Assessing the Effect of Instructional Video Design on

Assessing the Effect of Instructional Video Design on Students’
Learning Outcome in an Online Technology Integration Course
Mohamed Ibrahim, Rebecca Callaway and David Bell
Arkansas Tech University
United States
The purpose of this study was to investigate the design aspects of instructional video effecting
students’ learning outcome in technology integration online course. The study assessed the effect of
design instructional video based on the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (CTML) by
applying segmentation and signaling on students learning outcome. Further, this study assessed the
correlation between students’ personal preferences (preferred learning styles and area of
specialization) and their learning outcome. Three-group pretest-posttest design employed to assess
whether there was significant differences in students' test scores after watching instructional video in
online course. The results of the ANCOVA analysis indicate that there was significant effect of the
design on students’ learning outcome. Moreover, results indicate that students’ learning preferences
and area of specialization related significantly and positively to their learning outcome. These
findings suggest that
One of the frequently used medium across learning environments is instructional video. The use of
instructional video has increased over the past decade and become an essential teaching medium. For example,
in 2009, video became the third most popular genre for learning and reached 38% of adult Internet users
(Purcell & American Life, 2010). Empirical research on the use of dynamic audiovisual learning materials
demonstrates that learners not only prefer instructional video over text, but are also more likely to gain deeper
conceptual understanding of the content from video than from words alone (Baggett, 1984; Mayer, 2002, 2003;
Mayer & Moreno, 2002). In many learning contexts, knowledge acquisition better achieved through presenting
materials using both the visual and auditory sensory channels at the same time (Mayer, 2001). Studies also
found that content presented in video is more memorable than text-based instruction (Jonassen, Peck, & Wilson,
1999). A major assumption underlying this empirical work is that humans can construct a mental representation
of the semantic meaning from either auditory or visual information alone, but when instruction presented in
both formats, each source provides complementary information that is relevant to learning (Baggett, 1984).
Although video is increasingly becoming a key component in face-to-face, hybrid and online learning
environments, there are few drawbacks such as presenting long videos or videos that contain complex topics
without providing students any cognitive assistance to understand the content. Other issue includes that some
videos offer students no control over its pace and students can only view video in a sequential, linear and
passive fashion. Additionally, cognitive researchers argue that video requires high levels of cognitive
processing to synthesize the visual and auditory streams of information and extract the semantics of the message
(Homer, Plass, & Blake, 2008). This increased processing upturns the learner’s cognitive load, especially when
students are novices in the knowledge domain and lack appropriate prior knowledge to guide their attention
(Moreno, 2004; Sweller, 1999). Therefore, a central problem in using video as instructional device is how to
direct learners’ attention to relevant information and decrease cognitive load (perceived difficulty) by creating
conditions for the learners’ cognitive system to meet the processing demands needed to organize and integrate
knowledge from a stream of visual and auditory information. More specifically, cognitive researchers have
suggest that focusing students’ attention on essential information in fast stream of visual and verbal information
helps students’ limited cognitive resources (e.g., Ayres, 2007; Lowe, 1999, 2003).
In an attempt to overcome the challenges associated with learning from multimedia materials, such as
video, cognitive researchers suggested a number of research-based design principles to improve students’
knowledge acquisition. These design principles based on Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (CTML)
(Mayer, 2001) and Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) (Sweller, Merrienboer, & Paas, 1998). Both theories based on
several assumptions regarding the relationship between cognition and learning from dual representation
information formats.
Four of these assumptions are particularly relevant to learning from video. First, the cognitive
architecture assumption postulates that the human mind consists of an unlimited, long-term memory (LTM) in
which all prior knowledge is stored and a limited working memory (WM) in which new information is
processed. Second, the dual-channel assumption proposes that WM has two channels for visual/pictorial and
auditory/verbal processing and that the two channels are structurally and functionally distinct (Clark & Paivio,
1991). Third, the limited capacity assumption states that each cognitive channel has limited capacity for
information that can be processed at one time (Baddeley, 1986; Baddeley & Logie, 1999). Fourth, the active
processing assumption explains that humans actively engage in the cognitive processes to select relevant verbal
and non-verbal information from the learning materials, organize the selected information into cognitive
structures, and integrate these cognitive structures with the existing knowledge to construct a new (or update an
old) mental representation (Mayer, 1996).
According to cognitive research, the human cognitive system can process only small portions of the
multimedia large amounts of visual and auditory stimuli received at a time. Unlike processing printed text,
learners in face-to-face contexts typically do not have the opportunity to stop the video presentation and reflect
on what learned and identify potential gaps in their knowledge. Thus, information processing in this situation
frequently requires longer and more intense periods of cognitive and metacognitive activity. Regardless of the
amount of information presented in each sensory channel, the learner’s WM will accept, process, and send to
LTM only a limited number of information units (Attneave, 1954; Jacobson, 1950, 1951). Thus, working
memory requires direct prompting to accept, process, and send to the long-term storage only the most crucial
information (Clark, Nguyen, & Sweller, 2006).
Empirical research informed by CTML and CLT suggested a number of prescriptive principles to help
multimedia designers create learning materials better aligned with human cognitive architecture. These design
principles categorized into two groups. The first group comprises strategies aimed at reducing extraneous
cognitive load (i.e., processing that is not related to the instructional goal) and increasing germane load (i.e.,
processing that results in deeper learning). These strategies include adding cues to signal the main ideas such as
signaling. In signaling, the presentation’s main ideas summarized and highlighted to aid learners in selecting
relevant information and organizing it into coherent mental representations. The second group of design
principles aimed at managing intrinsic cognitive load (i.e., essential processing related to the learning goal),
such as dividing the presentation into small units such as segmentation. With segmentation, learning material is
broken up into several segments of information to help students to process one cluster of related information
elements before moving to the next one.
Based on the prior research, the following questions guided this study:
The first question: How instructional video designed based on CTML effects preservice teachers’ learning
outcome in the context of in online course? This primary research question was at the heart of the study, as the
answer to this question will inform instructors and course developers the appropriate video design to preservice
teachers in online learning environment. Research found that educational video could help students acquire
knowledge due to its capability to present learning content dynamically and its use of multiple media (Baggett,
1984; Mayer, 2005; Shepard, 1967).
The second question: How video designed based on CTML effects students’ perceived difficulty of the learning
materials in online course? Bases for this research question reported in a study by Moreno (2007), where
participants who studied a segmented version of classroom video and animation reported lower mental effort.
Students also perceived the learning materials as less difficult than participants who studied using
non-segmented versions of the material.
The third question: Is there relationship between students’ learning styles and learning outcome during learning
from educational video in online course?
The fourth question: Is there relationship between students’ area of specialization and their learning outcome
during learning from educational video in online course?
The answers of questions three and four attempts to identify the direction and level of association between
students’ learning style and area of specialization and their learning outcome from educational video in the
online course. The answer for these two questions will help instructors and course designers to use the
appropriate learning materials for students with different learning styles and area of specialization. Particularly,
the question focuses on whether learners with different learning preferences and academic background will
leverage from visual materials equally or not.
The Study
This study employed a quasi-experimental, between-subjects design to assess the effect of learning
from video introducing the technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) conceptual framework
(Mishra, 2006) on preservice teachers' learning outcome in online course. The video explains the TPACK
framework, its components and examples of how teachers successfully integrate technology in a lesson. The
investigators created three different videos to introduce the TPACK framework: the first video designed by
applying segmentation (divide the video into three short segments) and signaling (highlight and summarize the
main ideas before and after each segment). The second video created by segmenting the video but without
signaling. The third video was created continuance, without segmentation or signaling. The three videos used in
this study presented in online module, where students control the time and duration to watch (self-paced). The
study has one independent variable: video design and four dependent variables: (1) learning outcome (2) the
video perceived difficulty (3) students’ learning preferences (4) students’ area of specialization. Students’ prior
knowledge was included in the analysis as covariate. Students were divided into three-group based on the type
of video they were watching.
Participants were one hundred fifty six preservice teachers who enrolled in a technology integration
course and divided randomly in three groups. Participants were graduate and undergraduate, non-science
majors. There were 50 students in the first group, 51 students in the second group and 55 students in the third
group (35 male, 121 female). Students were from four different majors: Bachelor of professional studies, early
childhood education, middle-level education and secondary education. All participations were fluent in English
and consisted of 4 freshmen, 28 sophomores, 42 juniors, and 81 seniors in education major (Art 1, Early
Childhood Education 85, English and Language Arts 9, Foreign Language 2, Health 7, History 14, Mathematics
5, Music, Science-Basic 10, Social Studies 4, Speech/Theater 2 and other major 16). Participant age was
between 18 –above 41.
All videos, pre-test, post-tests and surveys were online as part of the Blackboard course content and
released to students based on the completion of the assigned learning materials using the Blackboard Adaptive
Release function (AR). Blackboard AR is a function that controls the release of content to students based on a
set of rules created by the instructor. The rules related to availability and the number of attempts for each
student individually. The content and assessments instrumentations released individually to every student in
sequence. The instrumentations consisted of the following items: demographic survey, a 15-question
multiple-choice prior knowledge test (10-question retention and 5-question transfer), one-question instrument
9-level Likert scale to assess students’ perceived difficulty of the module as an indirect subjective measure of
cognitive load (Kalyuga, Chandler, & Sweller, 1999) and a 15-question multiple-choice post-test (10-question
retention and 5-question transfer). All learning measures were selected or developed by the course instructors
and were used regularly with students attending the technology integration course.
Demographic survey: This questionnaire was to collect information about the participants with regard
to their makeup. The survey consists of five questions about students’ gender, years in college, learning style,
area of specialization and their age. Prior knowledge test: This measure consisted of 15 questions
multiple-choice and true or false to assess participants’ prior knowledge regarding the TPACK framework (ten
retention questions and five transfer questions). Each correct answer yielded one point for a total of 15 points.
Scores ranged from zero (no correct responses) to 15 (all correct responses).
The Retention test: This measure consisted of 10 questions multiple-choice and true or false to assess
participants’ retention of the TPACK core components. An example of multiple-choice questions was
“Pedagogical Knowledge is:” Participants could choose from the following responses: Knowledge about
teachers’ content area or discipline, Knowledge about how to teach a content area or discipline, Knowledge
about how to teach, Knowledge about how to use technology in classroom. Each correct answer yields 1 point,
for a total of 10 points. The score ranged from zero (no correct responses) to 10 (all correct responses).
The knowledge transfer test: This measure consisted of 5 multiple questions to elicit transfer of
knowledge by asking participants to logically equivalent information presented in the video that required them
to transfer knowledge from one context to another (Barnett Sm, 2002). The questions based on understanding
the TPACK framework covered in the video and related to its components. For example, the participants had
the following question: “An Instructor is developing an online module to encourage students to use
collaboration tools to facilitate social learning for geographically separated learners. This is an example of”.
Students then asked the select the correct answer from the following choices: Technological Pedagogical and
Content Knowledge, Technological Pedagogical Knowledge, Pedagogical Content Knowledge or Technology
Knowledge. Students’ responses based on their ability to infer and use the information included in the video.
Every correct answer was worth one points and the sum score ranged from zero (no correct responses) to five
(all correct responses). All learning measurements developed, selected and reviewed by the course instructors to
construct validity. The ratings indicated that the tests adequately reflected and assessed the main concepts
included in the video.
The video used in the present study was part of the instructors’ materials for introducing TPACK
framework to preservice teachers. Videos were identical in all three conditions, except adding segmentation and
signaling to the one video and segmentation only to another. The first video designed by applying segmentation
and signaling. These two design principles were adapted from Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning
(CTML) (Mayer, 2001). Segmentation added to the first video through dividing the video content into three
conceptual segments (i.e., segmentation) with highlighted 12 topics throughout the video. Blackboard released
each segment upon the completion of the previous segment (Blackboard Adaptive Release) and students had
control over the pace and the number of times of watching the video. The order of the topics discussed in video
was the same in the three videos; however, there was no signaling of in the second video and segmentations or
signaling in the third video.
In the first video, there were three segments, each segment began with an introduction showing the
segment title and followed by a list of the core concepts presented as bulleted list. The signaling method was in
a form of introducing the name of each segment followed by a list of the core concepts covered in that segment.
At the end of each segment, a brief summary of the main concepts presented in the video (i.e., signaling). For
example, the first concept was about explaining meaning of TPACK acronym followed by the meaning of
teacher knowledge, content knowledge and the pedagogical knowledge. At the end of segment one, a summary
presented in audio and concise bulleted lists of the concepts discussed in segment one. Example of summary of
the Pedagogical Knowledge: “Pedagogical Knowledge or “PK,” is about how to teach. This includes planning
lessons and implementation strategies, such as establishing class rules, grouping students to provoke learning
from each other, setting up class routines, using discipline techniques and teaching strategies to enhance the
learning environment”. The second video segmented but not signaled and in the third video, there was no
segmentation or signaling of information. To maintain a fair design between all video design, the investigators
retained the same sequence and information presented in all video conditions.
First, all students randomly assigned to one of the following video conditions: (1) segmented and
signaled, (2) segmented without signaling and (3) no segmentation or signaling. The random distribution of
participants to each of the video condition was via Blackboard Random Selection tool. Course instructors then
emailed the instruction of experiment to their students to explain the purpose and procedure of the module. The
e-mail included a brief introduction about the module, the scope of the study and students’ option to participate
in the study for extra credit or to opt out. Second, students who agreed to participate in the experiment
completed all tasks through the Blackboard adaptive release function (release a task after completing the
previous task). Participants completed the module content on their own pace until a “Thank you” message
appeared saying “Thank you for participating in this study”.
Prior to the main analyses, the data was screened for out-of-range responses and systematic patterns of
missing values and found small number of cases and no apparent patterns or clusters emerging.
First question: To answer the first question “How instructional video designed based on CTML effects
preservice teachers’ learning outcome in the context of in online course?” The investigators conducted one-way
analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). First, homogeneity-of-regression (slope) was conducted to test the
assumption of the interaction between the prior knowledge and the video design in the prediction of students’
posttest scores. The results indicate that the interaction is not significant, F (2, 136) = .32, p = .73, p (.730) > α
(.01). After confirming that the data meets the ANCOVA assumption, investigators proceeded with the
ANCOVA analysis. The ANCOVA analysis indicates that there was a significant effect of the TPACK video
design on students’ learning outcome after controlling for the effect of students’ prior knowledge, F (2, 138) =
3.811, p = 02. The results produced an eta square of .052, indicating that segmentation and signaling accounted
for a 5.2% improvement in students’ learning outcome in the first group. Table 1 summarizes the ANCOVA
Table 1: The results of the one-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA)
Dependent Variable: Post Test
Partial Eta S.
Corrected Model
Corrected Total
Note: Significant at p < 0.05 level
Second question: How video designed based on CTML effects students’ perceived difficulty of the learning
materials in online course? To answer the second question, the investigators conducted a one-way between
subjects ANOVA to assess the effect of video design on students’ perceived difficulty of the learning materials.
The ANOVA analysis indicated that there was difference in students’ perceive difficulty of the instructional
video, however these differences wasn’t statistically significant as (F (2,147) = .505, p = .605). Table 2
summarizes the ANOVA results.
Table 2: The result of one-way between subjects (ANOVA)
Sum of Squares df
Mean Square F
Between Groups
Within Groups
147 2.723
Note: Significant at p < 0.05 level
Third question: Is there relationship between students’ learning styles and learning outcome during learning
from educational video in online course?
A partial correlation computed between students’ learning styles and their learning outcome, controlling for
students’ prior knowledge. The results indicate that students’ learning style is related positively and
significantly to their learning outcome test scores when they learn from video, r (.585) = .046, p > .05, when
controlling for prior knowledge test scores. Table 3 summarize the correlations results
Table 3: Correlation results between students’ learning styles and learning outcome
Control Variables
Pre Test
Learning Style
Learning Style Correlation
Post Test
Significance (2-tailed)
Note: Significant at p < 0.05 level
Fourth question: Is there relationship between students’ area of specialization and their learning outcome during
learning from educational video in online course?
A partial correlation computed between the two variables of students’ area of specialization and their learning
outcome, controlling for students’ prior knowledge. The results indicate that students’ area of specialization is
related significantly and positively to their learning outcome test scores, r (.929) = .008, p > .01, when
controlling for prior knowledge test scores. Table 4 summarizes the correlations results.
Table 4: Correlation results between students’ learning styles and learning outcome
Control Variables
Pre Test
Post Test
Post Test
Area of Specialization
Significance (2-tailed)
Note: Significant at p < 0.01 level
Results and Discussion:
The main finding of this study is that the use of instructional video in online course has the potential to
effectively help preservice teachers, but requires design manipulations. The results of the present study support
previous findings produced in the context of learning from instructional animations and hypermedia and provide
empirical evidence that validates Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning design manipulations of multimedia
in several ways. The segmentation and signaling of the instructional video helped to introduce the TPACK
concept to the preservice teachers and improved their learning outcome. Specifically, the preservice teachers'
test scores improved when the TPACK video presented in self-paced, segmented and signaled rather than
continuous and non-signaled (Mautone & Mayer, 2001; Mayer & Chandler, 2001). According to cognitive
research, segmentation and signaling are appropriate design strategies to help students to process long and
complex multimedia learning materials. In this study, results showed that students’ learning outcomes indeed
benefited from cognitively appropriate design of the TPACK video. This benefit demonstrated by the
statistically significant differences in learning outcomes between students in the three video groups, with the
highest scores achieved by students in the segmented and signaled video condition and the least was in the no
segmentation and no signaling condition. A possible interpretation of this result is that students participated in
this study were presented for the first time with the TPACK concept and they have to process long instructional
video (about 20 minutes). In this situation, students might engage in high level of cognitive activities and they
have to relate and reconcile too many new concepts presented visually and auditory in the TPACK video.
However, students in segmented and signaled condition were easily able to manage sequential segments with
time breaks between them and highlighted the main concepts presented in the video. These design
manipulations not only improve learning for novice learners for whom the learning concepts are new and lack
adequate prior knowledge, but also eliminate a cognitive overload represented in students’ perceived difficulty
of the TPACK video. These results imply that segmenting and signaling the TPACK video provided cognitive
guidance to help novice teachers learning about the TPACK concept.
Further, although the results indicated that there was improvement in students’ perceived difficulty,
with the lowest level of perceived difficulty reported by students in the segmented and signaled group, these
differences were not statistically significant. This result is consistent with the evidence that segmentation and
signaling principles reduce students’ perceived difficulty by focusing their attention on important aspects of the
learning material, providing concise cues about relevant information, and guiding them to engage in organizing
and integrating only the essential information. These cognitive activities contributed to the optimization of
learners’ cognitive processes during learning and helped reduce students’ perception of the learning task’s
difficulty. However, the self-paced provided equally in all three groups, assists students further to control the
video pace for their needs, which minimized to a certain extend students’ perceived difficulty associated with
extraneous cognitive load in all groups. Therefore, the perceived difficulty between the three groups was
The results also indicated that there is obvious effect of students’ learning preferences and learning
styles suggesting that students benefit from the content being adapted to suit their learning style or their
knowledge background. This finding indicated by the significant and positive correlation between students’ test
scores and their learning styles and area of specialization when they learn from instructional video in online
course. These findings are generally consistent with the results of previous studies on the importance of
providing an alternative to the “one size fits all” approach to develop the online course content. The findings
imply that developing learning materials should take into consideration to accommodate students’ learning
preferences (McLoughlin, 1999).
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