information .................................................................. 8
Education & Partnerships ................................................................. 8
Complementary actions .................................................................. 8
Measures .................................................................................................. 9
Monitoring and evaluation ................................................................11
PR ............................................................................................................11
The cycling strategy is the link between WP2 and WP3. It is
based on the findings from the self analysis, the peer review and
the gap analysis in WP2 and is the basis for the selection of
which two measures each city will implement within WP3.
This strategy is not supposed to replace an existing strategy of
the city. If your city already has a strategy this document is more
a reaction to the findings/recommendations from the peer
review and gap analysis. The two measures that your city will
implement should be based on the strategy and the list of
It is important to get internal agreement on the strategy, and to
involve not only the mobility department but also departments
from related areas such as the economy department, social
department, urban planning, and other important key
players/stakeholders. The politicians are of course very
important and political approval of the cycling strategy during
the project would be good.
You can keep the cycling strategy short and do not have to
write much under each heading.
Red text is instructions for what to write under each heading.
The red text should be removed once the strategy is completed
(including this page).
The CHAMP project brings together 6 champion cycling cities
and one climber city which want to improve their cycling policy
and collect new ideas for making cycling more attractive and
safer for their citizens.
The focus of CHAMP is the exchange of best practice and
lessons learned between leading cycling cities and with other
European cities, to create safer and more attractive conditions
for cycling in Europe. The purpose is also to improve the cycling
strategies in the CHAMP cities.
Within the CHAMP project, a self analysis and a peer review of
each city has been carried out. The purpose of the peer review
is to have an outside view on the cycling policy. The outcome
of the peer review is a report on the strengths and weaknesses
of the reviewed city. After the peer review, a gap analysis was
made for each city. The gap analysis combines the findings of
a self-analysis questionnaire which all cities completed
themselves, and the findings of the peer review. The gap
analysis focuses on 5 elements of policy planning, and 5
elements on actions to take.
This strategy describes the vision and the prioritised measures of
[city name], based on findings of the peer review and the gap
Within the CHAMP project each city will implement two
innovative measures. The selection of the measures is made on
the basis of this cycling strategy.
Vision and targets and local context
[Describe the vision, aim and targets of the cycling strategy.
Describe how the strategy has been developed, who has been
involved and who is responsible. Also describe the local context
including the relation to existing planning documents which
deal with cycling]
Focus areas
[Summarise the findings from the gap analysis and the peer
review and how the city will proceed in each area. Please write
maximum half a page for each area.]
User Needs
Gap: Xxxxx
Response: Xxxx
Gap: Xxxxx
Response: Xxxx
Cycling Plans
Gap: Xxxxx
Response: Xxxx
Gap: Xxxxx
Response: Xxxx
Gap: Xxxxx
Response: Xxxx
Infrastructure & Safety
Gap: Xxxxx
Response: Xxxx
Availability of the bicycle
Gap: Xxxxx
Response: Xxxx
Promotion & Information
Gap: Xxxxx
Response: Xxxx
Education & Partnerships
Gap: Xxxxx
Response: Xxxx
Complementary actions
Gap: Xxxxx
Response: Xxxx
[List the measures planned in the 10 areas. Also indicate which
gap the measure is supposed to fill and how. The two measures
your city will implement within CHAMP will be selected from this
list and should therefore be included.
Please include the following information for each measure:
 Measure name
 Short description
 System impact/Objective
 Which gap will the measure fill and how
 Timeframe
 Cost
 Responsible
 Follow-up]
[Measure name]
Short description
[Write a short description of the measure, including which gap
the measure will fill and how]
System impact/Objective
[Describe the system impact and objective of the measure.
Include other positive effects like health or traffic security.]
[Measure name]
Short description
[Write a short description of the measure, including which gap
the measure will fill and how]
System impact/Objective
[Describe the system impact and objective of the measure.
Include other positive effects like health or traffic security.]
[Measure name]
Short description
[Write a short description of the measure, including which gap
the measure will fill and how]
System impact/Objective
[Describe the system impact and objective of the measure.
Include other positive effects like health or traffic security.]
[Measure name]
Short description
[Write a short description of the measure, including which gap
the measure will fill and how]
System impact/Objective
[Describe the system impact and objective of the measure.
Include other positive effects like health or traffic security.]
[Measure name]
Short description
[Write a short description of the measure, including which gap
the measure will fill and how]
System impact/Objective
[Describe the system impact and objective of the measure.
Include other positive effects like health or traffic security.]
Please add more lines depending on the number of
Monitoring and evaluation
[Describe how and when you will monitor and evaluate the
results of the strategy.]
[Identify the different stakeholders that need to be informed
about the strategy itself – politicians, other departments,
external local stakeholders, local media and draw up a plan on
what, how and when to communicate with the different
stakeholders (messages, channel and timing).]