
Hamilton, Communicating for Results, 10th Edition, Chapter 08
1. Which method of job-searching has been shown to have the highest success
a. Cold-calling potential employers
b. Using a job-seeking agency
c. Responding to an ad
d. Networking (CORRECT)
e. Posting a resume online
2. You should use the same resume for all jobs for which you apply.
a. True
b. False (CORRECT)
3. Conventional resumes should:
a. Be designed to catch the eye of the reader by using different colored
b. Always begin with a summary of accomplishments
c. Be no more and no less than one page in length
d. Be designed to look attractive rather than to be scanned by a
computer (CORRECT)
4. The chronological resume:
a. Is not used anymore
b. Should begin with your most recent work experience (CORRECT)
c. Should begin with your most recent academic degree achieved
d. Does not need to include extras like a summary of skills or your job
5. A scannable resume:
a. Should be sent to the employer on a disc
b. Should use underlining, italics, and boxes to add interest
c. Is a conventional resume made computer friendly (CORRECT)
d. Is used exclusively when applying for high-tech jobs
6. What kind of information should you expect to gather during informationseeking interviews?
a. Likely starting salary
b. Jargon and keywords for the industry
c. Other contacts
d. Feedback about your goals, resume and interview skills
e. All of the above (CORRECT)
7. Claiming on your resume to have graduated from a school you only attended
briefly is illegal and unethical.
a. True (CORRECT)
b. False
8. Letters of application:
a. Are not necessary anymore because interviewers are too busy
b. Should contain none of the same information found in your resume
c. Should relate specifically to the company and the person to whom you
are writing (CORRECT)
d. Should be as general as possible.
9. What kind of resume includes both dates and accomplishments?
a. A hybrid resume (CORRECT)
b. A functional resume
c. A chronological resume
d. A web-only resume
e. All of these.
10. What should you do if you find yourself in a hostile or stress interview?
a. Keep your answers positive and give examples that present you in a
positive light (CORRECT)
b. Answer all questions immediately.
c. Excuse yourself from the interview.
d. A and B
e. A, B, and C
11. If the interviewer invites you to ask questions, you should ask only one
a. True
b. False (CORRECT)
12. The interviewer usually has more responsibility for the manner in which the
employment interview is conducted than does the interviewee:
a. True (CORRECT)
b. False
13. After the interview, you should:
a. Send a thank-you card immediately after the interview
b. Wait a reasonable amount of time (usually one to two weeks) before
you write or call to reconfirm your interest in the position
c. Ask the interviewer if she/he thinks you’ll get the job
d. A and B (CORRECT)
e. A, B, and C
14. What should you do if you are asked an illegal question during an
employment interview?
a. You should remain silent
b. You should respond to the interviewer’s concern that resulted in an
illegal question, instead of responding to the question itself
c. You should ignore the legality of the question and give a candid
d. You should let the interviewer know that she/he has just asked you an
illegal question
15. Which of these should not be on most resumes?
a. Your job-related skills
b. Your desired salary (CORRECT)
c. Your graduation year
d. Your contact information
e. All of these should be on resumes.