World Religions Review Sheet


World Religions Review Sheet

World Religions Review Sheet

Name of Religion: Judaism

Followers are Called: Jews (modern), Hebrews, Israelites (ancient)

Founder: Abraham, c. 1200 B.C.E.

Place of Origin: Middle East (Palestine)

Rank in #s of Followers: Near bottom

—less than 100 million worldwide

Where Members Are Found Today: Israel (majority), urban centers throughout the world

Sacred Text(s): Torah--Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament), Talmud

Sacred Places: Jerusalem, “Wailing Wall” (remains of Solomon’s Temple), temples, synagogues

(simpler places of worship than temples)

Famous Teachers & Followers: Moses, Kings David & Solomon, prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah

Subdivisions: Orthodox (stricter), Reform (liberal)

Connections to Other Religions: parent religion of Christianity; influenced other religions in ancient

Mediterranean & Middle East; influenced by Zoroastrianism during Babylonian Captivity

Key Terms: rabbi —teacher Kosher Kibbutz Yiddish


—scattering of Jews after Judeah destroyed by Romans, 70 CE

Zionism —movement of Jews to return to Palestine, begun 1800s by European Jew (Herzl)

Core Beliefs & Practices: Monotheism —first religion to believe in only one God, Creator of all things

God wants people to live according to his laws

—the 10 Commandments

“Fun Facts” The 6-pointed star, the Star of David, is the symbol of Judaism

Name of Religion: Hinduism

Followers are Called: Hindus

Founder: unknown (too old)

Place of Origin: India, 1500-500 BCE (Vedic Age)

—world’s oldest living faith

Rank in #s of Followers: #3, after Christianity & Islam —close to a billion

Where Members Are Found Today: South Asia, SE Asia, scattering worldwide

Sacred Text(s): Vedas (Rig Veda), Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita —sacred language Sanskrit

Sacred Places: Ganges River, many shrines around India & Pakistan, temples

Famous Teachers & Followers: Mahatma Gandhi

Subdivisions: Many popular cults devoted to various gods: Shiva, Vishnu,others

Connections to Other Religions: Many common elements with Buddhism, which grew from a Hindu

“root;” most notably, samsara & karma

Key Terms: samsara


Karma —‘What goes around, comes around”

Moksha —“Hindu heaven”—dreamless sleep achieved by escaping reincarnation


—Gandhi’s word for a community

Core Beliefs & Practices:

Caste system (varna), subcastes (jati) by occupation

Sati —widow suicide on husband’s funeral pyre

Dutiful devotion to one’s station in life brings spiritual advancement

Respect for all creatures

“Fun Facts” Some Hindus wear a red dot in the middle of their foreheads

Name of Religion: Zoroastrianism

Followers are Called: Zoroastrians

Founder: Zoroaster/Zarathustra, the “Persian Prophet”

Place of Origin: ancient Persia, c. 7 th

-6 th centuries BCE

Rank in #s of Followers: Near bottom —few left

Where Members Are Found Today: Israel (majority), urban centers throughout the world

Sacred Text(s): the Avestas

Sacred Places:

Famous Teachers & Followers: the magi, Zoroastrian priests


Connections to Other Religions: Influenced Judaism (monotheism, good & evil, stories), Mithraism

Key Terms:

Core Beliefs & Practices:

Life is a struggle between good & evil

People should choose good —good will prevail

Ahura Mazda

—god of goodness & light

Several lesser deities (almost monotheistic)

“Fun Facts”

Name of Religion: Buddhism

Followers are Called: Buddhists

Founder: Siddartha Gautama (“the Buddha),

Place of Origin: northern India, 500s BCE

Rank in #s of Followers: Perhaps 4 th

—a few hundred million?

Where Members Are Found Today: East & SE Asia; scatterings in Europe & N. America

Sacred Text(s):

Sacred Places: stupas (shrines), especially monastery of Nalanda (Himalayas), other shrines & monasteries, temples

Famous Teachers & Followers: the Dalai Llama, Ashoka, Xuanzang

Subdivisions: Mahayana Buddhism

—less strict, emphasized bodhisattvas (“Buddhist saints)

Theravada Buddhism —stricter form, popular in SE Asia

Zen (Chan) Buddhism

—first developed in China, became very popular in Japan—based on a combination of Daoism & Buddhism, more inspirational

Connections to Other Religions: grew out of Hinduism; some common elements (reincarnation, karma); influenced by Jainism (non-violence); Zen influenced by Daoism

Key Terms: nirvana —“Buddhist heaven”—freedom from reincarnation


—core Buddhist teachings, dutiful way of living

Bodhisattva —“Buddhist saint” who has attained enlightenment

Core Beliefs & Practices: the Four Noble Truths & the Eightfold Path

People should overcome desire through right living & meditation

Impermanence —you shouldn’t get to attached to physical things

“Fun Facts”

Name of Religion: Daoism (“The Way” of Harmony)

Followers are Called: Daoists

Founder: Lao Tze

Place of Origin: China,

Rank in #s of Followers: not known, not an exclusive faith —millions to hundreds of millions— not the top 4, not the least

Where Members Are Found Today: Chiefly East Asia —scattering elsewhere

Sacred Text(s): I Ching

Sacred Places: temples

Famous Teachers & Followers:


Connections to Other Religions: often practiced together with Confucianism by Chinese; synthesized with Buddhism to produce Chan (Zen) Buddhism

Key Terms: wuwei —disengagement from worldly affairs

Core Beliefs & Practices:

Live in harmony & balance with nature

“Fun Facts” Yin Yang is the symbol of Daoist harmony

Name of Religion: Confucianism

Followers are Called: Confucianists

Founder: Kung Fu Tze (“Master Kung,” Confucius), a wandering sage

Place of Origin: China, c. 500 BCE during Period of Warring States between Zhou & Qin

Rank in #s of Followers: Below major world faiths —mainly Chinese

Where Members Are Found Today: China and Chinese-influenced areas (Korea, Vietnam)

Sacred Text(s): the Analects of Confucius

Sacred Places: temples

Famous Teachers & Followers:

Mencius —emphasized ren


—emphasized li


Connections to Other Religions: Daoism, neo-


Key Terms:


—kindness, benevolence

Li —respect, propriety


—filial piety—respect for elders

Core Beliefs & Practices:

Relationships are key in establishing a good society

Confucian scholars should lead society

Examination system to find the best leaders

“Fun Facts”

Name of Religion: Christianity

Followers are Called: Christians

Founder: Jesus of Nazareth, c. 30 CE

Place of Origin: Palestine

Rank in #s of Followers: #1 —over a billion

Where Members Are Found Today: Huge in Latin America, Africa, N. America; scattering in Asia; declining in Europe

Sacred Text(s): Gospels, Bible (New Testament)

Sacred Places: Bethlehem, Nazareth, Jerusalem, churches, cathedrals

Famous Teachers & Followers: St. Paul, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Francis of Assisi,

Martin Luther, Martin Luther King, the popes

Subdivisions: Orthodox (Greek, Russian), Roman Catholic, Protestant (since 1517 —about 500 different denominations)

Connections to Other Religions: originally a Jewish sect —spread throughout Mediterranean by St.

Paul during

Pax Romana

—Christians accept many Jewish teachings, such as the 10 Commandments

Second great Abrahamic faith —monotheistic

God is a loving father/parent

—parable of the Good Shepherd, Prodigal Son

Key Terms: Sacraments —salvation—Messiah--crucifixion

Lent —40 day season of purification & repentance before Easter

Core Beliefs & Practices: People receive salvation from their sins by being reborn and accepting

Jesus as Messiah; people should follow Jesus’ teachings & example

Baptism Communion

—the “Lord’s Supper”

Christmas —Jesus’ birth

Easter —Jesus’ resurrection

“Fun Facts” The cross, representing Jesus’ crucifixion and sacrifice, is the symbol of Christianity

Name of Religion: Islam

Followers are Called: Muslims (Moslems)

Founder: Mohammed (Muhammad)

Place of Origin: Arabia, 600s CE

Rank in #s of Followers: Close second to Christianity —over a billion, & growing

Where Members Are Found Today: Middle East, central Asia ( the ‘Stans), Indonesia, north Africa

(majorities), scattering elsewhere

Sacred Text(s): the Holy Koran (Quran)

Sacred Places: Mecca & the Ka’aba, Jerusalem (Dome of the Rock)

Mosque —Islamic “church,” house of worship

Famous Teachers & Followers: ibn Rushd, the Sufis, ibn Khaldun, the Ayatollah Khomeini

Subdivisions: Sunni —90% globally—generally more secular

Shi’a (Shi’ites)—split over succession of caliphs in the early days, developed different traditions— dominant in Persia/Iran

Connections to Other Religions: Based on both Judaism & Christianity, whom Muslims revere as

“people of the book”

History of trouble with Hindus in south Asia

Key Terms: Allah (god)

The Hijra —Muhammad’s flight to Medina, beginning of the Muslim calendar

Sharia —Islamic law


—holy war

Imam —Islamic religious leader


—Islamic judge

Caliph —successor to Muhammad

Core Beliefs & Practices: The third great Abrahamic, monotheistic faith

The Five Pillars of Islam

1. Confession of Faith “There is no god but Allah, & Mohammed is his prophet”

2. Prayer five times a day

3. Giving alms to the poor

4. the Hajj

—pilgrimage to Mecca

5. Observing holy month of Ramadan

“Fun Facts” Muslims sometimes carry prayer rugs so they can pray wherever they are

The star & crescent are the symbol of Islam
