Unity Prayer Watch Topics - Moravian Church Southern Province

Unity Prayer Watch – 2015-2016
For the Worldwide Moravian Unity – its 23 Unity Provinces, 2 Unity Undertakings, 6 Mission
Provinces, and 16 Mission Areas:
The Unity Committee on Theology and its work addressing theological concerns of the
Unity. (Br. John D. Rights, member.)
The Unity Mission and Development Board as it prioritizes and disburses funds for unity
The Unity Provinces, Mission Provinces, Mission Areas, witnessing to their people and in
many places struggling with poverty or with secularization
The 2 Unity Undertakings: the Unity Archives; and the work at Star Mountain, Ramallah
The unity of the worldwide Unity, given the very differing cultures and circumstances in
our Unity provinces
That the Unity may remain faithful to its calling and mission – unified in witness and
respectful of diversity
The fellowship of believers within the Unity and with those, who are not part of the Unity
For the Unity Board, pray for…
the Unity Board Chair, Robert Hopcroft, and the other members of the Unity Executive
Committee – Africa-Br. Brian Abrahams; America – Sr. Betsy Miller; Caribbean – Br.
Cortroy Jarvis;
the Unity Business Administrator, Jørgen Bøytler; and
Preparations for the 2016 Unity Synod to be held in Jamaica, and for our Southern
Province representatives: Br. John D. Rights, Br. Craig Troutman, Br. David Guthrie.
Unity Provinces
For the Alaska province, pray for…
 the 23 congregations and their pastors;
 the provincial board and its chairperson Rev. Isaac Amik and their bishop, Peter Green;
 resources to support their new mission outreach in Marshall, Alaska;
 the Alaska Bible Seminary—gratitude for more people who are feeling called to study;
 gratitude for the support of Samaritan’s Purse in the construction of a new seminary and
provincial building;
 Opportunities for youth as they deal with alcohol, suicide, and other difficulties; and
situations of division within the province.
For the America Northern Province, pray for…
 the 91 congregations and our emerging ministries – Common Ground Community Café
in Edmonton, Alberta, Iglesia Esperanza for Bethlehem in Bethlehem, PA, Safe Harbor
in St. Michael/Albertville, MN, and Tricklebee Café in Milwaukee, WI that they may be
agents of change in their communities;
 the PEC president, Betsy Miller and the other members of the Provincial Elders’
Conference: David Bennett, Jim Hicks, Bryan Peacock, Wilton Grannum, Judy Kaaua,
Jill Westbrook, and Tom Zimmer, as they serve the church through leadership and
the three District Synods coming up in 2016 – as they discern leadership, direction and
ministry initiatives; and
the work of the Identity, Purpose, and Organization (IPO) Task Force as they explore
best practices and structure for the province.
For the Costa Rica province, pray for…
 the three congregations in San José and Limón;
 the new steps toward reconciliation between the Province and the group that formerly
made up the Pavas congregation.;
 the provincial board and its chairperson, Leopoldo Pixley;
 the completion of the School of Worship and Music and the Multi-use Building;
 the search for teachers for the School of Music and Worship; and
 the youth and young adult ministries and the development of leadership in this area.
For the Czech province, pray for…
 the 16 congregations and 22 mission places that form the province;
 the new provincial board and its chairperson, Peter Krasny;
 fruits from the youth conference and annual whole church conference;
 continued reconciliation of the two groups of Moravians;
 the ministry of bishops Petr Krasny, Evald Rucky and Jan Klas;
 the focus of congregations on the needs of the society around them and for the resources
for their projects and activities;
 for the successful establishment of the Pedagogy and Social High School of J. Blahoslav
in Chrastava, that a location will be found and government approval of this school so that
it can open in September 2014;
 for the establishment of the first gypsy congregation named Nevo Dživipen which means
a new life and their 60 congregants, and for the reconciliation seen between the Czech
and Romany ethnic groups at the Regional prayer conference this past spring;
 the recurring influence of the Communists upon the country; and
 for the ongoing mission work in Poland, begun in 2008 and the mission family sent
For the Democratic Republic of Congo province, pray for…
 Bishop Moise Tshimanga and the leadership of the province;
 6 deacons ordained and 5 presbyters consecrated by Bishop Errol Moos of South Africa;
 for safety and effective witness in situations of conflict arising in the region; and
 continued evangelism and outreach in the areas around Mwene Ditu.
For the Eastern West Indies province, pray for…
 the 50 congregations, 3 fellowships and 1 united congregation (Methodist, Presbyterian
and Moravian) scattered in eight islands under five different governments;
 the provincial board and its chairperson, Cortroy Jarvis;
 the ways and means to meet financial indebtedness and commitments to students in
theological training;
 provincial preparedness for inevitable hurricanes;
 the mission work led by Br. Errol Connor and future work with the North American
BWM for outreach to Grenada and Tortola where a Moravian Fellowship exists;
 the opportunity to address the HIV/AIDS issues in the region; and
 the opportunity for closer ties between this province and the North American Provinces
(North and South).
For the European Continental province, pray for…
 the 26 congregations and 12 fellowships and outstations that form the province;
 the provincial board and its chairperson, Rev. Raimund Hertzsch; the continuing
integration and growth of the German church;
 new witness opportunities within Germany;
 thousands of Surinamese immigrants in Holland, many who are Moravians, only some of
whom have reconnected with the Moravian Church;
 the work of education as it exists within the communities of Amsterdam, Rotterdam,.
Zeist, Gnadau, Königsfeld and Tossens and a new opportunity to have a school in
 the development of mission work in Cottbus, Germany;
 the extension of the work in the Baltic countries, in particular Estonia;
 the continued influence of the Losungen (Daily Texts) with a printing of more than 1
million copies;
 the ministries of the German Mission Board (HMH), ZZg of the Netherlands, Mission 21
in Switzerland, and the mission outreach in Stockholm and Latvia; and
 the ministry of the Danish Mission Board including: Jørgen Bøytler, and the mission
staff in Christiansfeld; young people and others serving in Tanzania; and the mission in
Albania including: Edi and Vjollca Mazi, Merita Meko, Viola Grillo, Dena Grillo,
Elona and other new Albanian Christians; and prayers that many Albanians find
salvation in Christ.
For the Great Britain and Ireland province, pray for…
 the 33 congregations that form the province;
 the provincial board and its chairperson, Gillian Taylor;
 new vision for pastors and members as churches decline numerically;
 the students preparing for pastoral service;
 the involvements of the British Mission Board in North India, Jamaica, Tanzania, and
 the opportunity for renewal and increased interest in the work of the Church in Britain;
 the new initiatives connected with the ministry to youth and the two independent
boarding schools with a combined student body of 900;
 God's blessing on our small churches as they work and witness in an aggressively secular
civil society - may ministers and congregations know God's strength, vision and purpose
and have the courage needed for the coming years;
 the Provincial Board and for all the Provincial Committees that form part of the work of
the Church - Renewal Committee that seeks to deepen the spiritual life of the Province Social Responsibility Committee that seeks to relate Christian faith to contemporary
issues and challenge Christians - Finance Committee as they review the finances of the
Province - Church Service Advisory Board who oversee training and vocations - Faith
and Order with their ecumenical work;
 thanks for all our lay preachers and the work of shared ministry in our congregations;
 the ministers who have recently retired and those who will retire in the next few years;
thank God for their faithful service and pray that they will find blessings in this new
phase of their Christian life and ministry; thank God for the retired ministers who still
serve the church faithfully in prayer, preaching and other tasks;
our youth work—give thanks for our summer camp, youth weekends, youth work in
congregations and the active young adults who are organizing themselves; pray that this
work will lead to committed young disciples of Jesus; and
the two independent Moravian Schools, their students, staff and governors and their
place within the British Province.
For the Honduras province, pray for…
 the 83 congregations that form the province;
 positive signs of reconciliation between the Province and the Mission Province to
 the provincial board and its chairperson, Harlan Macklin, to show leadership with the
reconciliation process; and Cristobal Smith, leading the Mission Province, to also
demonstrate a commitment to reconciliation;
 Bishop Evelio Romero and the ministry of pastors and their families;
 the medical program and its leaders, Dr. Ovelio Lopez and Dr. Kenneth Serapio, its
clinics, the outreach to the Garifuna people group; and the Clinic’s maternal health work
and ministry to divers through the hyperbaric chamber—that the new chamber will
finally arrive in Ahuas to serve the divers;
 Rick Nelson, missionary from the Board of World Mission serving in Ahuas to help with
issues of financial management, and for his wife Barbara who remains stateside;
 theological education through the Bible Institute in Puerto Lempira and guidance for
Rev. Andrew and Amy Fields (and baby Irene) of the Reformed Church in America as
they leave this ministry;
 the needs of the administrative leaders of the province and the mission of the Moravian
Church in Honduras;
 the Alas de Socorro ministry of airplanes servicing the Ahuas Clinic; and
 strength and wisdom as they confront ongoing division within the church and the effects
of drug-trafficking and ongoing violence in their country.
For the Jamaica and Cayman Islands province, pray for…
 the 56 congregations that form the province;
 the provincial board and its chairperson, Paul Gardner;
 the pastors, most of whom are bi-vocational due to the poverty of the country;
 the camping and evangelistic programs of the province;
 the opportunity for closer ties in mission with the Board of World Mission;
 the United Theological College of the West Indies, where Jamaican and EWI Moravian
pastors are usually trained; and
 program initiatives aimed at crime reduction through youth auxiliaries and possibilities
for employment.
For the Malawi province, pray for…
 the provincial board and chairman Henry Mwakibinga;
 the furtherance of evangelism to reach out to more people;
 the furtherance of social and economic activities to the poor people of Malawi; and
 relief from the ongoing issues of flooding that impact their people.
For the Nicaragua province, pray for…
 the 190 congregations of different ethnicities throughout the country;
 the Provincial Board and its chair, Cora Antonio;
 the social development ministry of ADSIM, that it deals with the many challenges of the
social ills it faces;
 continued growth in numbers and stewardship of resources;
 the medical and public health programs being developed in Bilwaskarma;
 new outreach efforts in the interior region of Matagalpa;
 the upcoming synod in January 2016 and unity within the province;
 the growing and pervasive presence of the drug trade along the coast; and
 reduced tensions among the three ethnic groups which comprise the Moravian Church –
the Creole, Miskito, and Mayangna.
For the South Africa province, pray for…
 the 80 main stations and 71 outstations that form the province;
 the chairperson, Brian Abrahams, and provincial board;
 the lack of jobs and poverty that they face;
 the Moravian Youth Union, the Sunday School, the Brigades;
 the Masangane Moravian AIDS program;
 the youth work in Port Elisabeth and the youth brass band; and
 bishops: Augustine Joemath; Lennox Mcubusi and Sithembiso Ngqakayi.
For the Suriname province, pray for…
 the 64 congregations that form the province;
 the provincial board and its chairperson, Rev Hesdie Zamuel;
 72 primary and advanced elementary education schools, four homes for the elderly,
seven boarding schools, three Moravian hospitals, and youth ministries;
 continuing evangelism among the church’s many ethnic groups;
 preparations for the Unity Women’s Consultation in 2016;
 the evangelistic work in French Guyana, , the Interior and the Netherlands Antilles and
Aruba; and
 the theological education program under the direction of John Kent.
For the Tanzania (Lake Tanganyika) province, pray for...
 blessings on the more than 26.000 Moravians, the 20 ministers and 89 evangelists;
 means for places of worship may be found and for the new parishes in Itendu, Uyugo and
 training of more pastors, for the chairman Charles Katale and leaders Br. Ernest Vuzuka,
Br. Peter Mayengo and others; and
 the resources to deal with the many refugees, some of them Moravian, coming in from
For the Tanzania (Northern) province, pray for…
 the growth of the Moravian Church;
 the provincial board and chair Peter Malema;
 the ministers and the people in the area who are not yet reached with the Gospel; and
 the chairman Br. Silas H. Mwamwezi and other leaders and ministers.
For the Tanzania (Rukwa) province, pray for…
 the 47 congregations that form the province;
 provincial chair person, Nebort Kipeta Sikazwe;
 the Mlimani Theological College and its students; and
 the transition in leadership of the province;
For the Tanzania (Southern) province, pray for…
 the 120 congregations that form the province;
 the provincial board and its chairperson Samuel Kabigi;
 continued growth in numbers and stewardship of resources; and
 the province’s leadership of the Moravian Church in Malawi..
For the Tanzania (South-West) province, pray for…
 the 151 congregations that form the province;
 the provincial board and its vice- chairperson Br. Sichone;
 the staff of the hospital at Mbozi;
 the teachers and students at TEKU University in Mbeya;
 continued growth in numbers and stewardship of resources including the positive
acceptance of the stewardship principle of the “tithe”;
 resolution to the impact of hunger as many are facing shortage of food due to poor
harvests; and
 the work in the “Northern District” which now includes 12 congregations and 10
For the Tanzania (Western) province, pray for…
 the 59 main congregations and dozens of preaching stations;
 the provincial board and its chairperson, Ezekiel Yona, and Bishop Isaac Nicodemo;
 the hospital and its staff in Sikonge as it confronts many difficulties in providing care;
along with the many dispensaries of the Moravian Church, including the renovated
dispensary in Tabora that is opening this year;
 church-run schools of Bishop Kisanji, Lusangi and Ussoke;
 supervision of mission areas in Kenya, Uganda, Burundi and Rwanda;
 mission among the Sukuma people of the Lake Victoria region and also in the southern
district; and
 the poor harvest and threat of hunger due to climate change.
For the Zambia province, pray for…
 Zambian Moravians to find strength in the Lord; and
 the leaders, including the chairman Happy Crodwel Sikafunda.
Mission Provinces
Mission Province of Burundi, pray for…
 guidance and strength as they continue to develop their church as a Mission Province
under the leadership of Rev. Ntahonkuriye Salatiel;
 relief from the political tensions within their country and for those who are now refugees
in Tanzania; and
 wisdom and vision for the leadership of the church.
Mission Province of the Czech Republic, pray for…
 the leadership of this new mission province and chair, Ondrej Halama; and
 the ministry and development of the church.
Moravian Church in Eastern Tanzania and Zanzibar, pray for…
 many people in the Dar Es Salaam area and along the Eastern coast of Tanzania to be
reached with the love of Christ;
 peaceful resolution to be found for ongoing conflict within the church;
 the Moravian Church to gain the needed permissions to open churches and get
registrations in Zanzibar, without which, the government does not allow services to be
held; and
 the faithful witness of Moravians within a strong Muslim area.
Moravian Church in Guyana, pray for…
 the provincial board and its chairperson, Brinmore Phaul, a bi-vocational minister;
 the 8 congregations of the province that they be revitalized with increased stewardship
and commitment to Christ; and wisdom to address vexing issues related to crime and
violence, out-migration of strong leaders, economic development, land use, and a high
incidence of HIV/AIDS;
 their ecumenical ministry through the United Mission and its efforts with youth; and
 the leadership of the Mission Province as they seek to become a full Unity Province.
Mission Province of Honduras, pray for…
 the provincial board and its chairperson, Cristobal Smith, and bishop Sandoval
 ongoing efforts toward reconciliation with the Honduras Province;
 the Bible Institute in Ahuas, its leadership and students; and
 projects for providing more resources for students at the Bible Institute.
Moravian Church in Newfoundland and Labrador, pray for…
 the provincial board, chair Sarah Jensen and all leaders of the province;
 opportunities for theological education and the preparation of new leaders and pastors;
 the four established congregations in Goose Bay, Makkovik, Hopedale and Nain and
several smaller groups of Moravians in Postville and St. John’s, Newfoundland;
 growing discipleship through their Bible study program;
 a vital youth ministry among the churches; and
 the partnership with the Anglican Diocese in Newfoundland that has started that more
Anglican priests feel a call to serve along the coast Hopedale; and stewardship and
commitment growth among church members.
Mission Areas
1. Moravian Church in Angola
2. Moravian Church in Belize
3. Moravian Church in Cuba, pray for…
 the national board and president Rev. Armando Rusindo;
 the growing outreach in Holguin, as well as the Comenius Center;
 efforts for land and produce development to help their church communities; and
 the many who are taking theological courses on-line.
4. Moravian Church in East Congo
5. Moravian Church in French Guiana
6. Moravian work among the Garifuna people in Honduras, pray for…
 continued resources to support church development among the Garifuna people.
7. Moravian Church in Haiti, pray for…
 continued support for 2 pastors training at United Theological College in
Jamaica; and
 continued redevelopment of the mission area with the stabilization of leadership.
8. Moravian Church in Iringa (Tanzania)
9. Moravian Church in Kenya
10. Moravian Church in Peru, pray for…
 its new national board and President Christopher Valencia;
 growth in the 4 house churches and resources to continue renting space; and
 further development of leadership and income-generating projects.
11. Moravian Church in Ruvuma and Njombe (Tanzania)
12. Moravian Church in Rwanda
13. Moravian Church in Sierra Leone, pray for…
 thanks for government approval of the high school and the hope for finding
qualified teachers;
 new outreach to share the gospel in nearby villages;
 thanks for sparing the village from the Ebola outbreak; and
 continued collaboration with the Muslim leadership to meet the needs of children
in their village.
14. Moravian Church in South Asia, pray for…
 the school in Rajpur under the leadership of Rev. Thespal Kundan;
 the ministry and school in Ladakh under Rev.Elijah Gergen;
 the translation project in Ladakh; and
 the ministry in Nepal under the Rev. Nagendra Pradhan, assisted by Revs. Shanti
and Vani Pradhan and their recovery from the recent earthquake.
15. Moravian Church in Uganda
16. Moravian Church in Zanzibar
Unity Undertakings
1. Star Mountain
2. Unity Archives
Other Prayers
Pray for. . .
 the President of the United States, and all elected officials as they seek to govern, that
they might lead with justice and concern for the poor and those without voice;
 ecumenical relationships: the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and The
Episcopal Church with whom we are in full communion, and our covenant partnership
with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.); the bilateral dialogue with the United Methodist
Church; our participation in the work of Christian Churches Together (CCT), the
National Council of Churches of Christ, the World Council of Churches, state councils of
churches (Virginia, Florida, North Carolina), and Churches for Middle East Peace.
 increasing peace, mutual respect and harmony, particularly in areas experiencing
protracted violence, dislocation, and fear;
the issues of health care, violence, racial tensions, domestic violence, child abuse, and
poverty (to name a few) that impact the people of our continent and our faithful response
to people of great need, and
the world in which we live and our commitment to be careful stewards of the land, water,
and air.
For Interprovincial boards and entities
 staff of the Interprovincial Board of Communication: Mike Riess, Arlene Clendenning,
Renee Schoeller,; the Moravian Ministries Foundation in America: Paul McLaughlin,
Chi-Chi Messick, Laura Watson and Lee Morgan; the Moravian Music Foundation: Nola
Reed Knouse (Director), Gwyneth Michel, Eric Salzwedel, Margaret Brady;
 the Board of World Mission as the vision for mission around the world is integrated with
the vision of local mission within your community. Pray that more people from our
congregations will be led to seek out mission opportunities in cross-cultural settings.
Pray for the staff: Judy Ganz (Executive Director), Sam Gray, Justin Rabbach, Sheila
Beaman, Jill Kolodziej, Deb Swanson, and Reginald Knowlton, and Thomas Baucom
(Board chair)
 Moravian Theological Seminary -- Frank Crouch (dean), Craig Atwood, Riddick Weber
(faculty from our Province).
For our Southern Province
The 55 congregations and 9 Fellowships that form our Province.
The emerging ministries of Anthony's Plot community (Russ May), and Come and
Worship (Brad Bennett).
Our 12 Regional Conferences of Churches as they share, support and engage in mission
Increasing vitality in our congregations through the eight characteristics of health:
Relationship with Jesus Christ both personally and corporately, Worship, Mission,
Leadership, Cooperation, Ministry, Stewardship, and Growth.
faithfulness to God's invitation to share the good news of Jesus Christ in word and deed
with our neighbors and around the world
Provincial Boards and their staff: the Provincial Elders' Conference -- Ron Bell, Ray
Burke, Peggy Carter, Daniel Crews, David Guthrie, Chris Thore, Joyce Vance, and Joe
Moore (part-time Assistant to the President), Beverly Johnson (Executive Assistant),
Gary Stilley (Human Resources Coordinator). The Board of Cooperative Ministries -Ruth Burcaw (Executive Director), Doug Rights, Beth Hayes, Heather Stevenson,
Andrew Cox, Carol Foltz (Board chair). The Provincial Finance Office – Robyn Glance
(Chief Financial Officer), Donna Hampton, Lynda Culler. The Archives -- Richard
Starbuck (Archivist), Nicole Crabbe, Grace Robinson, Mike Sloane (Commission chair).
The Provincial Women's Board – Janet Doub (chair), Cindy Lamb (administrator). The
Provincial Support Services Board – Katherine Wilkerson (chair), Ron Bell, David
Guthrie, Joe Harris, Sabrina Maksi, Dave Marcus, Jerry Smith, Roby Glance (staff).
The Mission Society of the Moravian Church, South – Donna Hurst (President), Sheila
Beaman (staff);
Sunnyside Ministry of the Moravian Church – David Holston (Director), Susan Roediger,
Jonathan Barnes, Charles Forrest, Tim Adams;
Laurel Ridge Moravian Camp and Conference Center -- Tres Fordham (Director),
Terry Rausch, Scarlett Dowdy, Teresa Cude, Dan Jayne, Wesley Hudson (Board chair).
Salemtowne Moravian retirement community – Mark Steele (President/CEO), Frank
James (Board Chair);
Salem Academy and College – Lorraine Sterritt (President), Karl Sjolund (Head of
School, Salem Academy);
Salem Congregation – Mark Leinbach (facilities manager), Jan Trivette.
Our partnership with Forsyth Jail and Prison Ministry.
The bishops residing in our Province, as they pray for the work of the church and provide
counsel for our pastors: Wayne Burkette, Sam Gray, Graham Rights, Lane Sapp, John
The clergy of our province as they minister in settings as diverse as congregations,
prisons, seminaries and hospitals;
The church educators of our Province.
candidates for the ordained ministry to continue to be called by the Holy Spirit into the
service of the Church; and
The retired clergy and their spouses.
Lay leaders, who give of their time and talent on numerous boards, committees, and task
forces of our congregations and Province.
For your congregation, pray for…
discernment of God’s leading for how your church participates in God’s ongoing work;
your church board(s), program committees, and their leaders;
your pastor(s) and church staff;
members and those involved with the life and witness of the congregation;
those with special needs (such as the ill and the home-bound);
ministries of worship, music, education and nurture, outreach and evangelism, and social
organizations of the congregation; and
local ecumenical and community programs.
“I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my
prayers for all of you because of your sharing in the gospel from the first day until now”
Philippians 1:3-5