Department of Nursing
LPN-RN Bridge
Course Title:
Nursing Process I
Shelia Howerton APN, MSN, RN
Room: M175
(870) 391-3235
NURS 2158
Jennifer Feighert, BSN, RN
Room: M177
(870) 391-3261
FAX: 870-391-3354
Carla Jacobs, MSN, RN
Room: M176
(870) 391-3535
Course Description:
Nursing Process I introduces the LPN to basic concepts, attitudes, knowledge, and skills of the
registered nurse, thereby facilitating the role transition from licensed practical nurse to registered
nurse. The philosophy, conceptual framework, and objectives of Northark’s Nursing Department
are introduced. Utilizing an integrated approach and building upon the foundation of fundamental
nursing knowledge and skills, the nursing process, human functioning health alterations,
wellness-illness, stages of the life cycle, stress-adaptation, communication, and professional
ethics are explored for individuals of all age groups. The nursing process is used to focus on
needs of individuals responding to stressors related to the following concepts: mental health,
nutrition, pharmacology, fluid and electrolytes, obstetrics, gaseous transport, sensorimotor, body
defense mechanisms, perioperative, and growth and development. Clinical laboratory experience
is in the nursing laboratory and in health agencies, providing the student opportunities to develop
nursing skills by giving direct patient care. Pre-requisite: Acceptance into LPN-RN Program (RN
Degree Code).
Student Learning Outcomes
Human Flourishing
Core Competencies
Patient Centered Care
Cultural Diversity
Nursing Judgment
Safety/Quality Improvement
Evidence Based Practice
Managing Care
Spirit of Inquiry
Clinical Decision Making
Clinical Reasoning
Professional Identity
Professional Behavior
The LPN is socialized into the role of the registered nurse through a focus on the nursing
process, expansion of skills, and application of critical thinking. Clinical laboratory experience in
the on-campus nursing lab and in affiliated health care agencies provides students the
opportunity to develop professional nursing skills during the transition to an expanded role.
Credit and Time Allotment:
Eight semester credit hours
4 hours of theory/week Thursday 8:30-12:30
4 hour credit for clinical (12 hours of clinical/week)
Clinical is on Mondays and Tuesdays. Times vary for specialty rotations. Class is on Thursdays.
MAT 1012 or 1123 or higher, ENGL 1013, PSYC 2103, BIO 2214
NURS 1011 (Pharmacology I), and BIO 2224
Course Progression:
Upon successful completion of NUR 2159 and NUR 1011, the student
may progress to NUR 2167 and NUR 2031.
Major Teaching-Learning Activities:
Teacher: Lecture
Audiovisual presentations
Classroom assessment techniques
On line assignments
Small group conferences
Role playing
Independent study guides
Nursing skills laboratory practice
Computer assisted instruction
Course Requirements:
The student is expected to attend class, laboratory sessions, and clinical.
The student is expected to be prepared for classroom, laboratory activities, and clinical.
The student is expected to complete all written assignments as directed by the instructor.
The student is required to complete independent study activities.
The student is expected to meet all course outcomes.
The student is to write examinations on designated dates.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:
Human Flourishing
Recognize basic principles of growth and development in caring for clients of all ages that
promote human flourishing. Measured by Portfolio assignments, exams, discussion, and
concept maps.
Identify the role of the nurse as a patient advocate. Measured by Portfolio assignment,
case studies, lab simulations and clinical experiences, exams.
Use basic communication techniques to facilitate effective interactions with peers, faculty,
clients, and health personnel. Measured by observed communication patterns between
individuals; class presentation; clinical practicum and evaluation and exams.
Apply to nursing interventions those cultural, social, spiritual and historical influences
which affect the client in all phases of life. (Man, Nursing, Caring Intervention) Measured
by clinical practicum and evaluation and written exams/quizzes.
Nursing Judgment
Relate the nursing process to provision of safe, comprehensive, and holistic nursing care
to clients at any stage of wellness or illness across the lifespan. Measured by Portfolio
assignment: Develop a concept map for selected populations of clients, lab simulations,
and written exams.
Demonstrate the ability to safely meet the needs of adult and pediatric clients in various
health care settings. Measured by lab simulation, clinical practicum, exams.
Professional Identity
Discuss the role, scope, and practice of the Associate Degree Nurse as defined by the
Northark School of Nursing, its philosophy, conceptual framework, subconcepts, and
competency statement. Measured by Portfolio assignment: write an essay on the role
change from LPN to RN, simulations, exams.
Identify teaching-learning principles. Measured by Portfolio assignment: locate a teaching
tool for use in the clinical setting, lab simulations.
Describe the nurses' role in specific treatment methods designed for health promotion,
maintenance and restoration of health for individuals, families, and communities.
Measured by exams, concept maps, lab simulations and clinical.
Spirit of Inquiry
10. Plan appropriate nursing intervention to assist the client and family to adapt
physiologically, psychologically, and socially to the stressors which occur across the life
span. Measured by Portfolio assignments, concept maps, exams, lab simulations and
Required Textbooks:
Student Planner/Handbook/Calendar
Drug Handbook (Student's choice) - No older than 2 years.
Ackley, B. and Ladwig, G. (2010). Nursing Diagnosis Handbook, 10th ed., Philadelphia, PA:
Cherry, B. and Jacob, S. (2014). Contemporary Nursing: Issues, Trends, & Management, 6th ed.,
St. Louis, MO: Elsevier-Mosby.
Hockenberry, M. (2012). Wong’s Essentials of Pediatric Nursing, 9th ed., St. Louis, MO:
Ignatavivius, M. and Workman, L. (2013) Medical-Surgical Nursing: Patient-Centered Collaborative
Care, 7 th ed., St. Louis, MO: Elsevier-Saunders.
Evolve Elsevier Adaptive Learning and Quizzes.
Jarvis, C. (2010). Pocket Companion for Physical Examination and Health Assessment, 6th ed.,
St. Louis, MO: Saunders-Elsevier.
Sommer, S. et al (2013). Fundamental for Nursing (Edition 8.0). Kansas City: Assessment
Technologies Institute.
Syllabus for Nursing 2158—Nursing Processes I
Terry, A. (2013). The LPN-to-RN Bridge: Transitions to Advance Your Career, 1st ed., Burlington,
MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning LLC.
Recommended Books:
Ohman, K. (2011). Davis' Q and A for the NCLEX-RN Examination, 10th ed., F.A. Davis.
Giangrasso, A. & Shrimpton, D. (2012). Dosage Calculations: A multi-method approach. 13th ed.,
New York: Pearson.
The course grade is determined as follows:
Unit Examination
Mid-Term Comprehensive
Pediatric Comprehensive
Portfolio Assignments
Clinical Component is Pass/Fail
The Portfolio Assignments grade is added ONLY after the student has achieved a 79% or above
on all examinations.
If a student has less than a passing average (79%) on unit tests and the final, the student will not
progress in the program. Please meet with the instructor if you do not achieve a 79% or above
following the third examination.
Students must pass the clinical component of the course in order to progress in the program. If
the student fails the clinical component, the theory grade drops to a "D" and the student cannot
Grading Scale:
69 & below
Students are expected to attend all class meetings. Missing more than 15% of scheduled
class meetings (six class hours in a traditional 3 credit lecture course) constitutes
excessive absence. In online classes, a student’s failure to participate for a period greater
than two weeks constitutes excessive absence. Instructors in online courses will monitor
attendance based on participation in the class as evidenced by turning in assignments,
participation in discussion boards, e-mail, or other formal contact.
Students must see the instructor and explain tardiness. Only in extreme circumstances will
tardiness be excused.
Clinical days scheduled “on campus” are designed for clinical experiences and guidelines for
clinical absences are applicable.
Academic Assessment:
Various methods are used to evaluate student academic achievement. These methods include,
are not limited to:
written assignments
portfolio development
clinical skills lab and simulation
ATI computerized exams
Standardized exams will be employed to:
assess individual student's critical thinking skills and nursing knowledge in order to
predict success on NCLEX.
assist faculty in evaluating program content and identifying gaps in curriculum.
assess program outcomes and foster planning.
Make-Up Exams:
All exams should be taken at the scheduled time.
The student MUST notify the instructor prior to the exam if the student is unable to take
the exam at the scheduled time. A missed examination is considered a class absence.
Arrangements must be made by the student with the instructor on return to classes.
Student may make-up one test only per semester at the instructor's discretion.
Failure to comply with the stated requirements omits the privilege of taking a make-up test.
A zero will be given for the test not taken.
Students are expected to remain in their seat during exams. Students needing to use the
bathroom, get a drink or other activities must hold their hand up and be recognized and
permission granted by the faculty in the room at the time the exam is being given prior to
leaving the room or the exam will be picked up and a zero will be given.
Academic Dishonesty:
North Arkansas College's commitment to academic achievement is supported by a strict but fair
policy to protect academic integrity. This policy regards academic fraud and dishonesty as
disciplinary offenses requiring disciplinary actions. Any student who engages in such offenses
(as here defined), will be subject to one or more courses of action as determined by the
instructor, and in some cases the Division Chairperson or Program Director, the Vice President of
Instruction, and Institutional Standards and Appeals Committee as well.
Academic fraud and dishonesty are defined as follows:
Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or
study aids in any academic exercise.
Tampering: Intentionally gaining access to restricted test booklets, banks, questions, or
answers before a test is given; or tampering with questions or answers after a test
is taken.
Intentionally or knowingly representing the words and ideas of another as one's own
in any academic exercise.
Dishonesty: Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another commit an act of
academic dishonesty.
Clinical Policies and Evaluation:
See RN Program Handbook for complete information regarding clinical policies and evaluations.
Satisfactory completion of Nursing Processes I (Nurs 2159) is determined by:
S = Satisfactory
Students meet minimum requirements for the course clinical outcomes.
N = Needs Improvement
Students did not meet minimum requirements for 1 or more core competency for that
program outcome. If an N is received then the student and instructor are expected to:
1. Discuss the issue during the clinical rotation.
2. The instructor will document the discussion on the clinical formative evaluation tool.
3. The instructor will fill out the clinical warning form.
4. The student will formulate a remediation plan to be presented to the clinical instructor
and course coordinator. (If applicable).
If after remediation, the student receives another NI, the process will be repeated once
If the student receives 3 N’s in the same program outcome category, such as Human Flourishing,
on separate occasions during a course clinical rotation then they will receive a U for that clinical
rotation and will be dismissed from the program.
U = Unsatisfactory
Student did not demonstrate essential skills for patient safety, professional behavior etc. as
stated in the RN Handbook. If the student participates in any of the reasons for dismissal as
listed in the RN Handbook they will receive a U on the clinical formative evaluation tool.
Students are allowed 3 attempts to pass a clinical skill in the simulation lab. If the student is not
successful, a remediation plan will be discussed and implemented between the instructor and the
student. If the student does not pass the skill on the 3rd attempt, they will fail that skill and not be
eligible to continue in the nursing program.
Conferences and Evaluations:
Instructors are available for conferences during posted office hours and/or by appointment.
The student or the instructor(s) may initiate conferences concerning the student's performance or
status in the classroom or clinical component of the course as needed.
Clinical Experience:
Concurrent clinical experience is provided in appropriate clinical settings. Specific hours and
locations for clinical assignment will be announced in class.
The type of clinical assignments may vary by institution and specific unit because of variations in
hospital policy and procedures and patient populations. The level of clinical assignment will vary
according to the needs and abilities of each student.
Students are responsible for maintaining standards of care and competencies achieved in prior
semesters. Students are required to be prepared and adapt to variations in the patient care
Students will be oriented to their assigned clinical site by the clinical instructor. Expectations for
clinical performance and written clinical assignments will be included in the orientation.
Skills Lab:
Students must successfully pass the clinical skills test to continue in the program. The student
will be given 3 opportunities to pass the skill. If 3 attempts are made and the skill is NOT
successfully demonstrated, the student will fail the clinical portion of the program.
General Policies:
All general policies in the Registered Nursing Program Handbook and the Northark Student
Handbook are adhered to in this course. Review the Registered Nursing Program Handbook for
this course. See the course coordinator or your clinical instructor if you have any questions.
Absence from clinical requires that the student notify appropriate persons. Clinical instructors will
describe the procedure for specific clinical sites. Make up clinical experiences will be done
during the assigned time at the end of the semester (during final exam week). Maximum of 12
clinical hours may be made up per semester. Any absences in excess of 12 hours will result in
dismissal from the program. (See attendance policy in the RN Program Handbook).
Accommodations for Students with Special Needs:
North Arkansas College complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Students with disabilities who need special
accommodations should make their requests in the following way: (1) talk to your instructor after
class or during office hours about your disability or special need related to your classroom work;
and/or (2) contact Student Support Services in Room M149 and ask to speak to Kim Brecklein.
Student Responsibilities:
As a student at North Arkansas College, you share the responsibility for your success. The only
way you can benefit from the many opportunities offered to you by the college is by doing your
As a student, you are responsible to:
Read the college catalog and all materials you receive during registration. These
materials tell you what the college expects from you.
Read the syllabus for each class. The syllabus tells you what the course expectations are
and how you can plan ahead.
Attend all class meetings. Something important to learning happens during every class
period. If you must miss a class meeting, talk to the instructor in advance about what you
should do.
Be on time. If you come in after class has started, you disrupt the entire class.
Never interrupt another class to talk to the instructor or a student in that class.
Be prepared for class. Complete reading assignments and other homework before class
so that you can understand the lecture and participate in discussion. Always have
pen/pencil, paper, and other specific tools for class.
Learn to take good notes. Write down ideas rather than word-for-word statements by the
Allow time to use all the resources available to you at the college. Visit your instructor
during office hours for help with material or assignments you do not understand; use the
library; use the free tutors, tapes, computers, and other resources in Learning Assistance
Treat others with respect. Part of the college experience is being exposed to people with
ideas, values, and backgrounds different from yours. Listen to others and evaluate ideas
on their own merit.
Be able to identify course and clinical objectives. (These are found in the syllabus).
How to be Successful in this Course! 
Start Out Strong:
read assignments (before class)
help your classmates (they need you)
work together (you need your peers)
enjoy the good times (there will be many)
eat right (feed those braincells)
get plenty of sleep (when you can)
prioritize (for NOW school comes first)
set limits (you can't be ALL to everyone)
think and plan ahead (don't forget the nursing process)
participate in class (it helps everyone)
get to know your instructors (they are people too)
take responsibility for your own behavior (remember professional accountability)
let peers negative attitude pull you down (find new friends)
whine (it only wastes time, it never cures)
complain (if you find yourself and others just say stop)
get behind (you will be playing catch up all semester)
feel your instructors could care less (we care more than you know)
ask questions in class to hear yourself speak (it will not make you popular)
huddle in small groups and criticize your instructor
You're the one who chose to come here. No one made you (if they did, ask
yourself "Is nursing what I really want to do?" There are people, this minute, who
would give anything to be in your chair today (value what you have and cherish it.)
We cannot make you learn, you're the only one that can do that (we can only
All instructors have to teach to the majority and their learning style.
We are always there to assist the individual who has special needs.
Northark has an excellent pass rate on NCLEX-RN (your instructors and our
program are among the best in the state).
NURS 2158 Nursing Process I
Clinical Competencies
Perform and document an accurate head to toe physical assessment that would be
expected in an acute care setting on an adult and pediatric client.
Demonstrate competency in performing the following skills:
Foley catheter insertion and removal
Insertion of peripheral IV
Safe administration of oral, IV, IV push and IVPB medications
Perform chest tube care and maintenance
Perform tracheostomy care and suction
Become oriented to high and low fidelity simulation and other technology in the nursing
simulation lab.
Demonstrate clinical reasoning skills in the following lab simulations
Care of a client in respiratory distress
Care of a client experiencing shock
Care of a client with a cardiac dysrhythmias
*Specific competencies for each simulation will be provided during the course (posted on Portal).