Text: Laboratory Exercises in Chemistry by Francis W

2/6/2016 2:53 PM
The following is a description of the job of the Preparation Person for the 1505 Lab.
In my experience, the most important thing that needs to happen for the Prep person
to have a successful semester, is to have constant communication with the Lab
coordinator. Therefore, most communication will be done using Dr Moser’s Web
Site, e-mails, phone calls and visits. As one of my Prep People, you will be
expected to provide me with your current e-mail address and your current cell and
home phone number. If you are a member of the Chemistry department, I want you
to provide your current chemistry department office number and your supervisor
within the department. You will be expected to check your e-mail daily and
respond to all e-mails from your coordinator and instructors within 24 hours.
The central focus of this position is stocking of the experiment carts for 1505
laboratory course, ordering chemicals and keeping the chemical lists on Dr Moser’s
web site accurate. The supplies will be maintained by the Purchasing Coordinator.
The syllabus for the lab will be found in the Student Information section for
Laboratory Classes Taught in Dr Moser’s Web site. It will indicate the
experiments, the order and the week that they will be done in class. One cart will
need to be stocked.
Each week,
o At the beginning of the week, last week’s experiments chemicals,
waste chemicals and equipment are removed from the cart and hood.
The reusable chemicals and equipment are put back into the
Prep Room. The waste chemical bottles for each experiment
are disposed of as Described in Appendix D (Waste
Disposal) of the Chemistry 1505L Instructors’s Lab Manual.
 Check ahead two weeks to verify that the chemicals &
supplies needed, are in the Prep Room.
o At the end of the week, the supplies and chemicals needed for next
week are placed on the cart. If some supplies are missing, notify Dr
 The supplies and chemicals for each experiment are listed in
Appendix C (Equipment and Chemicals) of the Chemistry
1505L Instructor’s Lab Manual.
 Two determine how much of each reagent, supply or waste
container is needed, use the following considerations:
 About 70 students will be in class in 4 sections.
 Working in partners, there will be about 35
experiments run.
 Read each experiment, determine how much of each
reagent or supply is needed for one experiment, then
multiply that quantity (quantity for one experiment)
x (2.0) x ( # of experiments run).
o Waste chemicals are placed on the West wall of room 6047. The
Waste Coordinator will handle them from here.
o Clean, empty chemical containers are placed in the Waste chemical
area in room 6047. The Waste Coordinator will handle them from
here. They are not to be put into the Waste Glass Crock.
o Verify that the needed chemicals and supplies are on the lists on Dr
Moser’s web site. This list will be maintained by the Purchasing
Coordinator. Please note that it will take the Purchasing Coordinator
4-6 weeks to get your items. See the list of chemicals and supplies
needed in Appendix C of the Chemistry 1505L Instructor’s Lab
o Keep the acid and chemical cabinets clean and neat.
Procedural issues
If you find that updates to the web site are needed, Prep Room items need to
be addressed or any other issue, please contact your lab coordinator.