Homework Policy

Homework/Grading Policy
Mr. Gomola’s 8th Grade US & PA History class
To the family of a 8th grade student,
Why I assign homework:
I believe that homework is a valuable aid in helping students make the most of their experience
in school. I give homework because it reinforces what has been taught in class, prepares students
for upcoming lessons, it teaches students to work independently, it aids me in evaluating student
progress, and helps students develop self-discipline, responsibility, and organizational skills.
When homework will be assigned:
Homework could be assigned any day of the week. The homework should take no more than
one hour to complete (not including long-range projects and studying for tests). Students will
receive homework assignments in class and write their homework assignments in their agendas.
You can check student’s agendas for homework assignments at home. The assignments will also
be posted on my school’s homework central website at the following address:
Tests will be given periodically throughout the year. Adequate notice will be given for all tests.
Students will also be told about the type of questions on the test. (Example: Multiple Choice,
Matching, True/False, Short Answer, Essay, ect…). Tests will range anywhere between 40-100
points. Quizzes will also be given throughout the year. Students will be given ample notice
about the quiz. Quizzes will range anywhere between 10-40 points. Students will also be
assigned various reports and projects that they will have to complete during the year. All tests,
quizzes, reports, and projects will be announced in class and also placed on my school’s
homework central website. I recommend that students study for a test at least a week before the
test date. It is better to study a little bit every night instead of trying to cram a lot of information
into one night of studying. I will go over different study strategies with students in class.
Student’s homework responsibilities:
 All assignments will be completed and turned in on time.
 Students are responsible for making up homework missed due to an excused absence.
(Please refer to the student’s agenda to look up how many days you have to complete
missed work due to multiple excused absences).
 Students will turn in work that is neatly done on a whole sheet of paper. (The paper
should not be crumpled or ripped. I should be able to read what you wrote).
 Students will do homework on their own and ask for help only after they have given it
their best effort.
(Please look at the other side of this page)
If students do not complete homework:
 I have the RIGHT to deduct points from assignments that are not completed to the best of
students’ abilities.
 Points will be deducted for any assignments or projects that are turned in late.
Parent’s homework responsibilities:
Parents are the key to making homework a positive experience for their children. Therefore, I
ask that you make homework a top priority, provide necessary supplies and a quiet homework
environment, provide praise and support, and contact me if you notice a problem.
Teacher’s homework responsibilities:
I will check all written homework and keep a record of assignments completed and not
completed. Students will be graded on their homework assignments. Usually, students will get
5-30 points per homework assignment.
I am looking forward to enjoying an exciting, productive year at school. Please do not hesitate to
call or email me if you have any questions regarding this homework/grading policy or any other
I will review this homework policy with your child, but please read and discuss this homework
policy with your child. After reading, please sign the bottom portion of this policy.
Joe Gomola
8th grade U.S. & P.A. History teacher
I have read the introduction letter and Homework/Grading Policy. This slip is due to
Mr. Gomola by Wednesday, September 2nd.
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature_______________________________________________
Student’s Signature___________________________________ Date_________________