press release (Word Document)

Japan Blocks 4 out of 5 Shark Conservation Proposals at Atlantic Tuna Meeting
Unprecedented support for stronger ICCAT finning ban quashed. Mako & blue shark catches remain unlimited
Small step taken for threatened porbeagles
St. Julian’s, Malta. November 17, 2015. Fishing nations at the annual meeting of the International Commission
for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) have once again failed to adopt scientific advice and best
practices to safeguard several species of oceanic sharks. The number of co-sponsors in an ongoing effort to
strengthen the ICCAT ban on “finning” (slicing off a shark's fins and discarding the body at sea) more than
doubled to an unprecedented 30 of 50 Parties, yet was quashed by Japan with support from Korea, and China.
Japan also led the fight to kill EU proposals aimed at protecting common threshers and limiting catch of makos,
while its attempt to raise proposed blue shark catch levels prevented consensus on that measure. The only
shark measure agreed was a compromise between Canada and the EU aimed at conserving porbeagle sharks.
"We are deeply troubled that sound conservation proposals for exceptionally vulnerable sharks continue to be
defeated at ICCAT, even as mandates, warnings, and public concerns grow stronger," said Sonja Fordham,
President of Shark Advocates International, a project of The Ocean Foundation. "This inaction is particularly
heartbreaking with respect to the proposal for a stronger shark finning ban, which was thwarted despite cosponsorship from a majority of ICCAT Parties."
Japan led the charge to defeat the seventh attempt to strengthen the ICCAT finning ban. A record high number
of Parties proposed replacing the problematic fin-to-carcass weight ratio with a more enforceable prohibition on
removing fins at sea. The "fins-attached" proposal gained 16 co-sponsors at this year’s meeting – including
Russia, Venezuela, Tunisia, and Nigeria -- for a total of 30 Parties. The US, EU, and Senegal all vowed to
continue to promote the change. The US also secured a 2016 ICCAT review of finning ban implementation.
“We are appalled that Japan has summarily dismissed appeals for a stronger ICCAT finning ban made by a
growing number of countries – developed and developing -- from all across the Atlantic,”
said Ania Budziak,
Associate Director for Project AWARE. “We are also particularly dismayed that Canada and Mexico chose not to
co-sponsor the effort to mandate this best practice of banning at-sea shark fin removal.”
The EU and US jointly proposed the establishment of ICCAT catch limits for highly vulnerable shortfin mako
sharks. The proposal was questioned by Namibia and Uruguay, and then blocked by Japan. ICCAT scientists
have recommended measures to ensure shortfin mako fishing does not increase.
The EU and US also cooperated on a proposal to cap landings of heavily fished blue sharks, based on a recent
population assessment. Japan’s request to increase proposed South Atlantic catch levels by 32% was accepted
by the EU, but rejected as excessive by the US and Norway, resulting in no action being taken for the species.
"We are once again deeply disappointed that ICCAT did not reach consensus to cap landings of blue and mako
sharks, species that lack basic limits even in the main fishing nation of Spain,” said Ali Hood, Director of
Conservation for the Shark Trust. "We leave this meeting frustrated yet all the more determined to continue the
campaign to end uncontrolled fishing of oceanic sharks -- under ICCAT and within the EU.”
Japan also led the effort to defeat an EU proposal to prohibit take of common thresher sharks. After six years of
Canada blocking EU attempts to prohibit take of porbeagle sharks, the two Parties compromised on a measure
that encourages live release and could trigger action if landings increase.
Media contacts:
(EU) Patricia Roy: +34 696 905 907;
(US) Liz Morley: +1 843.693.5044;
Notes to Editors:
Shark Advocates International is a project of The Ocean Foundation dedicated to securing
science-based policies for sharks and rays. The Shark Trust is a UK charity working to advance the worldwide
conservation of sharks through science, education, influence and action. Focused on sharks in peril and marine
debris, Project AWARE is a growing movement of scuba divers protecting the ocean planet – one dive at a time.
Humane Society International is an animal protection organization working throughout in the world to protect all
animals. Defenders of Wildlife is dedicated to the protection of all native animals and plants in their natural
Shark fins are used in a celebratory soup in Asia. High demand for fins drives many shark fisheries and provides
incentive for finning. Blue sharks are the dominant species in the global shark fin trade. Many shark species,
particularly porbeagles and shortfin makos, are also sought for meat.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) classifies porbeagle, shortfin makos, and common thresher
sharks as Vulnerable globally; porbeagle sharks are categorized as Endangered in the Northwest Atlantic and
Critically Endangered in the Northeast Atlantic. Blue sharks are listed as globally Near Threatened.
Scientists have determined that shortfin mako and porbeagle sharks are exceptionally vulnerable to overfishing from
ICCAT fisheries. These species were listed under CMS Appendix II in 2008, signaling international commitment to
regional conservation. Porbeagles were listed on Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered
Species in 2013; exports therefore must be accompanied by permits based on findings that they are legally and
sustainably sourced.
ICCAT is responsible for the conservation of tunas and tuna-like species in the Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas.
ICCAT has 50 Contracting Parties, including the European Union.
ICCAT adopted protections for bigeye thresher
sharks in 2009, oceanic whitetip sharks and hammerheads* in 2010, and silky sharks* in 2011 (* with exceptions).
Joint NGO position statement on these issues:
Info-graphic covering these issues:
Latest proposal for stronger finning ban (30 co-sponsors):