
Inland Wetlands Commission
Regular Meeting
September 24, 2014
7:30 p.m.
upper level meeting room
Bedini, Mr. Davis, Mr. LaMuniere,
Papsin, Mr. Wadelton
Cheney, Mr. Martino
Ajello, Mrs. Hill
Cao, Mr. Neff, Mr. Travelstead, Mr. Lord,
Nadeau, Mr. Thorn, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Mack,
Spath, Mr. MacLean, Mr. Kost
Mr. Bedini called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and
seated Members Bedini, Davis, LaMuniere, Papsin, and Wadelton.
Consideration of the Minutes
The 9/10/14 Regular Meeting minutes were accepted as
Page 6: Line 8: “Bridge footings” was added so the sentence is,
“Mr. LaMuniere asked if any bridge footings or elevations had
Page 10: Line 10 under Harris: Delete “so it would not be
necessary to back out onto the state highway” to change the
sentence to: “…but a straight driveway was proposed so it
would not be necessary to turn around.”
Page 10: Line 3 in the Harris motion: Add “property near the” to
change the wording to: “…to change the lower area of the
property near the boathouse from gravel to stepping stones
and grass….”
To accept the 9/10/14 Regular Meeting minutes
as corrected. By Mr. Wadelton, seconded by
Mr. Papsin, and passed 5-0.
To accept the 9/10/14 Special Meeting minutes
as submitted. By Mr. LaMuniere, seconded by
Mr. Papsin, and passed 3-0-2.
Mr. Davis and Mr. Wadelton abstained because
they had not attended the meeting.
Mr. LaMuniere noted that based upon his review of these
minutes he would discuss several matters at the next meeting of
the revision of the Regulations subcommittee.
Pending Applications
Washington Montessori Assn./240 Litchfield Turnpike/#IW-14-34/
Parking Area and Drainage: It was noted the report, “Water
Quality-Detention Basin Remediation Plan,” by Soil Resource
Consultants, dated 9/20/14 had been submitted as had been
requested by the Commission at the previous meeting. Mr. Papsin
asked for clarification regarding what percentage of the cattails
would be removed from the basins. Mr. Lord referred to pages 2
and 4 to show how much of the basins would be excavated and said
approximately 50% of the cattails would remain. Mr. LaMuniere
asked if the school had agreed to include funds in its budget for
the annual maintenance of the detention ponds. Mr. Travelstead
said it had. The commissioners were satisfied with the report
To approve Application #IW-14-34 for a parking
area and drainage submitted by the Washington
Montessori Assn., 240 Litchfield Turnpike, per
the plan by Civil 1, sheets 2 of 7 and 7 of 7,
dated 5/15/14 and revised to 8/14/14, noting
the application includes the report prepared by
Mr. Lord, dated 9/20/2014, which details the
construction sequence for the maintenance of the
basins and with the understanding that the
maintenance of the basins will be an annual
school budget item in the future; the permit shall
be valid for five years and is subject to the
following conditions:
1. that the Land Use Office be notified at least
48 hours prior to the commencement of work so the
WEO can inspect and approve the erosion control
2. that the property owner give the contractor
copies of both the motion of approval and approved
plans prior to the commencement of work, and
3. any change to the plans as approved must be
submitted immediately to the Commission for reapproval.
By Mr. LaMuniere, seconded by Mr. Papsin, passed 5-0
Baratta/236 Nettleton Hollow Road/#IW-14-43/Perimeter Fence: Mr.
Nadeau, contractor, stated that all of the information noted
missing at the last meeting had been submitted. Mr. Ajello noted
the application was now complete. Mr. Bedini briefly reviewed the
application. There were no questions from the commissioners.
MOTION: To approve Application #IW-14-43 submitted by
Inland Wetlands Commission
September 24, 2014
Mr. Baratta for a perimeter deer fence at 226
Nettleton Hollow Road per the plan, “Site Analysis
Plan, Map Prepared for Julian Beck and Pamela Beck,”
by Mr. Alex, dated December 1992 with handwritten
notes by Mr. Nadeau, dated 9/24/14; the permit
shall be valid for two years and is subject to the
following conditions:
1. that the Land Use Office be notified at least
48 hours prior to the commencement of work so the
WEO can inspect and approve the erosion control
2. that the property owner give the contractor
copies of both the motion of approval and approved
plans prior to the commencement of work, and
3. any change to the plans as approved must be
submitted immediately to the Commission for reapproval.
By Mr. Papsin, seconded by Mr. LaMuniere, passed 5-0.
Thorn/228 West Shore Road/#IW-14-44/Remove, Replace Shed: Mr.
Thorn, property owner, and Mr. Neff, engineer, were present. The
“Site Plan,” by Peter Talbot Architects, revised to 8/28/14 was
reviewed. Mr. Thorn signed the conservation easement form that
there were no conservation easements on the property. Mr. Neff
supplied the information that had been missing when the
application had been reviewed for completeness. He noted the
location of the temporary stockpiles west of the shed, supplied
the correct number of acres of wetlands on the property, and
provided details for the erosion and sedimentation control plan,
noting that the erosion controls would remain in place until the
disturbed areas had been stabilized.
To approve Application #IW-14-44 to remove and
replace a shed submitted by Mr. Thorn, 228 West
Shore Road per the drawing, “Site Plan,” sheet SP-1,
by Peter Talbot Architects, dated 5/19/2008 and
revised to 8/28/2014; the permit shall be valid
for two years and is subject to the following
1. that the Land Use Office be notified at least
48 hours prior to the commencement of work so the
WEO can inspect and approve the erosion control
2. that the property owner give the contractor
copies of both the motion of approval and approved
plans prior to the commencement of work, and
3. any change to the plans as approved must be
Inland Wetlands Commission
September 24, 2014
submitted immediately to the Commission for reapproval.
By Mr. Wadelton, seconded by Mr. LaMuniere, and
passed 5-0.
Smith/35 East Shore Road/#IW-14-45/Install Hydrogenerator: Mrs.
Smith provided the information that had been missing from the
application at the last meeting. The linear feet of watercourse
(East Aspetuck River) was approximately 650 feet. She stated that
stockpiles would not be necessary because the quarter yard of
material to be excavated would be dug out by hand and placed in a
wheelbarrow, and then trucked off site. She located the property
on the USGS topo map and agreed to notify the Land Use Office at
least 48 hours prior to the commencement of work. She noted there
would be no change in the contour lines. Mr. LaMuniere stated the
installation of the generator would have no impact on the East
Aspetuck River.
To approve Application #IW-14-45 submitted by Mrs.
Smith, 35 East Shore Road, to install a hydrogenerator per maps and information in the file
supplied by Mrs. Smith, signed 9/24/14; the permit
shall be valid for two years and is subject to the
following conditions:
1. that the Land Use Office be notified at least
48 hours prior to the commencement of work so the
WEO can inspect and approve the erosion control
2. that the property owner give the contractor
copies of both the motion of approval and approved
plans prior to the commencement of work, and
3. any change to the plans as approved must be
submitted immediately to the Commission for reapproval.
By Mr. Papsin, seconded by Mr. Wadelton, passed 5-0.
Haight/45 Old North Road/#IW-14-46/Demolish, Rebuild House,
Install Pool: Mr. Mack and Mr. Spath from Stuart Somers Co. and
Mr. Kost, architect, represented the applicant. Mr. Bedini asked
if all of the missing items listed in the application review had
been provided and Mr. Spath said they had. The “Site Plan,” by
Stuart Somers Co., LLC., revised to 9/23/14 was compared to the
plan, “Data Accumulation Plan Depicting Existing Conditions,” also
by Stuart Somers Co., dated 7/17/14. Mr. Mack pointed out on the
map the proposed dwelling and pool locations and noted the
driveway would be shortened and moved farther from the wetlands
and there would be regrading in front of the house. He explained
that two catch basins that will drain into 2 X 4 concrete
underground galleries would be installed for infiltration and
Inland Wetlands Commission
September 24, 2014
detention of the roof drain and driveway runoff. He also noted
the following: 1) the impervious surfaces in the existing and
proposed plans were approximately equal, 2) most disturbance would
be well within the existing tree line, the only exception being
the two detention galleries, 3) the existing well and septic
system will remain, and 4) the amount of upland disturbance within
100 feet of wetlands would be .33 acres. Wetlands on the property
were flagged. It was noted specifications for the pool equipment
had not yet been submitted. Mr. Ajello advised the applicant that
pool cartridge filters don’t need a backwash and so would be
preferred here due to the steep slope. Mr. Papsin said he would
like information on the salt water pool and type and location of
the pool equipment before acting on the application and the other
commissioners agreed. The erosion controls were briefly
discussed. Mr. Spath agreed that additional hay bales would be
added in critical areas.
Biddle/53 Kinney Hill Road/#IW-14-47/Dredge Pond: Mr. Neff,
engineer, noted the plans had not changed since the last meeting.
The spring fed pond to be dredged is very small. The 60 yards of
excavated material will be temporarily stockpiled adjacent to the
pond and then taken off site. The existing driveway will be used
to access the work site. Mr. LaMuniere said it was a
straightforward application.
To approve Application #IW-14-47 submitted by Mrs.
Biddle to dredge the pond at 53 Kinney Hill Road
per the “Pond Cleanout Plan,” by Mr. Neff, dated
8/28/14; the permit shall be valid for two years
and is subject to the following conditions:
1. that the Land Use Office be notified at least
48 hours prior to the commencement of work so the
WEO can inspect and approve the erosion control
2. that the property owner give the contractor
copies of both the motion of approval and approved
plans prior to the commencement of work, and
3. any change to the plans as approved must be
submitted immediately to the Commission for reapproval.
By Mr. LaMuniere, seconded by Mr. Wadelton, passed 5-0.
To add the consideration of Application #IW-14-48,
Giddens-Stiteler/198 Tinker Hill Road/Gate and
Fence to the agenda; G under Pending Applications.
By Mr. Wadelton, seconded by Mr. LaMuniere, passed 5-0.
Inland Wetlands Commission
September 24, 2014
Giddens-Stiteler/198 Tinker Hill Road (West Shore Road)/#IW-14-48
Fence and Gate: Mr. Neff, engineer, submitted a letter of
authorization dated 9/11/14. The plan, “Lake Front,” by Peter
Talbot Architects, dated 8/15/14 and revised to 9/9/14 was
reviewed. The owners propose a 3 ft. tall iron fence and gate
adjacent to West Shore Road. Mr. Neff said the installation would
be low impact because it was not a long fence, it would be
installed using a hand held post hole digger, and the duration of
work would be short. No formal erosion controls were proposed
because the work would take only one day. It was noted that the
shed shown on the plan was not included in the application and
that approval from the state DOT would be required before the
fence could be erected. It was also noted that Steep Rock, holder
of the conservation easement on the property had approved the
To approve Application #IW-14-48 submitted by
Giddens-Stiteler to install a fence and gate at
198 Tinker Hill Road (West Shore Road) per the
Plan, “Lake Front,” by Peter Talbot Architects,
dated 8/15/14 and revised to 9/9/14; the permit
shall be valid for 2 years and is subject to the
following conditions:
1. that the Land Use Office be notified at least
48 hours prior to the commencement of work so the
WEO can inspect and approve the erosion control
2. that the property owner give the contractor
copies of both the motion of approval and approved
plans prior to the commencement of work, and
3. any change to the plans as approved must be
submitted immediately to the Commission for reapproval.
By Mr. Wadelton, seconded by Mr. Papsin, passed 5-0.
Other Business
The Gunnery, Inc./22 South Street/Install Athletic Fields: Mrs.
Hill reported that Mr. Zeekas, Business Manager, had asked who the
Commission’s environmental consultant would be for the project.
He said the school plans to start clearing trees this winter while
the ground is frozen. After a brief discussion it was noted that
Chris Allen of Land Tech was already familiar with both the
property and the project.
To use Chris Allen of Land Tech as the consultant
for The Gunnery athletic fields at 22 South Street.
By Mr. Wadelton, seconded by Mr. Davis, passed 5-0.
Inland Wetlands Commission
September 24, 2014
MacLean/71 West Shore Road/Unauthorized Activity: Mr. Ajello
summarized that heavy equipment had been used for unauthorized
work along the lake shore. Mr. MacLean explained he had wanted to
clear out the “ugly” vegetation and to put down washed stone. He
regretted that the machinery used had been too large for the job,
which had been meant to be a small landscaping project. Photos of
the site were circulated. Mr. Ajello noted there had been no
impact to the lake. Mr. MacLean apologized and said he had no
further future plans for the site. The commissioners thanked him
for his prompt response and attention to the violation.
Enforcement Report
Mr. Ajello, EO, reviewed his 9/23/14 enforcement report. In
addition, he noted that this week Mr. Gambino would be applying
more herbicide to the Japanese knotweed near the river walk trail.
To adjourn the meeting.
By Mr. Papsin.
Mr. Bedini adjourned the meeting at 8:28 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Janet M. Hill
Land Use Administrator
Inland Wetlands Commission
September 24, 2014