Semester 1 Exam Study Guide Answers complete

Semester 1 Exam Study Guide Answers
1. Solid, liquid, gas
2. Solid=definite shape, tightly
packed/patterns/barely vibrates,
and definite volume.
3. Liquid=definite volume, farther apart/fluid/
flows easily, and no definite shape
(takes shape of container)
4. Gas=no definite shape, very far apart/
moves rapidly, and no definite volume
(easily compressed)
5. Matter is anything that takes up space and has volume
6. Phase change is when a state of matter changes to another state of matter.
7. Freezing = when a liquid changes to a solid
8. Melting = when a solid changes to a liquid
9. Vaporization = when a liquid changes to a gas
10. Condensation = when gas changes to a liquid
11. Add or take away heat
12. Freeze 0oC Boiling 100oC
13. Potential energy = stored energy
14. Kinetic energy = moving energy
15. Most potential energy=solid, Least potential energy=gas
16. Most kinetic energy=gas, Least kinetic energy=solid
17. When heat moves from one object to anther
18. Conduction, Convection, and Radiation
19. Conduction=Touching something/contact=holding an ice cube
20. Convection= moving/rising up when hot and down when cold= hot air rising off a fire
21. Radiation=heat waves moving in all directions=the sun beating down on Earth
22. Heat transfers because the 2 objects are different temperatures
23. Heat transfer always goes from a warmer object to a colder object
24. Conductors allow heat to move quickly and easily through them. Example: tin foil, metal pots
25. Insulators stop heat from moving through them. Keep heat where it started. Example: wool, cardboard,
house insulation
26. Evaporation=liquid/water turning into a gas from heat and rising up into the surrounding atmosphere=
27. Transpiration=extra water released after photosynthesis from plants through pores/holes in leaves=
28. Infiltration= runoff water that seeps/trickles down into the surface of the soil=
29. Condensation=gas/water vapor that turns into a liquid, as it cools it changes state=
30. Precipitation and infiltration/runoff depend on gravity to move water in the water cycle.
31. The matter in a cloud can be in a solid, liquid, or gas state (evaporation/condensation).
32. Most of the energy that drives the water cycle comes from the sun (heat/radiation or absence of).
33. Air masses are large volumes of air with mostly the same temperature and humidity (influenced by location
on Earth).
34. Las Vegas air mass movement is mT (maritime Tropical=influenced by the ocean, producing warm/dry
35. H on a weather map=high pressure, usually happy weather (calm, bright/sunny, dry)
36. L on a weather map=low pressure, usually lousy weather (windy, wet/rainy/stormy)
37. Meteorology is the study of Earth’s atmosphere, temperature and moisture changes that produces
38. A front shows the boundaries between air masses with one air mass replacing the other (temperature,
humidity and wind changes). Types of fronts=cold, warm, stationary, occluded
39. Warm front=shown by line with half circles pointing in direction air is moving on weather map
Warm air mass takes the place of the cold air mass (produces warmer temperatures)
Cold front= shown by a line with triangles pointing in the direction that the air is moving
Cold air mass takes the place of a warm air mass (produces colder temperatures)
40. Plans=outside day-warm front, inside day-cold front
41. H=sunny and bright, L=rainy and cloudy
42. 3 bodies of water that influence weather in the USA- Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico
43. NY/East Coast-Atlantic Ocean
CA/West Coat-Pacific Ocean
TX/Southern States- Gulf of Mexico
Constructed Response-Water Cycle Review:
1. condensation, evaporation, groundwater (infiltration), runoff, precipitation, transpiration, solar radiation)
2. Influenced by gravity-infiltration/runoff and precipitation
3. Runoff-flows across, down, or over the surface of the Earth from higher to lower elevation
4. Infiltration-seeps/percolates into or through the soil, can accumulate into an underground aquifer
5. Gravity exerts force on the water to pull it down toward the surface of the Earth (higher to lower
Constructed Response Heat Transfer Review:
Heat Transfer: transfer of heat from a warmer to a cooler object (warm hands melt colder ice)
Heat can/will continue to transfer until the 2 objects are equal temperature.
3 types of heat transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation
Radiation-heat waves/rays traveling through the atmosphere from the hot object to the cooler object
Conduction-heat that transfers by direct touch or contact from the hot to the cooler object
Conductors allow heat to transfer easily (some metals). Insulators do not allow heat transfer easily (plastic).
6. Be able to make a claim for each one, support it with evidence from the picture provided, and give scientific
reasoning to further support the claim (I know this is the right answer, because this is the science behind it).