
Appendix Table S2 Threats associated with impoundments that change ecological conditions
and affect fish population distribution and abundance within relict river-fragments (1 and 2) or
threaten extinction of relict populations (3) on the plains of North America, with selected
1. Habitat threats
Serial discontinuity (temperature)
Edwards (1978); Anderson et al.
Serial discontinuity (substrate)
Gore & Bryant (1986); Wilhite &
Hubert (2011)
Geomorphic stabilization
Shields et al. (2000); Sabo et al.
In-fragment land use
Hoagstrom et al. (2008); O'Neill &
Thorp (2011)
Novel habitats
Johnson (2002); Sabo et al. (2012)
Water quality & quantity
Hoagstrom (2009); Falke et al.
Flow-regime alteration
Hoagstrom et al. (2010); Perkin et
al. (2011)
Non-native invasions
Quist et al. (2004); Falke & Gido
Assemblage flux
Hoagstrom et al. (2007); Falke et
al. (2012)
Dispersal-limitation, climate-change
Matthews & Zimmerman (1990);
Perkin et al. (2013)
Diminished population/metapopulation
Luttrell et al. (1999); Falke et al.
Diminished effective population size
Alò & Turner (2005); Osborne et
al. (2005).
2. Faunal threats
3. Extinction debt
Appendix 2A Sources Cited
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