Languages Policy - Measham Primary School

Measham Church of England Primary School
Langauges Policy (2014-15)
Aims of Subject
We would like children to demonstrate:
• The confidence to speak with good intonation and pronunciation.
• Fluency in reading.
• Fluency and imagination in writing.
• A strong awareness of the culture of the countries where the language is spoken.
• A passion for languages and a commitment to the subject.
• The ability to use language creatively and spontaneously.
• An independence in their studies and the ability to draw upon a wide range of resources.
Learning Objectives
In this subject the teacher will use the following learning objectives for the children:
To read fluently
To write imaginatively
To speak confidently
To understand the culture of the countries in which the language is spoken
Teaching and Learning
We aim to use a mixture of the following teaching and learning strategies in this subject area;
Children are given the opportunity to develop their own ideas to solve given problems
Children given the opportunity for both individual and collaborative tasks
Children are provided with a wide range of materials and resources including use of computing technologies.
Teachers plan the coverage of the subject area in Long term planning, using the Chris Quigly Essentials curriculum as the basis for
coverage in two key groups within the school; Lower Key Stage 2 and Upper Key Stage 2. They then refine these ideas in a more
specified medium term plan, giving detail to how the given learning objectives will be demonstrated in topic based work. Teachers will
then use their own short term planning templates to ensure they are achieving the coverage required, have differentiated learning
opportunities for all children in the group and ensure there is opportunity for children to demonstrate the expected outcomes at the
different depths of understanding. (Basic, Advancing and Deep)
Teachers assess children in this subject area against the key stage appropriate milestone (1, 2 or 3) by giving them a depth of
understanding score (1-6) at two collection points during the year (January / June). This score will be reflected by the child’s ability to
demonstrate their depth of understanding for the given milestones. They will be working toward the given milestone over a two year
period. We will measure and show progress over the year and over the Key Stage in the subject area.
Early Years Foundation Stage
The Early Years Foundation Stage will provide children with an opportunity to explore and experiment with a wide variety of resources
and tools in this area. The EYFS follow the national expectations laid out in the EYFS documentation, culminating in the end of
Foundation Stage expectations. Languages outcomes are met through Early Years expectations in ‘knowledge of the world’.
Cross curricular links
English links:
Mathematics links:
Health and Safety
Teaching and support staff will supervise all safe use of tools and materials. General teaching requirement for health and safety applies
in this subject area.
The role of the Subject Leader
The Subject Leader will review long term planning to ensure appropriate coverage. They will support teachers in the medium planning
process to ensure high quality resourcing, teaching and learning in their subject area. They will review whole school performance in
their subject area and provide and end of year review, including areas for development, for submission to the school development
plan. They will review children’s work in this area, assist in moderation of judgments across the school and maintain an up to date SL file.
The new National Curriculum was introduced in 2014, we have adopted Chris Quigly’s interpretation of the National Curriculum, which
meets and exceeds the expectations outlined. It is titled the ‘Essentials Curriculum.’
The table below outlines the opportunities that will be provided for the children to learn in Languages in Key Stage One and Two. It
outlines the learning objectives the children will have to cover in order to become a level appropriate ‘French language user.’ These
learning objectives remain consistent across the primary age range and progress in each of these is shown over time.
The expectation placed on teachers is they not only develop children’s level of understanding to a basic level, but aim to further their
understanding to an advancing and deep level of understanding. (See Curriculum Policy for further explanation.)
Essential Opportunities
Key Stage 1
Essential Opportunities
Key Stage 2
In the chosen modern language: (French)
• Speak
• Read
• Write
Look at the culture of the countries where the language is spoken.
If an ancient language is chosen, read, translate and explore the culture of
the time.
Milestone 1
End of Year 2
Milestone 2
End of Year 4
Milestone 3
End of Year 6
To read fluently
Read out loud everyday words and phrases.
Use phonic (or logographic in
Mandarin) knowledge to read words.
Read and understand short written
Read out loud familiar words and phrases.
Use books or glossaries to find out the
meanings of new words.
Read and understand the main points in
short written texts.
Read short texts independently.
Use a translation dictionary or glossary to
look up new words.
Read and understand the main points and
some of the detail in short written texts.
Use the context of a sentence or a
translation dictionary to work out the
meaning of unfamiliar words.
Read and understand the main points and
opinions in written texts from various
contexts, including present, past or future
Show confidence in reading aloud, and in
using reference materials.
To write
Write or copy everyday words correctly.
Label items and choose appropriate words
to complete short sentences.
Write one or two short sentences.
Write short phrases used in
everyday conversations correctly.
Write a few short sentences using
familiar expressions.
Express personal experiences and
Write short phrases from memory with
spelling that is readily understandable.
To speak
Understand a range of spoken phrases.
Understand standard language
(sometimes asking for words or phrases to
be repeated).
Answer simple questions and give
basic information.
Give responses to questions about
everyday events.
Pronounce words showing a knowledge
of sound (or pitch in Mandarin) patterns.
Understand the main points from
spoken passages.
Ask others to repeat words or phrases
if necessary.
Ask and answer simple questions and talk
about interests.
Take part in discussions and tasks.
Demonstrate a growing vocabulary.
To understand
the culture of
the countries in
which the
language is
Identify countries and communities where
the language is spoken.
Demonstrate some knowledge
and understanding of the customs and
features of the countries or communities
where the language is spoken.
Show awareness of the social conventions
when speaking to someone.
Describe with some interesting details
some aspects of countries or communities
where the language is spoken.
Make comparisons between life in
countries or communities where the
language is spoken and this country.
Write short texts on familiar topics.
Use knowledge of grammar (or pitch in
Mandarin) to enhance or change the
meaning of phrases.
Use dictionaries or glossaries to check
Refer to recent experiences or future plans,
as well as to everyday activities.
Include imaginative and adventurous
word choices.
Convey meaning (although there may be
some mistakes, the meaning can be
understood with little or no difficulty).
Use dictionaries or glossaries to check
Understand the main points and opinions
in spoken passages.
Give a short prepared talk that includes
Take part in conversations to seek and
give information.
Refer to recent experiences or future
plans, everyday activities and interests.
Vary language and produce extended
Be understood with little or no difficulty.
Give detailed accounts of the customs,
history and culture of the countries and
communities where the language is spoken.
Describe, with interesting detail, some
similarities and differences between
countries and communities where the
language is spoken and this country.
Optional Key Stage 1