Council Minutes Lutheran Church of the Cross Tuesday, January 20

Council Minutes
Lutheran Church of the Cross
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
President Art Wheeler called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Present: Art Wheeler, President; Roger Pommerer, Vice President, Matt Sagsveen, Secretary;
Janet Bassingthwaite; staff members Pastor Donna and Tim were also present. Future council
members were also present.
Devotions: Led by Tim.
Additions to the Agenda:
Various items were added an inserted below.
Approval of Agenda: Brett moved to approve the agenda and Janet seconded the motion.
Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes: Roger moved and Brett seconded the approval of the minutes from the
previous meeting. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
Although Lori prepare a report, she was absent from the meeting. Art discussed the report in
her absence. Lori included the following in her report:, balance sheet, liabilities page, payroll
liabilities, profit and loss, expenses, budget balance, payouts for building fund, donations for
chairs, interest on loan payment, profit and loss for building account.
Art mentioned that no check had been written to Camp of the Cross in 2014, so he made sure a
check would be sent.
Art further discussed the church’s financial status with the group and balances remaining after
Approval of Report: Roger moved to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented. Matt
seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Pastors Report: Pastor’s Report to Council 1-13-15
Thanks to those who took time out of their busy lives to go caroling at various parishioners
homes. It meant so much to them.
In the midst of all the caroling and joy of getting ready for Christmas, we sadly said “Good-bye”
to Lyle Stotz at his funeral on December 13. That was the same day as the church school
program practice. Thank you to all involved for caring for this dear family.
The Christmas program was wonderful! The children took us once again to the manger to see
this thing that has come to pass. It’s God’s son and we are all blessed. Thanks to everyone
The afternoon women’s Bible study was held on December 16 th at Primrose Assisted Living
Center. It is always a joy to listen to God’s Word and share stories of how God touches us.
Christmas week was touched by God’s love again and again. The Christmas Eve services
were inspiring. For all who took part, God made that night holy through you. God’s promise of
salvation goes on. We came to the manger and knew this baby’s love once more. Thank you.
There have been lots of folks meeting the challenges of illness this past week. Telephone
calls have been made. Visits have been done. Prayers have been prayed. Hands have been
held. Faithfulness is a privilege.
Please remember that I will be gone on vacation February 5-12. I’ll be back in the office
February 13. I will miss the next council meeting but I was trying to fit this vacation in between
the annual meeting and Ash Wednesday, which is February 18.
Pastoral Assistant Report: Tim Newman- (January 20, 2015)
Christmas Eve was fun! Thanks to Robin and Jen for planning it all out. We had a lot of fun
playing and combining some of the many talents here at LCC.
Our Camp of the Cross PR committee will meet next Tuesday to discuss the Gala.
Our next “WINGS” youth group gathering will be February 8th from 6:00 to 8:00 for broomball at
Hillside Park.
The Next time we serve LAF is Wednesday February 18th which, coincidentally is also Ash
Wednesday. The menu will be baked potato bar and I would love any extra help that day.
Church school will remain at the same time 6:45 on Wednesday nights following the service
during Lent.
Due to some conflicts the Men’s Group will now meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at
I am still waiting on some families to get there personal photos in so we can add them to the
directory. I was chatting with the Faith and Care chairs and we all agreed that even though we
want our directories soon, we would rather wait and have a comprehensive directory so we
can put names with faces. We also need one photographer release but otherwise we are ready
to go to press.
Regarding the signage in the building and out, Brett and I have chatted a few times but have
not done anything, to my knowledge, since.
The youth checking account balance is $1138.48
I will be at the Men’s retreat on Friday January 23rd – Sunday January 25th.
I will be gone for continuing education Thursday January 29th – Monday February 2nd.
I will be gone for vacation Feb 26th – March 2.
Tim further discussed various issues related to the projector bulbs.
Staff Update: NA
Council Member Future Goals: An extended discussion was had regarding giving, how we
grow in 2015, and how the council can encourage faithfulness to the church. Pastor Donna
suggested we focus on being every day stewards of faith - “Everyday stewardship.”
Committee Reports:
Congregational Operations: Nothing to report from Brett. Art brought up a proposed HA
Thompson and Sons maintenance agreement – the context of the discussion was the warm
temperature within the sanctuary and the need for more regular maintenance on HVAC.
Christian Education: Janet reported Christian education is looking at putting together another
family fun day and the starting date for VBS.
Congregational Nurturing: Nothing to report.
Outreach: Roger didn’t have anything to report.
Worship and Music – Jon Hanson reported for the committee. New member Sunday is
February 22nd. New bulbs for the projectors are needed.
Roger moved to purchase two projector bulbs for the sanctuary projectors. Brett seconded the
motion. Motion passed.
Unfinished Business:
MGR Lease – held over until the next meeting. Art had found a draft lease to use –
Matt agreed to do additional work and there was additional discussion regarding
insurance coverage and whether the Church. Art, or Roger, agreed to contact our
insurance agent.
General Fund Budget items were discussed.
New Business:
 Typewriter Acquisition
o The church’s old typewriter was damaged so Art started a search for a new
typewriter. Art proceeded to explain, in detail, his search for a free or costefficient typewriters. The item was held over – Roger might have a solution.
Treasurer’s position
o The council had a discussion regarding how it should address the open
treasurer’s position. Matt moved that we open up the Treasurer’s position to
the church’s membership until February 2. Interviews will be held the week of
February 3. Roger seconded the motion. Motion Passed.
Computer Backup
o Art let a discussion about our 2007 Quickbooks and whether we should update
our software.
o Roger moved that the Church upgrade its financial software and purchase the
2015 Quickbooks payroll version. Janet seconded the motion. Motion passed.
IT Service
o Roger moved that we increase the office expense line item by $1000, from
$3000 to $4000. Matt seconded the motion. Motion passed.
o Council agreed to carryover the IT maintenance and backup costs.
The Auditor’s Report was discussed by Art.
o It was moved by Brett that the Council receive the Auditor’s report on behalf of
the Council and to distribute to the congregation. Motion was seconded by
Janet. Motion passed.
Regarding the proposed Budget, and based upon a recommendation of the Auditor,
Roger moved that the WND Assembly line item in Pastor’s Donna’s salary be moved
to Christian Education because it is not part of the Pastor’s compensation package.
Brett seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Janet second motion to adjourn. Brett seconded the motion. Motion passed.
We closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Art and the Council thank Janet for her service on the council.