Whitman-Hanson Regional High School provides all students with a

Whitman-Hanson Regional High School provides all students with a high- quality education in order to develop reflective, concerned
citizens and contributing members of the global community.
Course Number
Algebra II B
Grade 9-12
# of Days 120
Course Description
This course emphasizes facility with algebraic expressions and forms. Functions based on quadratic forms,
powers and roots, logarithms, trigonometry, and polynomials are studied for their abstract properties and as tools
for modeling real-world situations. Student owned graphing calculators are necessary for this course. This
course is recommended for students with a good background in algebra, and is mandatory for students applying
to Massachusetts State Colleges and Universities. This course addresses Whitman-Hanson Student Learning
Expectations 1-6.
Instructional Strategies
Instructional Strategies include but may not be limited to the following:
1. Whole class instruction
2. Individual work: homework, classwork, assessments
3. Group work: activities, problem solving
4. Video presentations
5. Use of technology (graphing calculators and computers)
6. Projects
7. Daily quizzes
8. Homework check
9. Test corrections
10. Games
11. Websites
Student Learning
Read, write and communicate effectively.
Utilize technologies appropriately and effectively.
Apply critical thinking skills.
Explore and express ideas creatively.
Participate in learning both individually and collaboratively.
Demonstrate personal, social, and civic responsibility.
Student Expectations
Advanced Algebra II Chapter 6
Polynomials and Polynomial Functions
Power Functions and Their inverses
Exploring Power Functions
Simplify expressions using exponent propert
Evaluate for, Simplify, and Identify power fun
Using Powers and Roots
Solve and find and discard extraneous solu
Polynomial Functions
Understanding the components of Polynomials
Analyze the components of a polynomial inc
Polynomials and Linear Factors
The Factors and Zeros of a Polynomial Function
Find the solutions to polynomial functions us
Write polynomial functions in standard form
Solving Polynomial Equations
Solving Equations by Graphing
Solving polynomial functions using graphing
Solving Equations by Factoring
Solving polynomial functions using factoring
Solving polynomial functions using factoring
Long Division
Synthetic Division
Divide polynomials using long division and s
Solving a Polynomial Equation
Solve polynomial functions using graphing, d
Using Exponential Functions
Write exponential equations for growth and d
Modeling Growth and Decay
Write an exponential equation to model real
Compound Interest Formula
Use the compound interest formula for real w
The Number "e" and Continuously Compounded Interest
Use the continuously compounded interest
Writing Logarithmic Expressions
Changing between logarithmic and exponen
Dividing Polynomials
Advanced Algebra II Chapter 7
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Exploring Exponential Models
Exponential Functions
Logarithmic Functions as Inverses
Properties of Logarithms
Exponential and Logarithmic Equations
Natural Logarithms
Graphing Logarithmic Functions as Inverse
Use the properties of inverse functions to gra
Rewriting Logarithmic Expressions
Use the properties of logarithms to rewrite lo
Applying the Properties of Logarithms
Use the properties of logarithms for real wor
Solving Equations Containing Exponents or Radicals
Use properties of exponents to solve equatio
Solving Exponential or Logarithmic Equations
Use, manipulate, and solve with the logarithm
Using Natural Logarithm Function
Use properities of logarithms with natural log
Properties of Rational Functions
Analyze equation of rational function to dete
Graphing Rational Functions
Use the properties of rational functions find t
Simplifying Rational Expressions
Simplify rational expressions by factoring an
Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions
Use definition of multiplicaton and division o
Find the LCD of rational expressions
Use the prime factors of polynomial express
Add and Subtract Rational Expressions
Use the definitions of addithion and subtract
Solve rational equations using a variety of methods and skills
Simplify, add, subtract, multiply, and divide r
Use the properties of equality, factoring, and
Advances Algebra II Chapter 8
Rational Functions and Their Graphs
Rational Functions and Their Graphs
Rational Expressions
Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions
Solving Rational Equations