Summer Camp 2011 Applicant Assignment

Summer Camp 2011 Applicant Assignment
General Information
Name: ______________________________E:Mail __________________________________________________
Home Address: _______________________________________________________________________________
(Postal Code)
Home Telephone: ___________________________________ Cell Number: ______________________________
School Address: _______________________________________________________________________________
(if applicable)
(Postal code)
School Telephone: ____________________________________
Date of Birth ___/__/___
Age as of July 1st_____
Current Certification
Do you have a First Aid Certificate ? Yes _____
no_____ Expiry Date: ____________________
Do you hold your NLS Certification? Yes______
no_____ Expiry Date: ____________________
Position Appling for: _____________________________________________________
Recent Work Experience (please include,
company, position, responsibilities and date)
Previous Camp Experience
Please list any previous camp experience:
Hobbies and Interests
Volunteer Experiences/Group Affiliations
Summer Camp 2011 Applicant Assignment
Strength/Trait Identification
The following is a list of identifiable Strengths/Traits organized by the Gallup Institute. These resulted
from thousands of interviews and pulling out common “themes” while completing their interviews. As you read
through them I want you to identify strengths that describe you. These are actions, thoughts and patterns you
intuitively do, they are the things that are ingrained into who you are. Step back and look at yourself for a moment,
look into your life and how you react to situations and events. The things that happen naturally are your strengths.
Do not confuse these with skills, skills are things that can be taught, these strengths happen naturally.
As you read through the list I want you to highlight the ones that speak to you. Then, re-read the
highlighted strengths and narrow it down to your 5 strongest traits, write them down at the end of the list. They will
be used throughout your application process for summer camp.
Please note that each one of these strengths has it vital role in the camp world, the intention is not for them
to discredit individuals from be hired. This process is designed to provide insight into who you are and how we may
use your strengths at camp. We wish to make this summer as rewarding for you as possible and by deliberately using
your strengths we can help achieve this. Your additional experiences and skills noted in your resume will create a
picture of your suitability for being a camp counselor; your strengths noted here will help us maximize them.
Achiever: Achiever is an individual who has a constant need for success. By the end of the day you must achieve something
tangible to know you have been successful.
Activator: “when can we Start?” is a common phrase or thought which describes you. You have impatient need to get going with
things, only action leads to performance and once a decision is made you must act on it.
Adaptability: You live in the now and don’t see your future as a fixed destination, you make choices based on the now. You
have the ability to respond willingly to demands of the moment and are ok with it even if it pulls you away from your current
Analytical: You need to dissect options, and when someone presents you with something you would seek them to “prove it.”
You want to know the data behind the chosen course of facts presented. Analytically centered, this strength allows you to see
patterns and commonalities in data and situations.
Arranger: You are a conductor; you enjoy managing the many variables of a complex situation of event. You align and arrange
these variables into the most efficient course of action to arrive at the desired outcome. You can keep many things “in your head”
at a time and not forget about them even if pulled towards a different variable of the situation at hand.
Belief: You are family-oriented, altruistic, and spiritual. You value responsibility and high levels of ethics. You have a core set of
values, and while they may be completely different than another’s you adhere to them. These values give you purpose and
direction; to you success is more than money and prestige.
Command: You like to take charge; you feel no discomfort with imposing your views on others or taking control of any
situation. When you set a goal, you are restless until achieved. You present the facts and the truths, no matter how unpleasant
they may be, you push others to take risks and at times may seem intimidating or authoritative.
Communication: You are comfortable with speaking in public, giving presentations, you like to describe, host and write. Ideas
are a dry beginning, events are static and you like to bring life and energize them, to make them attractive and desirable. You
want your information to be heard and remembered knowing that most people have a short attention span and only hear portions
of what is described to them.
Competition: Performance is the ultimate measure of success, you instantly can measure up those around you and will gravitate
towards events or activities you instinctively know you will succeed at and win. You like measurement because it is linked to
comparison, you like competition because it produces a winner.
Connectedness: Things happen for a reason; in your gut you believe this. You believe that we are all connected yet free to make
our own choices and judgments. Being connected in such a way implies that individual actions affect everyone, which means
harming yourself will ultimately harm others.
Summer Camp 2011 Applicant Assignment
Context: You look back to understand the present, answers lie in the past. As you look back blueprints begin to emerge about
how we got to where we are, this understanding brings you confidence, helps you make better decision and connects you with the
here and now.
Deliberative: You are a private person, you are careful and vigilant. You feel the world is an unpredictable place and you can
visualize the risks. You take those risks, bring them to the surface, analyze them, asses them and reduce them. You select your
friends carefully, give praise and recognition constructively. Life is not a popularity contest, it is a minefield, you do not run
through it recklessly rather assess and weight potential damages and place your feet deliberately where you want to go.
Developer: You see potential in others, no individual is fully formed and you wish to be a part of their success. You give them
interesting experiences to help them grow and are constantly on the lookout for signs of growth. People may even seek you out
for encouragement because they know you are genuine and helpful and wish to see them succeed.
Discipline: Your world needs to be predictable; you set up routines and focus on timelines and deadlines. You break up projects
into smaller parts and work diligently through each section of the plan. You have a dislike for surprises and errors, yet your
disciple should not be confused as controlling rather as a method to maintain progress and productivity.
Empathy: You sense the emotions of those around you; you are instinctive to the thoughts and feelings of individuals. Not to be
confused with sympathy, you may not agree with each person or feel pity for their situation, you simply are in tune with reading
their emotions through actions, their voice, and their eyes. You can help people find words to express their emotions and you are
an individual drawn to people.
Fairness: You treat people the same regardless of their status or life situation, you avoid tipping the scales in favor of one person
over the other. You believe individuals function better in a situation/world where there are clear rules and guidelines which are
applied to everyone. When all is equal, each individual has a chance to show his or her true worth.
Focus: “Where am I headed,” this is your guide, your focus, lacking focus you feel life would become frustrating. Goals are like
a compass, they help you determine priorities and allow you to make corrections to get back on course. Focus forces you to be
efficient; you are impatient with delays and obstacles. You believe that if something is not helping you move towards your
destination then it is not relevant.
Futuristic: You love to peer over the horizon, the future fascinates you and you can see it as vividly as if someone painted it on
the wall. You are dreamer who see’s visions of what could be and these visions energize you.
Harmony: You believe conflict will not project gains or achievement, and while everyone may have differing views you try to
find the common ground. You see imposing ones views on others as a waste of time, when those around you change course you
will modify yourself to align with the changes. You are a practical person, use common language and are very down to earth.
There is no need to rock the boat just to show you can.
Ideation: Ideas fascinate you, your mind is one that always is looking for connections. You are intrigued by seemingly disparate
phenomena and see obscure links amongst things. You enjoy taking the common view and turning it around so we may see it
from a strange and yet enlightening angle. You may be labeled as creative, conceptual, original or even smart, regardless of these
labels ideas are thrilling to you and they fill your day with joy.
Inclusiveness: Make the circle of acceptance wider, this is the core of your inclusiveness strength. You strive to make everyone
feel a part of the group, to give everyone the benefit in which the group as a whole can provide. You avoid those groups with
exclusivity as their core value. You rarely pass judgment as it can be hurtful. You believe we are all equally important and
therefore no one should be ignored.
Indiviualization: You are intrigued by the unique qualities of each person and are impatient with generalizations because you
do not want to dilute what is unique and special about the individual. You hear the one-of-a-kind stories of each person’s life,
observe each person’s motivations, styles and how they think and build relationships.
Summer Camp 2011 Applicant Assignment
Input: You are inquisitive, you are a collector of things be it information, poetry, baseball cards or cars. You collect them
because they interest you. Your mind finds fascination with the infinite variety and complexity of everyday things. You crave
“input” for the sole reason that you want to know more, and perhaps by filing that new learning away in your mind it may one
day be useful.
Intellection: You like to think, you like mental activity. You enjoy time spent alone because it allows you to ponder and be
introspective. You have a constant mental “hum” that may not be focused on a particular thought; it is just simply something you
are constantly doing.
Learner: You are drawn to the process of learning, the context or result is not as interesting to you. The transition from
ignorance to competence excites you in your efforts to learn. You thrive in environments with short projects, and this theme does
not mean you strive to be the expert in what you learn or become the subject matter expert. Rather the outcome of learning is less
significant than the process of “getting there.”
Maximizer: Excellence, not average is your measure. You thrill in taking something that is good and making it excellent rather
than starting from scratch. Strengths, be it yours or someone else’s fascinate you and you strive to maximize them. You avoid
those whom want to “fix” you or make you more “well rounded,” you do not want to linger on your areas of improvement but
rather want to work on maximizing your natural talents and strengths.
Positivity: You are generous with praise, quick to smile and others wish their glass was as full as yours appears to be. People
want to be around you because of your energy, because you seem to lighten up the air and you inject drama into everyday life.
People may reject your positive attitude or energy but this rarely affects you, you believe it is good to be alive and that work is
Relator: You derive a great deal of pleasure from being around friends and growing those relationships. This does not mean you
shy away from meeting new people. You are comfortable with closeness and once the initial connection is made you deliberately
foster a deepening of that relationship. You believe strengthening the relationship is through a mutual sharing and to entrust
yourself to that person, the more you share, the more you gain.
Responsibility: You take ownership of whatever you commit yourself to, its size or scope does not matter. If you feel like you
cannot deliver on that promise you instinctively find ways to make it up to that person. You are utterly dependable, and because
of your values and ethics you never want that to diminish.
Restorative: You love to solve problems, you are not dismayed by repeat letdowns, rather it energizes you to solve and fix. You
may prefer to seek out specific problems because of familiarity and heightened chance of success. You love to bring things “back
to life”, you believe that without your intervention this thing, machine, person, project or company might have failed without
your involvement.
Self-Assurance: Much like self confidence, you have faith in your strengths. You know you are able to take risks, take on
challenges and are able to deliver. You are also confident in your judgments; you seem to know the “path” or the right course of
action to take without over analyzing it. Others may try to influence or convince you down another path, however you know your
view is unique and no one can persuaded you to think otherwise.
Significance: You want to be significant in the eyes of others, you want to be recognized, to stand out, to be heard, you want
others to see and recognize the unique strengths you bring to the table. You want to be seen as credible, professional and
successful which also means you seek out others of the same acknowledgments. You want your work to be a way of life rather
than a job, you prefer free reign and leeway to do things your way.
Strategic: You seem to be able to sort through the clutter and find the best route, it is a unique skill and a unique perspective on
the world. You see patterns where others see complexity, in an instant you can play out different scenarios discarding the paths
that lead into confusion and form your strategy.
WOO: You enjoy the challenge of meeting new people and getting them to like you. Strangers do not intimidate you, they
energize you to win them over. You want to learn their names, discover something about them and where others worry about
running out of things to say you are rarely at a loss for words. Once the connection is made however, you are content with
wrapping it up and moving on
Summer Camp 2011 Applicant Assignment
Top 5 Strengths
1.__________________________ 2._____________________________ 3.____________________________
Self Reflection; Camp Counsellor Exercise.
Now that you have had a chance to self reflect on those 5 strengths, I want you to describe how you would
maximize them as a counsellor in the summer day camp environment. Think about the position you are applying for
and tailor your response to it, but… be true to yourself. These strengths will not only allow us to maximize your
potential within the camp environment, but it will also allow you to understand where you will be strong as a
counsellor. Please use as much space as you require to reflect on this question.
Describe how you would maximize your strengths as a counsellor in the summer day camp environment.
Summer Camp 2011 Applicant Assignment
Please name two professional and one family member references who can give a definite statement as to your
character, ability and work habits.
1. Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Relationship: _______________________
Home telephone: ____________________ Business telephone: _______________
2. Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Relationship: _______________________
Home telephone: ____________________ Business telephone: _______________
3. Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Relationship: _______________________
Home telephone: ____________________ Business telephone: _______________
I ______________ consent to the use of the above information for employment purposes. I understand that the
YMCA is collecting the above information for the sole purpose of ensuring that the best applicants for the position
of camp counselor are hired.
Applicant’s Signature
Please remember to include/send a resume with you application process. Your resume, combined with your
application completions will provide us with the tools we need to determine if you may succeed in the camp
Please note, only successful applicants will receive a call to request an interview.