Prescription medications - Emerald City Medical Arts


Prescription medications

Prescription medications require that a patient be evaluated to determine whether a medication is necessary, appropriate and effective. Medication dosage must also be evaluated to determine effectiveness and safety.

Prescription refills typically require that a patient be evaluated to determine whether a specific medication or medications continue to be effective and appropriate. This is especially true of antibiotics and controlled medications that have a high risk of abuse and/or addiction.

Emerald City Medical Arts Prescription Medication Policies

New prescriptions or prescription refills will not be called in after clinic hours.

New prescriptions or prescription refills typically require a recent office visit to determine whether a prescription is necessary, appropriate and safe. If you have not had a recent office visit, you will be asked to schedule an office visit and be evaluated before a new prescription or prescription refill is issued.

Scheduling an office visit does not guarantee that a new prescription or prescription refill will be issued.

If you have been taking a prescription medication for an extended period of time and you have had a recent office visit to determine the medication continues to be necessary and appropriate, the typical procedure is:

1) Have your pharmacy fax a prescription refill request to Emerald City Medical Arts at 206


2) Your request will be reviewed

3) If a prescription refill is appropriate, Emerald City Medical Arts will fax authorization for a prescription refill to your pharmacy

4) Make sure Emerald City Medical Arts has your selected pharmacy’s name, address, phone number and fax number

5) NOTE: Requesting a change in medication dosage is NOT a prescription refill. Changing a medication dosage is a NEW prescription and will require an office visit

6) NOTE: A prescription refill request without an office visit may take one or two business days to be processed. See topic below “Monitor your medication usage.”

Patient Guidelines:

Monitor your medication usage. If you run out of a medication before your next office visit, you will typically be required to schedule and office visit and be evaluated BEFORE a prescription refill can be authorized.

Take your medication(s) as written. If you are taking a medication more frequently than is prescribed, you are likely to run out of your medication before a prescription refill is possible. Taking your medication more frequently than is prescribed should prompt you to contact Emerald City Medical Arts to determine whether the prescription should be changed.

Changing the medication or dosage, may require an office visit. In such instances, contact Emerald City

Medical Arts before you run out of your medication.

Lost or stolen prescriptions and/or medications. Keep your prescriptions and medications in a safe place. It is important to keep others from having intentional or accidental access to your prescriptions and medications, especially when children are present. Your prescriptions and medications are issued to you only. Lost or stolen prescriptions and/or medications will typically

NOT be refilled until after you have scheduled an office visit and been evaluated. Scheduling an office

visit does not guarantee that another prescription will be issued.

Keep your prescription list current. Each time you arrive for an office visit, let theaff of Emerald City Medical Arts know if medications have been added, removed, or changed since your last visit. Your medication list should include any supplements or over –the-counter medications you take on a regular basis. Your prescription list should also include medication allergies.
