November 9-13, Weathering and Erosion

Science ------Chapter 4-Lesson 3---Weathering and
Test --- Fri. Nov. 13, 2015
1. Deposition- the process of dropping off bits of
eroded rock.
2. Erosion- the process of carrying away soil or
pieces of rocks.
3. Floodplain- land near a river that is likely to be
under water during a flood.
4. Glacier- a large sheet of ice and snow that moves
slowly over land.
5. Meander- a gentle loop that sometimes forms in slow
moving water.
6. Sediment- the particles of soil or rock that may be
eroded and deposited.
7. Weathering- the process through which rocks are
broken down.
1. There are 2 kinds of weathering
a. Physical weathering is caused by pushing,
pulling, rubbing, or temperature changes.
b. Chemical weathering occurs when chemicals break
down rock.
2. In chemical weathering, rocks are worn down by the
effect of chemicals such as acid rain, which is the
product of gases from factories.
3. In physical weathering, rocks are worn over time by
rubbing, gravity,and temperature changes, among
other things.
4. A mudslide is the movement of a large amount of wet
soil and rock down a slope.
5. Land can be eroded by gravity, glaciers, running
water, waves, or wind.
6. A Landslide is the movement of a large amount of
rock and soil down a slope. A landslide may occur
after an earthquake or a volcanic eruption.
7. How does water force cracks in rocks further apart?
As water freezes, it expands. This forces the
cracks to become larger.
8. A headland is an area of land that has water on
three sides.
9. A sandbar is a strip of sandy land.
Shoreline or the edge of a body of water.
When bits of rocks wear away the ground at the
beginning of a glacier, a steep bowl-shaped hollow
called a cirque (Surk) is formed.
If Kierra was creating a pamphlet on
constructive processes that occur on Earth’s
surface, she could include how a volcano forms
islands in the Pacific Ocean.
Water is a significant factor in the physical
weathering of rocks.
When waves pick up sand particles and move
them along the shore, beach erosion can occur.
Plants can help prevent mudslides.
Evidence of chemical weathering is changes in
People can protect beaches from erosion by
planting grasses.
Kelvin is creating a poster that shows rapid
changes on Earth’s surface. He could show forest
fires, earthquakes, or volcanic activity.
A flood forms when water collects on land that
is normally dry.
20. Dunes are sand formations. They are formed when
the wind blows sand into piles.
Breakwater is a long wall built out in the
ocean parallel to the shore.
22.John placed a piece of limestone in a beaker
filled with vinegar. John is studying the effect of
chemical weathering.
23. Erosion can change mountains over many years by
making the mountains shorter.
24. Pollution can also cause chemical weathering.
Erosion is caused by wind, gravity or running