Language review - Articles

A Put a or an before the words in the box.
1. Advert - an
2. Commercial - a
3. Strategy - a
4. USP (unique selling point ) – a
5. University – a
6. VIP – a
7. Hour- a
8. European – a
9. Account – an
10. MBA – a
11. Employee – an
12. Endorsement – an.
B Tick the correct sentences. Add the where necessary in the other sentences.
You may need to add the more then once.
1. Knowledge of advertising code of practice is vital to those wising to work in advertising
2. We want to film a TV commercial in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
3. Wales, Scotland, England and the Northern Ireland make up UK.
4. The ‘ Think small’ Volkswagen Beetle advert was one of the most successful advertising
campaigns of the twentieth century.
5. We are going to the Czech Republic this summer.
6. Four major brands, AOL, Yahoo!, Freeserve and the BT, all achieve awareness of over
40% amongst the UK adult population.
7. This year the sales conference is in the Netherlands.
8. Next year I am going to work for an advertising agency in the US.
C The text below is about the filming of a television advertisement using a
famous Brazilian football star. There are no articles in the text. Write in the
articles a, an or the where appropriate. Give a reason for your choice.
Ronaldinho smashed a window in the centuries-old cathedral of Santiago de Compostela while
filming advert for a television today. Luckily for a Barcelona star, window was only small,
modern addition to the Spain’s famous cathedral in Galicia. A Brazilian blundered after being
asked to try scissor-kick beneath cathedral’s 12th century Portico de la Gloria ( Portal of Glory ).
‘I asked Ronaldinho to the hit ball as hard as he could and he had luck to hit window’, said
advert’s director Email Samper.
‘ It was my fault ‘.
From the Evening Standard