
My website:
1. Review all notes on Ecology
a. Rachel
and DDTthe
articles) the questions below:
You are ready
for theCarson/Silent
test when you have
tasks and answered
b. Energy flow through an ecosystem – Heat loss and energy transfer
c. Matter (nutrient) cycles through an ecosystem
d. Relationships in ecosystems (predator/prey)
e. Limiting nutrients (algae blooms)
f. Biomes
g. Population Ecology
2. Review all worksheets, homework assignments, and news articles (Ecology packet, Carbon cycle,
Greenhouse effect, Biomes, Matter cycles/Energy flow, Rabbit populations, Population Ecology WS)
3. Define and apply the vocabulary words covered in class
4. What is the difference between range and habitat? Ecosystem and environment? Food chain and food
web? Energy flow and nutrient cycles? What is a trophic level? A producer? A consumer?
5. What ecological problems are being faced due to climate change?
6. Interpret and apply the information in an energy pyramid and a biomass pyramid. What unit is used in
each? Why is a pyramid used as a model instead of a square or a circle?
7. Identify, interpret and analyze population graphs. Exponential vs. logistic growth
8. Describe and explain the processes of the water cycle and carbon cycle.
9. What is the Greenhouse effect? Climate change? Global warming?
10. What factors affect growth and the decline of a population?
11. How do density-dependent and density-independent factors affect population growth?
12. How do predators and prey within an ecosystem affect each other’s population? (Example: Isle Royale Moose and wolves). What does a graph showing predator and prey relationships look like?
13. What is the relationship between climate and biomes? Between latitude, altitude and biome?
14. What is carrying capacity?