Checklist and Reminders for School Year 2007-08

At a Glance
 At least one loose-leaf binder (2” or greater), for use with subject dividers
 Five subject dividers
 Loose-leaf wide-lined paper
 Five-subject college ruled spiral, vinyl cover notebook for social studies
 #2 pencils
 Blue, black, and red pens
 Pencil pouch
 Glue stick
 Erasers or eraser caps
 Ruler (metric & standard), protractor, compass for at home use
 Provide a change of clothes for physical education
 Scientific calculator (for Math 6/Math7/IM/Algebra Prep) -ORGraphing calculator (for Algebra/Geometry) Model: Texas Instruments 83+, 84, or 84+
Students are encouraged to purchase their own calculator for home and school use, for their
academic career. If a student is unable to purchase a calculator, loaner graphing calculators
are available with 50% deposit.
Grade specific supplies:
6th Grade: Scissors; three spiral notebooks (one each for English, math, and science). If students prefer, instead of
one 2” binder from above, they may choose to bring two smaller binders, one for a.m. classes and one for p.m. classes.
8th Grade: Composition book for science; Spiral notebook & one three ring binder for English.
In addition, students may be asked to bring additional personal supplies for specific subjects as directed by the course
teacher. A list of these materials will be available to students the first week of school.
6th GRADE STUDENT ORIENTATION, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 7:50 a.m.: Orientation for incoming 6th graders is
scheduled for Thursday, August 23 from 7:50 – 11:40 a.m. at Farquhar. Bus transportation will be provided at the
designated bus stops/times on the attached bus route list. Upon arrival to school, students will be guided to the
gymnasium, meet and greet staff, and then follow their teachers to homerooms to receive their class schedule. The class
schedule will identify courses, teachers, class periods, and room numbers. Students will then follow an abbreviated version
of their schedules, visit each classroom, and meet each of their teachers. Students will turn in their schedules before
leaving and receive their schedules again the first day of school. Also, it is not necessary for students to bring any school
supplies to the orientation. This is not a mandatory orientation, so if you are on vacation, please do not worry if your child
cannot attend. The orientation is for students only. A separate meeting for new parents will take place at 10:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.: New 7th and 8th grade students coming from other schools are invited to attend the orientation on August 23
from 9:30-10:30 a.m. Students will have an opportunity to meet with their guidance counselors for an informational session
and tour the building. Transportation is not provided. Students need to be picked up at 10:30 a.m. or they may stay with
their parents if parents are attending the parent orientation from 10:30-11:30 a.m. in the media center.
information meeting for parents new to Farquhar is scheduled for August 23 from 10:30-11:30 a.m. in the media center.
This is an opportunity for new parents to meet the administrative team, counselors, and other staff; hear from the PTA
Executive Board; hear about after-school activities and upcoming events; and discuss tips in navigating middle school.
Parents may want to come early to purchase school spirit wear, join the PTA, purchase a school directory, and pickup
information about after-school activities.
SUMMER ASSIGNMENTS: Summer reading assignments and summer mathematics packets were distributed at the end of
the school year and remain available on the school website. These assignments are due to the subject area teacher during
the first week of school.
STUDENT AGENDA BOOK: As a school-wide initiative, Farquhar is providing each student with a student agenda book the
first day of school. The agenda book is used by teachers to help you and your child track assignments and to provide
school information. We strongly believe that the student agenda book is a valuable organizational and informational tool.
The agenda book includes the school’s disciplinary policy, calendars, organizational suggestions, and other pertinent
information. Students and parents are encouraged to take advantage of this resource.
LOCKERS: Combination locks are provided in hall and PE lockers for all students. Please note the size of hall lockers, where
students will store their books, backpacks, and coats. The bottom section is 11.5” wide, 11” deep, and 50” high. The small
top section is 11.5” wide, 11” deep, and 9” high. Typically, backpacks with wheels will not fit. Separate combination locks
are not required, as locks are built-in to the lockers. Students will also receive a separate PE locker with a built-in
combination lock.
TRANSPORTATION: Please review the bus routes with your student and teach him/her to memorize the bus route
number (the route number is posted in the front window and is different from the bus number). During the morning,
students riding MCPS buses will be dropped off in the front of the building. Students driven to school should be dropped off
at the lower lot near the cafeteria. During the afternoon, MCPS buses are parked in the front and side of the building to
pick up students. Students will need to know their route number identified in the window in order to locate the correct bus.
Buses depart promptly at 2:47 p.m. Parents should not block buses when waiting to pick up students in the afternoon and
should follow the directions of the staff patrols. Please note: Student behavior on buses is a priority. Riding the school bus
is a privilege and can be revoked; instructions given by the bus operator must be followed at all times, and bus rules will be
strictly enforced by the school administration.
LUNCH/CAFETERIA: The cost of a hot school lunch including milk is $2.75. Milk ala carte is $.60. Students can purchase
a full hot lunch or ala carte items. Each student will receive a Personalized Identification Number (PIN) in order to purchase
food during the 30 minute lunch period. PIN’s for 7/8 grade returning students will remain the same. Sixth grade students
will receive a new pin number. Parents can deposit money in a student’s lunch account online at:,
or by sending a check payable to Farquhar Cafeteria with the child’s full name and PIN number on the check. Checks can
also be mailed to FMS with Attention: Cafeteria Manager indicated on the envelope.
Families who meet certain federal income standards are eligible for free or reduced-price meal benefits. Applications for
meal benefits are sent home with the youngest in family at the start of the school year. Only one application is needed for
all students in a household. A new application must be completed for any family requesting assistance this school year.
Please note, students eligible for reduced-price meals will continue to pay 40 cents for lunch and will receive breakfast at no
The health room is staffed every day, 7:45 a.m. – 3:15 p.m. If a student is feeling ill, he/she must have a note signed by a
staff member before going to the health room. In case of an accident causing a minor injury, students should go directly to
the health room. The nurse will contact the parents and make arrangements for the student to go home. Students are
not to call home on their own if they are feeling ill. If a student needs medication administered during the school
day, an Authorization to Administer Prescribed Medication form (MCPS Form 525-13) must be on file in the health room.
This form is available in the main office or the MCPS website.
SCHEDULES: All students will receive their class schedules on the first day of school in homeroom. Upon arrival to school,
students will be guided to homerooms; homeroom lists will be posted in the hallways. During the first week, students are to
follow their printed schedules. Changes to student schedules because of a preference of teacher or an alternate elective
cannot be made during the first week of school. Priority will be given to those students with missing or incorrect schedules.
Please consult the counselor for appropriate class placement or missing classes on a schedule.
PTA: The partnership between home and school is strengthened by our outstanding Parent Teacher Association (PTA). The
PTA meets the second Tuesday of each month from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. in the media center, with featured guests and
presentations to help parents navigate the middle school years. The PTA also supports students and school programs in a
wide variety of ways. Please join the PTA by sending your membership check. President: Mr. Joe Griffin Email:
EDLINE & GRADING: All parents and students must have an active Edline account. Edline is a web-based application that
allows parents to monitor student performance, check grades online, and communicate with teachers. Information about
how to activate the accounts will be sent home with students during the first two weeks of school and will be available at
Back-to-School Night, September 13, 2012. Parents and students with active accounts returning to Farquhar will maintain
their login and password. In the event of an emergency or extended student absence from school, Edline is the primary
means by which teachers will provide assignments to students. Thus, it is imperative that all students and parents have
active Edline accounts. Questions? Contact
Information about the policy on Grading and Reporting, re-teaching and reassessment, homework, and grading procedures
can be found on Edline and at If there is a question about a grade in
Edline, parents are encouraged to first talk to their child and have the child talk to the teacher. Due to the high volume of
Edline inquiries, we are asking parents to keep this in mind so that teachers can efficiently manage the volume of grading,
posting assessments to Edline, and responding to parent inquiries. The best way to communicate with teachers is by email.
After exhausting all options above, parents should feel free to email a brief inquiry to the teacher and expect a response
within two business days.
Important school information is published each Wednesday in the FMS News, which is posted weekly at: and Edline, and is sent to all parents subscribed to the Farquhar
Email List. Sign up now for email at Paper copies of the FMS News are also available for pick-up in
the main office. The school will also use periodic automatic Connect-Ed phone calls and emails to update parents/students
on important school events or emergency communications. On the first day of school, Student Information Sheets
(yellow) will be distributed to students. Parents are asked to verify and update contact information, including work and cell
phone numbers, email addresses, and alternate emergency contacts. In the event of an emergency or change in school
operations, these tools are the primary means of communication between home and school.
DISCIPLINE POLICY & THE ROADRUNNER WAY: During the first two weeks of school, administrators will visit classes
to review the discipline policy, discuss appropriate behaviors and school policies, and discuss how to confront bullying. The
complete discipline policy and continuum of consequences for infractions will be found in the agenda book and online via
the school website. The Roadrunner Way is a common value system used by Farquhar Middle School to promote a
positive learning environment and enriching school climate. Developed by parent, student, and staff stakeholders, The
Roadrunner Way focuses on five core values--respect, responsibility, kindness, honesty, and self-control. These
core values are highlighted throughout the year, are the focus of specific class lessons facilitated by school counselors in
each grade level, and are incorporated into student recognition and anti-bullying programs. Parents--thank you for your
reinforcement at home of these important traits.
ELECTRONIC DEVICES (Cell Phones, I-Pod’s, Portable Communication Devices): Cell phones, IPods, digital
cameras, and other electronic devices are not authorized for use at all during the school day. If students bring the devices
to school with parent consent, they must be turned off and out of sight during the entire school day (secured in a locker).
Increasingly students are attempting to send text messages or phones are ringing during class, which causes a serious
disruption. Parents are strongly urged not to attempt to contact children via cell phone during the school day. These
electronic devices are subject to confiscation and student disciplinary actions. Please discuss with your child whether it is
appropriate to bring these devices to school, as they are often misplaced, shared, or lost by adolescents. Cell phone use
is not permitted until the conclusion of after-school activities, at 4:00. Students are always welcome to use the office
phone to contact their parents if a need arises. Students should secure any devices and valuables in lockers during the
entire school day. The school will not investigate or be held responsible for lost or missing electronic devices.
EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITY FEE Extracurricular Activity (ECA) fee forms were mailed directly home to all students
on July 15, 2012. The ECA fee is require for students participating in non-academic after-school activities such as sports,
yearbook, intramurals, etc. The fee is a one-time fee of $30 for the 2012-13 school year, and a reduced fee of $15 is
available for students whose family income is less than $35,000. Parents can pay the ECA fee by check or online using a
credit card. Credit card payments are accepted at the following secured Montgomery County Public Schools website: Parents will receive an e-mail receipt when the fee is
paid online. Reduced ECA fees are not eligible for online credit card processing and must be paid by check to MCPS and
mailed directly to: MCPS, ECA Office, 850 Hungerford Drive, Room 156, Rockville, MD 20850.