Checklist for Reevaluation

Revised – July 2015
Lincoln County Schools
STUDENT: _______________________________________
SCHOOL: ________________________________________
___ Send “Prior Notice of Annual Review or Reevaluation” and “Notice of Section 504 Parental Rights”
to parent/guardian.
(If email is the preferred method of contact with a parent, the email MUST include an invitation to
the meeting as well as notice of the meeting. Specific wording of this email notification is in the 504
manual immediately following the “Prior Notice of Annual Review” letter)
Date sent: ___________
___ Student is presented at 504 meeting: Date of meeting: ___________
___ Complete “Section 504 Initial Disability Determination & Reevaluation” form to determine continued
If it is determined that the student CONTINUES TO BE eligible for Section 504 protection, the 504 Team
will do the following:
If the student does NOT have an accommodation plan:
___ Determine the necessary of a plan in order for the student to receive access equal to his/her non-disabled
If the determination is made that a plan is necessary, indicate that on the “Section 504 Initial Disability
Determination & Reevaluation” form.
___ Develop an accommodation plan using the “Section 504 Equal Education Opportunity/Accommodation
Plan” form.
___ Give a copy of the “Section 504 Equal Education Opportunity/Accommodation Plan” form to all teachers.
___ Have teachers sign the “Section 504 Accommodation Plan Acknowledgement” form.
If the determination is made that a plan is not necessary, indicate that on the “Section 504 Initial Disability
Determination & Reevaluation” form.
If the student DOES have a plan,
And the decision is made to continue with the current accommodations:
___ Re-write the plan to reflect current date/year and teachers.
© 2015 – Mary Moren
___ Give a copy of the “Section 504 Equal Education Opportunity/Accommodation Plan” form to
all teachers.
___ Have teachers sign the “Section 504 Accommodation Plan Acknowledgement” form.
The decision is made to revise the existing plan:
___ Re-write the plan to reflect revisions and current date/year and teachers.
___ Give a copy of the “Section 504 Equal Education Opportunity/Accommodation Plan” form to
all teachers.
___ Have teachers sign the “Section 504 Accommodation Plan Acknowledgement” form.
The decision is made that the student no longer needs a plan to equally access his/her education:
___ Indicate that on the “Section 504 Initial Disability Determination & Reevaluation” form.
If parent is NOT present, do the following:
___ Send the following to the parent: Date sent:____________
___ “Parent/Guardian Notice of Section 504 Assessment Results” form.
___ A copy of the “Section 504 Initial Disability Determination & Reevaluation” form.
___ A copy of the “Section 504 Equal Education Opportunity/Accommodation Plan” (if one is
___ Put originals of all forms in student’s 504 folder.
___ Send a copy of “Section 504 Equal Education Opportunity/Accommodation Plan” to the System 504
Coordinator: Date sent: ___________
If parent IS present, give them the following:
___ A copy of the “Section 504 Initial Disability Determination & Reevaluation” form.
___ A copy of the “Section 504 Equal Education Opportunity/Accommodation Plan” (if one is
If, during the Reevaluation, the team believes the student is no longer qualified as a disabled person as
defined by Section 504 legislation, they will have completed the “Section 504 Initial Disability Determination
& Reevaluation” form. If the team decided that the student IS NOT eligible for continued Section 504
© 2015 – Mary Moren
The 504 Chairperson will do the following:
If the parent is NOT present, do the following:
___ Send the following to the parent: Date sent:_____________
___ “Parent/Guardian Notice of Section 504 Assessment Results” form.
___ A copy of the “Section 504 Initial Disability Determination & Reevaluation” form.
If the parent IS present, give them the following:
___ A copy of “Section 504 Initial Disability Determination & Reevaluation” form.
___ Complete the “Section 504 Discontinue” form.
___ Send a copy of the “Section 504 Discontinue” form to System 504 Coordinator. Date sent:____________
___ Put originals of all forms in student’s 504 folder.
___ Remove
the “Notice of Section 504 Protection” paper from the cumulative record.
If the original concern was specific to learning:
___ SST should continue to monitor by staying in touch with teachers to assess the effectiveness of
the interventions, plan further interventions or make appropriate referrals.
© 2015 – Mary Moren